Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan

hot pink background with white text saying Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media

Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan

Hello friends! Jen here, and today, I’ve got something super exciting to share with you, especially if you’ve ever felt like a hamster trapped on the marketing wheel. Many entrepreneurs struggle with keeping a consistent strategy—they hop from one idea to the next with no clear plan. But guess what? Finding focus and building a comprehensive marketing plan doesn’t have to be complicated. 

I’m going to walk you through a very simple strategy that I’ve used for years, helping me show up everywhere I want with the least amount of effort. If that sounds good to you, let’s dive in!

Step One: Create Core Content

First things first: start with one main piece of content each week. This could be a blog post, a video, or a podcast episode. Choose a topic that resonates with your audience and showcases your expertise. This core content will be the foundation for all your marketing efforts.

Believe me, focusing on one piece of core content saves a ton of time and ensures your message remains clear and cohesive across all channels.

Step Two: Repurpose Your Core Content

Once your core content is ready, it’s time to repurpose it into smaller pieces for different platforms. Here’s how:

  • Social Media Posts: Create three to five posts from your core content. These can be quotes, tips, or highlights. Tailor each post for the specific platform—what works for Instagram might not necessarily work for LinkedIn.
  • Infographics: Summarize key points into an eye-catching infographic. Tools like Canva make this a breeze, even if you’re not a design pro.
  • Email Newsletter: Write a brief summary of your core content for your weekly email newsletter. Include a call-to-action button directing readers to your full blog post, video, or podcast. This way, you’re using your email list to drive traffic to your core content.
  • Pinterest Pins: Create graphic or video pins linking back to your blog, video, or podcast. Pinterest is fantastic for driving traffic to your core content. The more traffic you drive, the more Google will help boost your content’s visibility.

Step Three: Drive Traffic with Consistent Calls to Action

Including a call to action (CTA) at the end of each repurposed piece of content is crucial. Direct your audience to your core content, whether it’s a blog post, video, or podcast. Make sure your CTA is clear and engaging. This creates a consistent flow of traffic and keeps your audience connected across multiple platforms.

Step Four: Measure and Adjust

Implementing the strategy is one thing, but keeping an eye on your analytics is where the magic happens. See which types of posts and platforms drive the most engaged traffic. Use this data to tweak your strategy and focus more on what works best for your audience.

Step Five: Batch Your Work

When you group similar tasks together, you get more done. For instance, if you’re creating videos, try to record two to three (or even four) at one time. This means you can potentially handle a month’s worth of content in just one session.

The same goes for writing: designate a specific block of time for writing multiple blog posts. This method is not only efficient but also helps you get better and faster with practice.

Bottom Line

Creating one core piece of content each week and repurposing it across your platforms can help you streamline your marketing, stay consistent, and save time. This approach ensures your messaging is clear and cohesive, making your marketing efforts more impactful.

Ready to take your content to the next level? Start planning your next blog post, video, or podcast, and see how easy it becomes to create a consistent and effective marketing plan.

If you’d like more personalized help with your strategy or marketing workflow, check out my Pinterest Strategy Club! We offer not just Pinterest education but also focus heavily on time management and smart workflows.

Until next time, work smarter, not harder, and let’s make your marketing plan as impactful as it can be!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh Welcome back to this week's Pinterest Trends Weekly! This week, Pinterest has gathered insights around the theme "Keep it Fresh." We'll dive into all the trending topics, but first, let's look at the key trends: 20x increase in...

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

flatlay on white table with cell, wallet and drink with text: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
white marble table with bowl of lemons with orange swirly notepad and white cell pone with words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
pink table with keyboard, mouse, notebook and words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
white table with greenery, keyboard, glasses, drink and magazine and words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
flatlay on white table with cell, wallet and drink with text: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media

What Are People Searching For This Week on Pinterest (The third week of June)?

four images of summer and fourth of july with words saying What are people searching for this week on Pinterest.

What Are People Searching For This Week on Pinterest in June?

Hey there! I’m Jen, your friendly marketing cheerleader, here to break down what’s trending on Pinterest this week. Let’s dive into the latest search insights and how you can use them to boost your business. 🌟

Current Pinterest Trends: Stars, Stripes, and Sunshine 🌞

This week, Pinterest’s search landscape is buzzing! Key Trends this week include:

  • A 120% increase in “outdoor oasis” searches
  • A 2.5 times increase in “peach crisp with fresh peaches”
  • A six times increase in “firework nails”
  • A 70% increase in “wasp sting remedy”
  • A four times increase in “glamping” (thanks to the adventurous Gen Z)
  • A whopping 160% increase in “snacklebox ideas” among millennials
  • A 2.5 times increase in searches for 4th of July food and barbecue party ideas

All these trends can be explored in more detail on

Behind the Trends

Pinterest is the go-to platform for future-forward ideas, with over 518 million users seeking tomorrow’s inspiration today. Each week, ‘Pinterest Predicts Weekly’ highlights search trends across various categories, regions, and demographics, offering valuable insights for your content strategy.

What’s Trending Now? Stars, Stripes, and Sunshine

The summer holiday spirit is in full swing! From festive block parties and parades to lakeside lunches and fireworks, people are on the hunt for ways to celebrate. Noteworthy search trends over the last three weeks compared to the previous three include:

  • Outdoor Oasis: 120% increase
  • Fun Drinks Alcohol: 105% increase
  • Lemonade Stand Sign: 100% increase
  • Summer Meals for a Crowd: 45% increase
  • How to Pack a Watermelon: 45% increase
  • American Flag Sweater: 35% increase

Category Trend: Pops of Patriotism

Prepping for an epic Fourth of July? Search trends show:

  • Peach Crisps with Fresh Peaches: 2.5 times increase
  • Cherry Recipes: 120% increase
  • Grilled Romaine Salad: 35% increase
  • White Sangria: 25% increase

Beauty and Health

In beauty:

  • Firework Nails: Six times increase
  • American Flag Nails: 95% increase
  • Blue Natural Hair: 55% increase
  • Summer Nails Red: 50% increase

In health:

  • Wasp Sting Remedy: 70% increase
  • Sunburn Relief: 70% increase
  • Bug Bite Relief: 65% increase
  • Sunburn Remedies: 60% increase

Pinterest Membership

Pinterest Strategy Club

A community membership that helps you to learn Pinterest live.  There’s a mini course to optimize your Pinterest to have it help you grow your business.  There are two live calls a month, a Pinning Session for accountability and a Q+A session. Also, Pin templates each month to download.

Audience Trends: Gen Z and Millennials

Gen Z Seek Summer Fun

Gen Z is gearing up for some summer adventures with:

  • A four times increase in searches for “glamping”
  • A 115% increase in “fun summer activities”
  • An 80% increase in “socializing, summer camp”
  • A 55% increase in “road trip”
  • A 25% increase in “yacht party”

Millennials Love Snacklebox Ideas

Millennials are all about innovative picnic ideas and more:

  • 160% increase in “snacklebox ideas,” which sounds fascinating!
  • 100% increase in “festival fits”
  • 45% increase in “parade float ideas”
  • 40% increase in “fireworks”
  • 25% increase in “luxury picnic”

Moment Spotlight: Fourth of July 📅

Searches for Fourth of July are soaring as Pinterest users plan their celebrations:

  • 2.5 times increase in “Fourth of July food barbecue party ideas”
  • Two times increase in “Fourth of July charcuterie board” and “Fourth of July fits”
  • 180% increase in “Fourth of July cocktails”
  • 135% increase in “Fourth of July decorations outdoor”
  • 40% increase in “Fourth of July tablescapes”
Get inspired by the "Summer Spreads" board, chock full of alfresco-friendly eats. Harness these trending terms to create content that aligns with your brand and captures Pinterest search traffic.

Featured Board: Summer Spreads

Get inspired by the “Summer Spreads” board, chock full of alfresco-friendly eats. Harness these trending terms to create content that aligns with your brand and captures Pinterest search traffic.

So there you have it—tons of fun, actionable trends to incorporate into your marketing! Remember, leveraging these insights is like chatting with your best friend about what’s hot this summer. Let’s make the most of these trends and work smarter, not harder, in your marketing journey.

Happy pinning! 😊

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh Welcome back to this week's Pinterest Trends Weekly! This week, Pinterest has gathered insights around the theme "Keep it Fresh." We'll dive into all the trending topics, but first, let's look at the key trends: 20x increase in...

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Discover what's trending on Pinterest this week (third week of June) with Jen Vazquez! From outdoor oasis ideas to 4th of July celebrations, find out the latest search trends and how you can use them to boost your business. Get inspired by the hottest topics and maximize your Pinterest strategy today! Jen Vazquez Media
Discover what's trending on Pinterest this week (third week of June) with Jen Vazquez! From outdoor oasis ideas to 4th of July celebrations, find out the latest search trends and how you can use them to boost your business. Get inspired by the hottest topics and maximize your Pinterest strategy today! Jen Vazquez Media
Discover what's trending on Pinterest this week (third week of June) with Jen Vazquez! From outdoor oasis ideas to 4th of July celebrations, find out the latest search trends and how you can use them to boost your business. Get inspired by the hottest topics and maximize your Pinterest strategy today! Jen Vazquez Media
Discover what's trending on Pinterest this week (third week of June) with Jen Vazquez! From outdoor oasis ideas to 4th of July celebrations, find out the latest search trends and how you can use them to boost your business. Get inspired by the hottest topics and maximize your Pinterest strategy today! Jen Vazquez Media
Discover what's trending on Pinterest this week (third week of June) with Jen Vazquez! From outdoor oasis ideas to 4th of July celebrations, find out the latest search trends and how you can use them to boost your business. Get inspired by the hottest topics and maximize your Pinterest strategy today! Jen Vazquez Media

Unleashing Your Content Creation Power with Jessica Stansberry

Marketing Strategy Academy Podcast #204 An Interview with Jessica Stansberry by Jen Vazquez Media

Unleashing Your Content Creation Power with Jessica Stansberry

Hey everyone, Jen here! Today, I’m beyond excited to share some pearls of wisdom from my chat with none other than the incredible Jessica Stansberry. Jessica is like the queen bee of content creation and a master at helping businesses grow their brands, especially using YouTube. If you’re ready to turn your content into a money-making machine, read on!

Meet Jessica Stansberry

Jessica Stansberry is a powerhouse. With her YouTube channel, email list, and Instagram accounts, she helps content creators and entrepreneurs scale their businesses. She’s no-nonsense, gives you everything she’s got, and is simply amazing!

From Go-Getter to Entrepreneur

Jessica’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. From a determined 14-year-old who worked under the table to buy her cell phone to a corporate worker who couldn’t imagine staying in a job she despised after having her first child, she’s always been fiercely driven. She juggled various roles, from graphic design to web design, before finding her true calling. Her journey teaches us an invaluable lesson: if you want something, figure out how to get it.

The YouTube Journey

YouTube was a game-changer for Jessica. She shifted from making a modest income from web design to leveraging YouTube for teaching and coaching. Her subscribers soared, and her business took off. Jessica emphasizes being consistent and putting effort into titles, thumbnails, and structured content.

Using YouTube to Grow Your Business

Jessica shared critical strategies for growing your business using YouTube:

  1. Consistency Matters: Just do it and keep doing it.
  2. Quality Content: Focus on titles, thumbnails, and the actual content.
  3. 1% Improvement: Aim to get better every single time you post a video. Small improvements add up over time.


Crushing it with Crash

Jessica’s membership, Crash, is a treasure trove of resources for anyone looking to dive deep into content creation. With her guidance, I went from barely engaging with my YouTube channel to booking clients through my videos!

Local Impact: The Marketing Agency

Jessica also runs a local marketing agency, helping small-town businesses with social media strategies. Her agency’s secret? Being strategic about every social media post to ensure it generates leads and sales.

Balancing Content Creation and Business

Jessica’s advice for balancing content creation with business is gold. Hire help where you’re the bottleneck. Even if it’s just a few hours a week, it can make a huge difference.

Looking Ahead: Embracing AI and Authenticity

Jessica sees AI tools becoming a significant player in digital marketing. But she’s equally passionate about maintaining authenticity. Share your unique story in a way that feels comfortable for you. You don’t have to share everything; just enough to be relatable and engaging.

Final Nuggets of Wisdom

Jessica attributes her success to podcasts for business insights, her active YouTube presence, and her incredible team. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale, these elements can give you a unique edge.

Get Started on Your Digital Product Journey!

Ready to create your digital product? Check out Jessica’s freebie. It’s designed to help you determine the best digital product for your audience and get you on the right path.

Bottom Line

From her inspiring journey to her practical tips on balancing content creation and business, Jessica Stansberry’s insights are a treasure trove for any entrepreneur. Whether you’re just starting or looking to scale, there’s something to learn from her experience. Dive into her resources, implement her tips, and watch your business grow!

Gift: + Links

Thanks for tuning in, and as always, work smarter, not harder. Until next time!

Love always, *Jen

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Unleash your content creation power with Jessica Stansberry! Discover her inspiring journey, YouTube growth strategies, and tips on balancing business and content creation in this must-read blog.<br />
Unleash your content creation power with Jessica Stansberry! Discover her inspiring journey, YouTube growth strategies, and tips on balancing business and content creation in this must-read blog.
Unleash your content creation power with Jessica Stansberry! Discover her inspiring journey, YouTube growth strategies, and tips on balancing business and content creation in this must-read blog.

Monetize Your Pinterest: How to Use Affiliate Links to Boost Your Income

yellow background with white letters saying Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez

Monetize Your Pinterest: How to Use Affiliate Links to Boost Your Income

Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in!

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a win-win for both creators and brands. As an affiliate marketer, you promote products or services and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. Pinterest, with its visually-driven interface, is an ideal platform for showcasing products in an engaging way, making it easier to drive traffic and generate sales.

Choosing the Right Affiliate Programs

When selecting affiliate programs, look for ones that align with your niche and audience. High commission rates and reliable tracking are essential. Programs like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and RewardStyle are popular choices among Pinterest users and is easy to sign up.  A lot of people try to sign up for programs that require a big following like LTK and Amazon Influencer program.  Just know that you have to start somewhere and once you get that following, you can apply for bigger harder to get into programs later.  With all the program, evaluate each program to find the best fit for your content.  

Creating Compelling Pins for Affiliate Links

Design is key when it comes to Pinterest. Your pins should be visually appealing and relevant to the products you’re promoting. Use high-quality images, put text over the image with keywords that your ideal client uses for searches, create catchy pin titles and descriptions and include a call to action on the text overlay as well as the description of your Pin.  Don’t forget to include in the description that this is an affiliate link (unless you are linking to a blog on your website).  

Unlock Your FREE Pinterest Marketing Resources

Dive into the Pinterest Marketing Resources Vault, packed with over 10 game-changing tools, 6 exclusive masterclasses, and exciting challenges. This free vault is your golden ticket to supercharging your marketing strategies on Pinterest. Get instant access to templates and assets designed to transform your marketing game.

Ready to work smarter, not harder? Sign up now and unleash your full potential!

Affiliate Links vs. a Link to Your Blog

The best way to share affiliate links, in my opinion are to use a blog from your website.  On Pinterest you’re sharing your blog link.  In that blog, ensure you disclose there is an affiliate linke.  Put all the information on you blog about the product or service you are using an affiliate link for.  Don’t just share how amazing it is. Share about what you expected with the product or service and how it’s helped you and improved your life/job. If it’s a product, share a photo of you using the product – that will get you more trust.

Tracking and Analyzing Your Performance

Utilize tools like Pinterest Analytics and Google Analytics to track the performance of your affiliate pins. Monitor metrics such as clicks, saves, and conversions to understand what works best. Use this data to refine your strategy and improve your results.

Do Your Research

Learn from others who have successfully monetized their Pinterest accounts. Study their strategies, from pin design to affiliate program selection, and apply these insights to your approach. Real-life examples can provide valuable inspiration and guidance.

Bottom Line

Integrating affiliate links into your Pinterest strategy can be a game-changer for your income. By choosing the right programs, creating compelling content, and analyzing your performance, you can turn your pins into a profitable endeavor. 

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh Welcome back to this week's Pinterest Trends Weekly! This week, Pinterest has gathered insights around the theme "Keep it Fresh." We'll dive into all the trending topics, but first, let's look at the key trends: 20x increase in...

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

a women in white sweater holding a cup of coffee with creamer and words, Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez
women sitting beside the pool with coral dress and cell phone with words, Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez
cell phone on paper tabelt and apple macbook pro with works Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez
grey background with writing tablet and cell phone ontop with air buds and words, Are you looking to turn your Pinterest passion into a profitable venture? You’re in the right place! Pinterest is more than just a platform for discovering DIY pro jects and recipes; it’s a powerful tool for generating income through affiliate marketing. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of using affiliate links on Pinterest, helping you boost your income while sharing the things you love. Let’s jump right in with Jen Vazquez

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: Ditch the Sales Pitch & Build Real Connections (Like a Boss!)

Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach.  by Jen Vazquez Media

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: Ditch the Sales Pitch & Build Real Connections (Like a Boss!)

Hey, friend! Jumping into the world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest can be like stepping into a fabulous online party. So much pretty, so much potential! But hold up a sec, let’s chat about the technical side of affiliate links on Pinterest, and an even bigger deal: how to totally change your strategy to make those links actually work.

Forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing. If you’re all about pinning a million links and hoping for the best, honey, it’s time for a glow-up.

Get Real with Pinterest’s Amazing Audience

Unlike those other platforms, Pinterest users aren’t just scrolling for fun (well, maybe a little fun). They’re searching for inspiration, solutions, and products that make their lives better. And guess what? The most successful affiliate marketers on Pinterest get that. They’re not pushy salespeople; they’re your trusted BFF, sharing the good stuff. Ready to become that BFF for your audience? Let’s dive in!

Show Your Value, Girl! That’s the Secret Sauce

Here’s the truth bomb: People click on your affiliate links when they see the value you bring to their life. So, ditch the product dumps and let’s get creative:

  • Lifestyle Content: Don’t just talk about it, show it! Promoting a spring coat? Share killer outfit ideas, where you’d wear it, and how it makes you feel amazing. Real-life use is where the magic happens.
  • Tutorials: Be the guru your audience adores! A quick video recipe using that new kitchen gadget? A makeup tutorial featuring an affiliate product? Leave them wanting more and eager to visit your site (and shop!).
  • Honest Reviews: Become the queen of unbiased product comparisons. Authenticity builds trust faster than a double espresso, especially in those personal areas like wellness.
  • Trend Spotting: Pinterest is all about what’s hot right now. Use those trend predictions to showcase your awesome affiliate finds. Your audience will love you for being their go-to trendsetter!

Tagging Like a Pro: The Technical Stuff

Alright, let’s get a little techy (but don’t worry, we’ll keep it simple). Tagging works a bit differently on mobile and desktop. Mobile lets you tag while you upload, but on desktop, you’ll need to edit after uploading. Keep your pins clean and relevant, with no more than five tags per pin, to keep things valuable and engaging. Remember, too many tags just scream ‘spam.’ Stick to your top 5 relevant keywords per Pin, and you’re golden!

Grow with Grace: It Takes Time, Babe!

Here’s the real talk: growth isn’t instant. There are no magic numbers. Instead, celebrate every new follower, every genuine question… those are the little wins that lead to major success.

Connection: The Heart of Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

In Pinterest’s most popular niches (think food, fashion, beauty), connection is EVERYTHING. This isn’t about a quick buck; it’s about showing your audience you get them, and that the products you promote will truly make their lives better.

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Ethics & the Long Game

In a world that’s all about instant gratification, successful affiliate marketing takes a different approach. Always put value first, be upfront about your affiliate relationships, and stay true to your brand’s awesome message.

The Bottom Line

Pinterest affiliate marketing is a goldmine, but only for those who are willing to build genuine connections. Be a guide, not a billboard. Provide real value, be honest about those affiliate links, and focus on building trust. That’s how you create lasting success (and maybe even make a few new friends along the way!).

Ready to Rock Pinterest & Grow Your Business?

Jen Vazquez Media is your go-to gal for all things Pinterest. Let’s chat about how we can take your affiliate marketing to the next level!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh Welcome back to this week's Pinterest Trends Weekly! This week, Pinterest has gathered insights around the theme "Keep it Fresh." We'll dive into all the trending topics, but first, let's look at the key trends: 20x increase in...

Don’t Forget To Pin It!

Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media