Ready For More Traffic to Your Content? 

Fast track your Pinterest success with my Pinterest Strategy VIP Day to boost your traffic to all of your content.

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Jen Vazquez Pinterest Marketing Expert



The Pinterest VIP Day Teaches You How To Strategically Optimize Pinterest For service-based Business With An Actionable Content Marketing Plan 

I KNOW that you know Pinterest is EFFECTIVE (or you would be here) and you may have been trying to work on it, but are overwhelmed or using outdated advice

Some Pinterest stats that may surprise you!

Pinterest has an amazing 518 million monthly active users! That means 518 million people use Pinterest monthly.

Not only is Pinterest an online space for users to find new products, ideas, and inspiration, but half of U.S. users are also using Pinterest to shop.

Pinners are 3x more likely to click through to learn more about a product or service than they are on any other social media platform.

Pinterest is an effective search engine that works like Google when it comes to keywords.  There are more than 2 billion searches per month.

I have a solution for you.  My Pinterest Strategy VIP Day will help you not only have your Pinterest optimized but learn how to keep it going with a marketing strategy that works for YOU and your business in less than a day!  All without the big Facebook ads bill.

This VIP Day is an organized system where I’ll take you (and/or your VA) from just starting out on Pinterest to optimizing your Pinterest to market your business for you — in less than a day!

A successful Pinterest strategy is the fastest way to grow your business

pinterest strategy vip intensive by jen vazquez marketing strategist what it could be

Can you Relate?: 

  • You avoid getting started on Pinterest because you’re completely overwhelmed at the idea of using Pinterest
  • You’re trying to DIY a strategy from outdated advice from online blogs and courses only to not see any results
  • You’re paying a general Virtual Assistant every month to pin for you but you’re not seeing any real growth
  • You’re pinning randomly and hoping that the wheels will click in place yet you’re not seeing any clicks coming through 
  • You KNOW your ideal audience is on Pinterest, but it’s overwhelming, you don’t know where to start, or you are not having success! 
  • You don’t want to buy ANOTHER course that you know you’ll never finish and won’t have an effective way to ask questions 
  • You WISH someone would just do it for you and then help you to create a marketing strategy that works for YOU and your business. 
  • You would rather pay to have it be easy and done in a day!

With This Pinterest Strategy VIP Day:

  • You’ll be more efficient because your Pinterest is fully set up and optimized so you don’t have to guess your way to more website traffic
  • You’ll be more confidence because you have a bulletproof strategy designed to grow your conversion funnel
  • You’ll have more time because you have a strategic pinning method to help you get more pins out in less time
  • You’ll get more website clicks because you’ll have on-brand pins that are designed to drive more eyeballs to your website
  • You can stop wasting time, and be effective with the guidance of a Pinterest marketing expert.
  • You’ll feel invigorated and ready to work on the marketing strategy we created to start driving traffic to your content 
  • Your account will be optimized and you know how to make effective pins
  • Your organic traffic will explode, you’ll increase client leads and ultimately increase sales because of the powerful Pinterest marketing strategies.
  • You’ll learn the exact, proven techniques to create the right content for your ideal audience on Pinterest and drive them to your site to buy your products.
pinterest strategy vip intensive by jen vazquez marketing strategist what is now

Pinterest is only as EFFECTIVE as your Pinterest marketing strategy!



Are you the best fit for my Pinterest Strategy VIP Day?


This IS for you If:


  • You’re an online, service-based female entrepreneur
  • You want to bypass the Pinterest learning curve and get your Pinterest optimized NOW
  • You want to manage your Pinterest account yourself but you just need a hand getting started
  • You don’t have time to figure it all out and know what Pinterest advice is old or not effective
  • You want a custom Pinterest strategy built for you and your business

This Is NOT For You If:


  • You’re looking for full-time Pinterest account management
  • You’re committed to growing your Pinterest account and patient for the long game
  • You don’t create content for your business i.e blogs, youtube video, or podcasts
  • You’re not a service-based business – You sell products.
  • You choose not to invest in your business


What’s included…

Marketing strategy for you and your business to increase your viability, grow your audience, your email list, and drive organic traffic to your content all in less than 45 minutes a week. 

⮕ Complete account setup with optimization if you already have a Pinterest account. 

⮕ A Keyword List to help you quickly and easily write pin titles and descriptions. 

⮕ A Google Analyzer to track your success and see Pin Content that is blowing up so you can create more pins for that content 

⮕ Access to my Pinterest Strategy Academy for three months (group coaching and accountability) 

⮕1-Hour Follow Session anytime between 30-90 days after the VIP day to discuss any questions, how it’s going, and ways to streamline your workflow should you need it.

What We’ll Cover each hour

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✓ Researching to determine the keywords relevant to your brand based on search volume and customer interest to create my Keyword Builder.

✓ Identify the content you need to promote on Pinterest to drive traffic to your site and services

✓ Audit profile and board descriptions to verify that they are “Pinterest SEO” ready and give recommendations for improvement if required.

✓ Creating a custom board cover template

✓ Creating 20 custom pin templates

✓ Audit Website/blog to ensure it’s optimized to increase your reach.

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✓ Create A fully optimized Pinterest profile OR fully optimize your existing account

✓Deliver the keywords Builder specifically for your niche and show you how to find more as you move forward.  

✓ Ensure you have 20 niche-specific boards with descriptions that are SEO-friendly

✓ Ensure you have a business name board and a FREE Resources Board

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✓ Set up your Tailwind Account OR optimize it

✓ Including setting up your schedule

✓ Showing you how to create Pins in Tailwind Create

✓ How to keep it up to date



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✓ Learn how to create graphics that stop the scroll

✓ Design your Pin graphic templates in Canva

✓ Learn how to repurpose your content for Pinterest to other platforms

Learn how to make multiple pins for the same content

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✓ Learn what types of content do well on Pinterest

✓ Create a pinning strategy for YOU and your business

✓ Do keyword research for individual pins

✓ Create content for the next month

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✓ If we haven’t already touched on it, I’ll provide Pinterest best practices

✓ Learn how to schedule out two week’s worth of Pins at a time

✓ Get an overview of how to use Pinterest + Tailwind analytics to measure success + inform your strategy moving forward

✓ Provide any answers to any questions you may have a CELEBRATE that you are on your way to effectively marketing your business with Pinterest!

✓Go over how to analyze your Google Analytics and adjust your content marketing plan accordingly. 

I’m in! What do I do next?


Please schedule time, so that I can learn more about where you’re at right now, and what your goals are.  Pinterest Strategy VIP Intensives are on a first-come-first-served basis (and there are only two spots a month), so if you’re ready to make magic together, please get in touch with ASAP


Schedule your VIP Day by paying and choosing a date that works for you.


Celebrate because you are on your way to effectively using Pinterest to get more traffic to your content and ultimately book your ideal clients!




Hello, I’m Jen

I’ve been a wedding photographer since 2009 and I’ve used Pinterest to market my business for the last 8 years to consistently bring in wedding couples to my photography business.  I then launched my Marketing Strategist business in 2018 when my biz besties told me I needed to help others.  

Before starting my businesses, I was a Division Director for a Fortune 500 company teaching groups of people how to market and sell by using relationship building. I’ve learned to apply that to my business and many other businesses since 2018.  I’ve learned over the years that creating marketing strategies for businesses is my secret power and I truly enjoy teaching others how to do what I’ve done for my business.

jen vazquez pinterest marketing strategist


Do we really need 5 hours?

Yes!  The secret to being able to do it all in a day is having a very specific system that takes up to 5 hours. There is a LOT that goes into creating a comprehensive Pinterest strategy that truly works for you. See the above schedule for what goes into each hour.

Do I need a blog?

I highly recommend that you have a blog for your biz that puts out helpful content on the regular. This is by far the way to get leads on your website from Pinterest, and it ensures that I have enough content to be sharing!

If you don’t have a blog but do have a ton of helpful Instagram, Youtube, lead magnets, courses or other content, however, I can also work with that!

How much does it cost?

It costs $2995. There is a payment plan if you want, simply connect with me and we can chat.

Do you offer a Smaller Strategy Session, done-for-you service, or membership?

If you prefer to go things on your own, check out my Pinterest Strategy Academy which is group coaching and accountability with weekly pinning together.  People that go through my VIP day find joining the membership helpful to keep moving it forward.

If you’d rather not deal with Pinterest yourself at all, then I’ve got your back! I offer done-for-you Pinterest account management services.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes. You have two options. You can either choose to pay the full investment upfront prior to your VIP Day. Or, you can split the investment into a payment plan, in which case 50% is due upfront to secure your VIP Day, and the remaining balance is due the day before your VIP Day.  

What is Tailwind, and do I really need it?

Tailwind is a Pinterest-approved scheduler that allows you to pin at optimal times specifically for your account. Tailwind also allows you to schedule 100s of your pins at once so that you don’t have to pin each day and still constantly have content going out around the clock. I do not complete VIP Days without a Tailwind account. *You can get your free trial of Tailwind here!

When can I book?

Simply complete the application, and once it has been reviewed and feel it would be a good fit, we will send an invoice & a link to book your VIP Day


Have a question, not in the FAQ’s?

I’m happy to connect and answer any questions about the Pinterest Strategy VIP Intensive. You can email me directly at