Monetize Your Pinterest: How to Use Affiliate Links to Boost Your Income

yellow background with white letters saying Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez

Monetize Your Pinterest: How to Use Affiliate Links to Boost Your Income

Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in!

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a win-win for both creators and brands. As an affiliate marketer, you promote products or services and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. Pinterest, with its visually-driven interface, is an ideal platform for showcasing products in an engaging way, making it easier to drive traffic and generate sales.

Choosing the Right Affiliate Programs

When selecting affiliate programs, look for ones that align with your niche and audience. High commission rates and reliable tracking are essential. Programs like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and RewardStyle are popular choices among Pinterest users and is easy to sign up.  A lot of people try to sign up for programs that require a big following like LTK and Amazon Influencer program.  Just know that you have to start somewhere and once you get that following, you can apply for bigger harder to get into programs later.  With all the program, evaluate each program to find the best fit for your content.  

Creating Compelling Pins for Affiliate Links

Design is key when it comes to Pinterest. Your pins should be visually appealing and relevant to the products you’re promoting. Use high-quality images, put text over the image with keywords that your ideal client uses for searches, create catchy pin titles and descriptions and include a call to action on the text overlay as well as the description of your Pin.  Don’t forget to include in the description that this is an affiliate link (unless you are linking to a blog on your website).  

Unlock Your FREE Pinterest Marketing Resources

Dive into the Pinterest Marketing Resources Vault, packed with over 10 game-changing tools, 6 exclusive masterclasses, and exciting challenges. This free vault is your golden ticket to supercharging your marketing strategies on Pinterest. Get instant access to templates and assets designed to transform your marketing game.

Ready to work smarter, not harder? Sign up now and unleash your full potential!

Affiliate Links vs. a Link to Your Blog

The best way to share affiliate links, in my opinion are to use a blog from your website.  On Pinterest you’re sharing your blog link.  In that blog, ensure you disclose there is an affiliate linke.  Put all the information on you blog about the product or service you are using an affiliate link for.  Don’t just share how amazing it is. Share about what you expected with the product or service and how it’s helped you and improved your life/job. If it’s a product, share a photo of you using the product – that will get you more trust.

Tracking and Analyzing Your Performance

Utilize tools like Pinterest Analytics and Google Analytics to track the performance of your affiliate pins. Monitor metrics such as clicks, saves, and conversions to understand what works best. Use this data to refine your strategy and improve your results.

Do Your Research

Learn from others who have successfully monetized their Pinterest accounts. Study their strategies, from pin design to affiliate program selection, and apply these insights to your approach. Real-life examples can provide valuable inspiration and guidance.

Bottom Line

Integrating affiliate links into your Pinterest strategy can be a game-changer for your income. By choosing the right programs, creating compelling content, and analyzing your performance, you can turn your pins into a profitable endeavor. 

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode Hey there! I'm Jen, your go-to marketing bestie and cheerleader. I'm here to help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to marketing. Every week, I'm diving into the hottest Pinterest trends so you can get ahead of the...

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

a women in white sweater holding a cup of coffee with creamer and words, Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez
women sitting beside the pool with coral dress and cell phone with words, Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez
cell phone on paper tabelt and apple macbook pro with works Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez
grey background with writing tablet and cell phone ontop with air buds and words, Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez

Unlock the Potential of Idea Pins on Pinterest for Your Service-Based Business: Top 7 Strategies for 2023

Unlock the Potential of Idea Pins on Pinterest for Your Service-Based Business 7 Strategies in 2023

Get ready to skyrocket your Pinterest game in 2023!

Pinterest sent an email to creators ending the Pinterest Creator Rewards program at the end of November 2022.  In that email, the “bright spot” was they said links are coming to Idea Pins. It’s something that all Pinterest creators (not just those in the Creator Rewards program wanted), so now we are all waiting on bated breath.

In the meantime, it’s prudent that we improve our idea pin game.  On Pinterest Idea Pins are what Reels are to Instagram.  They tend to get seen the most and they can provide amazing engagement if used correctly!

Email sent by Pinterest about the Creator Rewards ending and Idea Pins Getting links

What Are Idea Pins and Why Use Them?

In case you are in the dark,  basically, you can think of Idea Pins as a cross between Instagram Stories and Reels. They allow you to showcase an idea from start to finish by uploading multiple slides of images and/or video. Unlike Instagram stories, Pinterest Idea Pins remain on your profile permanently (they will drive traffic for months and months once Pinterest releases them).

The reason you should use idea pins besides how much they are seen in your feed is that you’ll find great success using all types of pins rather than just standard pins alone AND now that idea pins will have links very soon, they will also be effective at driving traffic since they have the most engagement.  

Consider also that Pinterest values them so much, they created a ‘Watch’ page in their mobile app to encourage people to scroll endlessly as we do on TikTok + Instagram.

Unlock the Potential of Idea Pins on Pinterest for Your Service-Based Business 7 Strategies in 2023

Share the Complete Picture

When creating idea pins, make sure to include all the relevant details and information to give your followers a clear understanding of the idea and how they can make it happen. The more complete and informative your Idea Pin is, the more likely your followers are to be inspired and take action on your idea.

By using an idea pin to guide users from inspiration to action, you can increase engagement and provide some trust in that know, like trust marketing process.

Make A Splash With Video

Using video on your idea pins on Pinterest can be a powerful way to grab the attention of users and stand out in the feed. According to Pinterest, videos on the platform can drive up to 2.6x more engagement, so starting with a video on the first page of your idea pin can be a great way to increase visibility and engagement. 

PRO TIP: Whenever Pinterest tells us something…. we should listen!

Also, Ensure that you use the Pinterest app on your cell phone as there are more options that desktop doesn’t have.

It’s All About The Details

When creating a video for your idea pin, make sure that it is high-quality and visually appealing. Take the video or photo in a well-lit room or if you are using branding images, ensure that you use a hi-resolution version of the image (about 1200 on the long edge is great).

Some ideas for idea pins are

  • Behind the scenes videos:  Share videos of you doing what you do! As an example, if you’re a photographer a video of you photographing someone.  If you are a coach, you working with something on the computer service your services.  
  • How-to-videos:  like 5 steps to or sharing tips
  • low-energy type of videos: These are my favorites!  Creating short videos doing things like making a face, pointing, looking up and down on the side, etc., with text on top.

Some details to ensure that you use is text on the first slide (which should be a video). Text on the first slide should be keywords because this is a searchable area.  

Also, add music, sound effects, stickers, etc.  Pinterest loves when we use all the bells and whistles.

Don’t forget to use a call to action!  You can find 80 calls to action for Pinterest in my free resources (see the link below)

Want Free Pinterest and Marketing Education?

I have a private Facebook Group where I am providing free marketing education for female service providers.  We bounce ideas off of each other, ask questions about our ideal client, Pinterest marketing, lead magnets, and more!  Click the button below to join us!

Speak to your peeps

One of the key elements of a successful Pinterest strategy is creating content (speaking to) your ideal client.  In other words, pretend you’re talking to a friend.  It will come across as authentic and relatable 

Also consider providing this targeted content to help your ideal client have a transformation in their business.

You can also create inspiring content and cheeky or funny content that would really appeal to your ideal client.  

Definitely avoid being overly promotional and salesy. While it’s important to include calls-to-action in your pins, too much emphasis on pushing your paid services can come across as inauthentic and may turn off potential customers. 

Instead, focus on providing valuable information and inspiration while including CTA’s like lead magnets or any other type of free content.  

Think about it – how often have you scrolled on Pinterest and purchased a 1k coaching program with a perfect stranger.  I’m sure you found them, stalked them, signed up for a free class, and then decided to work with them.

By focusing on building trust that you’re providing valuable educational content while being authentic and avoiding hard-selling tactics, you can increase organic reach on your Pinterest account and gain more engaged followers (as well as clients in the future).

DIY Your Way To Success

When creating idea pins, create visually appealing and engaging pins that would stop you from scrolling on Pinterest.  Try using photos and videos that you’ve taken even on your cell phone.  Or use a stock photo/video membership. I  love Social Squares as they are perfectly on brand for me bright light and full of thousands of options.  Social Squares is an amazing stock photo and video membership and I’ve got a link to check that out below.

You can also use free stock images like Pixel or Canva, but I’m sure you (like myself) have seen the same image on Pinterest multiple times and I wouldn’t describe them as scroll-stopping.  

I can’t forget to remind you to use text overlay to enhance the visual appeal and make the information easier to read and understand.

Also, don’t forget to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and features on Pinterest. This can help you stay ahead of the curve and make the most of the platform’s capabilities to drive more traffic and engagement to your website.

Quality Control

To ensure that your pins look their best, it’s important to perform a quick quality check before publishing. This includes checking the edges of your pins to make sure that they’re properly aligned and that nothing important is cut off. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that any text overlay is within the safe zone so that they’re fully visible and easy to read.

By regularly checking the quality of your pins and making sure that they’re properly aligned and free of errors, you can ensure that they look professional and that they’re more likely to be saved and shared by others.

Unlock the Potential of Idea Pins on Pinterest for Your Service-Based Business 7 Strategies in 2023

Repurpose, Repurpose, Repurpose

Repurposing is something I’m passionate about as a mom of four adults (and 4 grandbabies) plus running two businesses, I don’t have time.  My clients tend to be the same, ultra-busy female service-based entrepreneurs who want to work smarter, not harder.  

For both of those reasons, I have gotten militant in finding the most efficient workflow that is the most effective for marketing.  Repurposing is the key to that workflow.

Whenever you create a short-form video, you should be using it on all social media platforms.  To optimize that short-form video on each platform, ensure that you include text over the video by using keywords to let the viewer know what they are going to see or learn. Just like Pinterest, the other platforms use that text to know who to serve up your content to.

Also, change the caption to be platform specific.  For instance, you don’t want to have “the link’s in my bio” on TikTok right? So adjust the text for the specific platform.


I hope that I encouraged you to start using idea pins in a rotation of pins that you use on Pinterest weekly.  You’ll find success by sharing the complete picture, making a splash with video, paying attention to the details, speaking to your peeps, DIYing your way to success, performing quality control, and repurposing to save time!

As always, go out there and take action on what you learned here today because just getting educated is only half the picture – to succeed in business it’s about taking action and applying what you learned. If you’d like some help, let me know!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode Hey there! I'm Jen, your go-to marketing bestie and cheerleader. I'm here to help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to marketing. Every week, I'm diving into the hottest Pinterest trends so you can get ahead of the...

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

3 Pinterest strategies for service-based businesses.

3 Pinterest strategies for service-based businesses

If you are a service-based business, you NEED Pinterest.  It’s free marketing! So, Today we are going to talk about 3 Pinterest strategies for service-based businesses.

Hey, I’m Jen of wed photography coach Helping you create marketing systems to easily drive traffic to your content! 

Having a strategy is a great way to make working on Pinterest easier.  I always have a system for doing all marketing things in my business.  I’d rather spend time with my family!

So let’s go over the 3 strategies to use for your service-based business.

Create Content that Encourages them to Come Back for More Help!

People go to Pinterest to be inspired, to buy something, or learn how to solve a problem or do something.. Women who become pregnant go to Pinterest, people who are engaged definitely use Pinterest.  So consider creating content that helps people within your niche.  

Position Yourself as an Expert

The easiest thing you can do is to create content on questions that you get from your clients.  If your clients have the question, you can bet those on Pinterest are searching the same thing.  This can be a blog post, youtube video, Instagram post, Podcast – the ideas are endless.  Bonus points if you create a lead magnet or something these “potential clients” can get something for free from you and you get their email so you can warm them up with helpful info and then sell to them.

Use Keywords that your Ideal Client will Search for

Many of my clients would use acronyms or industry words for their business.  That only works to get other businesses to look at your stuff.  DUMB down the content so anyone can find it.  An example is: instead of saying e session – spell it out “engagement session”.

I created this awesome free Pinterest Challenge to learn how to get your Pinterest set up for your business and to start driving traffic to your content!  Just type in the code “pinchallenge” to get the course for free!

Ok now go work smarter not harder!!  Happy Pinning!!

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