6 things to focus on for Pinterest marketing going into 2024?

6 things to focus on for Pinterest marketing going into 2024 by Jen Vazquez Media

6 things to focus on for Pinterest marketing

Pinterest is the top social media referrer to my website, according to Google Analytics. And here’s an exciting fact – it surpasses even Instagram! As a Pinterest Manager, educator, and recognized Pinterest Pioneer, handpicked by Pinterest themselves as an expert in their Pinterest Business Community, I’ve had the privilege of guiding hundreds of individuals in mastering Pinterest. Moreover, I support businesses by managing their Pinterest accounts, enabling them to focus on what they do best – working in their zone of genius.

Pinterest has changed quite a bit in the past six months, but it’s all for the better! You no longer have to post 20-30 times a day and sharing mostly other people’s content won’t be the key to growing your business. It’s a positive shift toward a more manageable and effective approach.

Here are 6 important tips to keep in mind if you’re thinking about using Pinterest Marketing to grow your business in late 2023 and into 2024.

Patience Wins!

It does take consistent and fresh content to work.  So give it time.  this is the number one thing I hear about Pinterest, “I tried it and it didn’t work”. That’s from people who gave it a go for 30 days.   

Single Organic Pin Type

Pinterest has simplified things by introducing a single organic pin format. You can use graphics (formerly known as standard pins), videos (previously video pins), or a blend of both video and graphics (formerly idea pins). This change makes it much more user-friendly. Plus, every pin now includes links.

Analyze for Success

When it comes to analytics, all metrics on Pinterest are essential. While impressions, follows, and saves are significant, what truly reflects your business growth, not just your Pinterest account’s growth, are Pin clicks and Outbound Clicks. It’s about measuring the impact on your business

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Adapt Your Strategy

Your strategy should be a blend of three key elements: your business goals, Pinterest’s best practices, and the time you’re willing to invest.

Each month, by observing which pins receive the most attention, you can refine your strategy and make slight adjustments to create more of the content that Pinterest, guided by analytics, recommends. It’s about staying flexible and responsive to what works best for your goals.

Pinterest is a Search Engine (not social media)

Pinterest is the third-largest search engine globally, following Google and YouTube, and it’s worth noting that Google owns YouTube. I like to think of Pinterest as a close cousin to these giants. Its primary role is to attract fresh attention to your content.

However, it’s crucial to understand that rarely does someone sign up for a high-dollar coaching program after seeing just one pin. The key is to encourage engagement with your website and get them on your email list. This way, you can nurture their interest and build trust over time, eventually leading to them becoming your clients. It’s about creating a meaningful and sustained connection.

Client Journey Matters

When someone tells you they found you on Instagram, it’s a good idea not to jump to conclusions. Instead, kindly inquire, “How did you discover me on Instagram?” Did they use a specific hashtag (we’d love to know)? Or were they referred by someone (we’d like to express our gratitude)? Surprisingly, about 60% of the time (in my experience), they’ll pause and admit, “Oh, actually, I found you through a Google search or on Pinterest.

This is all part of the client journey. Your pin might have initially caught their interest, leading them to your content. Subsequently, they might have checked out your social media to learn more about you before making contact. They might say “Instagram” because that’s where they were when they decided to reach out. It’s about acknowledging the various touchpoints on their path to connecting with you.


To make the most of Pinterest in the year ahead, remember that Pinterest’s slower growth thrives on consistent, fresh content. Use the simplicity of the single organic pin type, now featuring graphics, videos, and links.

Keep a close eye on analytics, focusing on Pin clicks and Outbound Clicks for real business growth. Craft a strategy that blends your business goals, Pinterest best practices, and the time you can invest, with monthly adjustments based on performance.

Recognize Pinterest as a search engine, not just a social platform, to draw new eyes to your content. Don’t forget the client journey – many first find you on Google or Pinterest, then confirm their interest on social media.

These insights will help you maximize Pinterest’s potential for your business in the year ahead.

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6 things to focus on for Pinterest marketing going into 2024 by Jen Vazquez Media
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Pinterest Predicts Weekly 9-30-22

Pinterest Predicts Weekly Pin Blog Title 9-30-22 by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Marketing Expert

Pinterest Predicts Weekly 9-30-22

What’s trending on Pinterest?  You can use these trends when creating content. *This information is directly from the Pinterest Business Community.© 2022 Highspot, Inc All Rights Reserved

Behind the trends

More than 433 million* people use Pinterest to find tomorrow’s ideas. It’s a place to look forward. By looking at trends on Pinterest in the immediate past, we can glean valuable insights into what may trend elsewhere in the near future. The search trends in Pinterest Predicts Weekly aren’t just from the last four weeks.

All search queries that Pinterest presents have been growing over the last 12 months. To make the trend lines, Pinterest first takes the raw search volume from the last 12 months. To remove platform seasonality, they then index the search volume against the volume of all searches on Pinterest. Finally, they normalize the trend line so that we can compare trends and better see what ideas are trending together.

*Pinterest, Global analysis, August 2022.


Here are this week’s Pinner trends. Pinterest collected insights around the theme of Falling for autumn 🍁 

People on Pinterest are embracing the fall season and are ready to get cozy. Pinners are prepping for the fall cozy aesthetic, chunky sweaters, rainy days, and all. Learn more about these trends in the full report below!


Top stats

  • 180% increase in “friday movie”
  • 175% increase in “rainy day aesthetic”
  • 165% increase in “halloween buffet food”
  • 130% increase in “tailgate finger food”
  • 80% increase in “easy party food for a crowd cheap”

Falling for autumn

Now that summer is just a memory, people are ready to embrace fall and all of its seasonal charm. They’re planning coolweather picnics, Halloween parties, tailgating menus, and figuring out what to wear to homecoming. On the homefront, they’re looking for easy timesaving meal ideas and can’t wait to embrace the cozy fall aesthetic, chunky sweaters, rainy days, and all.

Group dynamics

On Pinterest, people are planning group activities again, including movie nights, fall picnics and wine tours.

There has been a 5x increase in searches for “easy concert hairstyles” from Sep 2021 through Aug 2022 and in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:

  • “fall picnic food ideas” +2x
  • “friday movie” +180%
  • “fall event ideas” +95%
  • “wine tour outfit” +75%

Homecoming style

Fall means homecoming, and Pinterest users are looking for beauty inspiration and outfit ideas for everyone.

There has been a 6x increase in searches for “hoco makeup ideas” from Sep 2021 through Aug 2022 and in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:

Halloween hosting

As Halloween draws near, people on Pinterest are making concrete plans for parties, decor and trunk or treat events.

There has been a 165% increase in searches for “halloween buffet food” from Sep 2021 through Aug 2022 and in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:

Halloween hauls

People on Pinterest will be handing out sours, gummies, and hard candy to trick or treaters this year.


Taking the easy way out

From party food to midweek dinners, Pinterest users are looking for quick and easy meals to feed family and friends.


Game day grub

On Pinterest, people are eager to get their slow cookers and sheet pans out to whip up nachos, sliders, and other football-friendly snacks.

Cozying up to fall

Pinterest users are ready to break out the chunky knits and fuzzy blankets to spend rainy days relaxing indoors.

There has been a 3x increase in searches for “cozy maximalism” from Sep 2021 through Aug 2022 in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:
  • “rainy day aesthetic” +175%
  • “cozy fall” +100%
  • “cozy bedroom ideas relaxing” +70%
  • “chunky knit sweater” +30%
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Hacks used to bring 70% of traffic to my site!

Hacks used to bring 70% of traffic to my site!

Hacks used to bring  70% of traffic to my site!

If you want to watch a video rather than read, scroll to the bottom

Pinterest is a powerful traffic tool that can help to drive traffic to your website. With over 400 million monthly active users, Pinterest is the third largest search engine, making it a great platform for driving traffic to your content. Pinterest is also an evergreen traffic source, which means that your content will continue to be relevant and drive traffic long after it is first published.

As a creative entrepreneur, Pinterest should be a key part of your marketing strategy, and I hope that this blog (and live video below) gives you a glimpse into how you can use Pinterest to drive traffic to your content. 

Pinterest is a powerful tool that can help you showcase your content and reach your ideal client. Pinterest’s superpower is that it can showcase your content for months (not 24-72 hours like Instagram), driving your ideal client directly to you. Pinterest marketing is a great way to reach your target audience and promote your business. 

By following these tips, you can start using Pinterest to reach more people and promote your business.

Alright, enough with that… Here’s those tips! 

Pinterest is a great platform for content creators looking to showcase their work and get it in front of a large audience. 

Whether you are a wedding pro, a coach, or other creative with a service-based business, Pinterest can be a powerful tool to help promote your content and grow your following.

By creating fresh pins on a regular basis, you can ensure that your Pinterest marketing is effective and that your pins stand out from the competition. The key is to be consistent – choose whatever number of pins you can realistically commit to posting on a regular basis, and stick to it. With a little effort, Pinterest can be a great way to reach new readers and viewers.

Create Idea Pins

These really resonate with people and Pinterest has been pushing them hard (and has been for a bit).  Idea pins get you more eyeballs in a short period of time.  Think reels.  Do 1 Idea pin a week (consider what your blog is about each week and create an idea pin). 

You can create them by filming as you talk straight to camera or create graphic slides and upload those.  Be sure to not use logos or website addresses on the graphic, but you can share it in the notes section of the idea pin.  

And… don’t take too much time to create.  Think of creating a reel – it used to take me about an hour to create one.  Now I create them in 15 minutes (that includes filming and adding text).  The same is true to Idea Pins.

The more you create them, the easier they get. And if you know me, you know that I LOVE repurposing so use that Idea pin as a reel.  Film on your cell and then upload to Pinterest save as a video and create a video pin with a link to that content.  Then upload to Instagram and TikTok if you want.


Repurpose or add new boards. Make sure that the boards are all in and around your business and what you sell.  One thing I’ve been doing lately that is working is to have three boards for each area you share in. 

As an example, my Pinterest Management clients sell letterpress cards (they are gorgeous BTW Pretty Peptalks).  I created three boards for her advice on writing notes or cards.  One is Letterpress stationery tips, stationery writing tips, and stationery advice. 

My research showed that those KEYWORDS were searched for and it gives me multiple boards to pin her advice on.  It also allows people to use those search terms to find the board as well as her pins. 

Bottom Line: Repurpose old boards that aren’t getting good analytics or create multiple boards for your keywords.  Do this process every 3 months or so.

There’s a lot of advice, and strategy hacks out there

My concern is that people take them and run with them and it can hurt their analytics over time and then they’ll think, “What the heck is up with analytics”.  Just a simple reminder that you want to focus on what Pinterest tells us they want (Pinterest Best Practices) and combine that with your business goals. 

If you are launching something, create fresh pins for it and pin those at the VERY beginning of your launch.  Then give Pinterest a few weeks to spread that information.  Just be sure that you use the same link on whatever you are launching and make that landing page (link) a WAIT LIST for the next round. 

Also, look at what pins are getting the clicks and outbound clicks and create more similar to them.  The analytics tell you what’s working and what isn’t but remember to give it time.  Pinterest is a long game like blogging.

Mistakes that people make are to give up too soon.  Each month look at your analytics and adjust your strategy to what’s working and what’s not.


Find an expert to help YOU create a strategy specifically for YOUR business and it’s goals so that you can hit the  ground running without wasting time with outdated or misinformation!  

And if you are looking for JUST THAT, an expert to help YOU with your Pinterest marketing strategy – then friend, let’s chat !  I have three services available from a done-for-you service, done-with-you service, and a DIY service.  I’d love to help!!

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A post shared by Pinterest Queen (@jenvazquezcoach)

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Hacks used to bring 70% of traffic to my site!
Hacks used to bring 70% of traffic to my site by Jen Vazquez Pinterest Marketing Strategist
Hacks used to bring 70% of traffic to my site by Jen Vazquez Pinterest Marketing Expert
Hacks used to bring 70% of traffic to my site by Jen Vazquez Pinterest Marketing Expert

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The Most Effective Pinterest Marketing Strategy for 2022

The BEST Pinterest Marketing Strategy for 2022 (IN 6 SIMPLE STEPS)

Every expert for Pinterest may say things a little bit differently and may have different advice.  For me, this strategy does really well because it’s timeless and will work even if Pinterest changes the algorithm as so many social media platforms do.

Step One | Your Business Goals

Figure out what your business goals are. Make sure they are smart goals.  Specific: Set real numbers with real deadlines. Not more traffic – be specific.  Measurable:  Make sure your goal is trackable (and keep track of it). Achievable: Work towards a goal that is challenging, but possible.  Realistic:  Be honest with yourself, you know what you will and won’t do.  Time-bound: Give yourself a deadline and create steps to get there.

Step Two | Pinterest’s Best Practices

Always keep up-to-date with what Pinterest’s best practices are and make sure that they are apart of your strategy.  If you try to work around them, you will take the chance of getting kicked off of Pinterest for spammy content.  These can be found at https://business.pinterest.com/creative-best-practices 

Step Three | Create Actionable + Problem Solving Content

This type of content will get you the best results.  Actionable content is content people can take action on, it’s advice, tips, help, or how-to type of content.    Also any questions you get from your clients more than once, this would make a great blog and content for Pinterest.

Type Four | Scroll Stopping FOMO Graphics


Try different colors and readable fonts, add CTR, and use fresh images.  Make it impossible for the pin to not be clicked.  You can always search for your core content on Pinterest and see what colors are used the least so that your pin stands out. 

Step Five | Consistency + Workflow

Whether you pin 2 or 15 times a day, do it EVERY day.  Creating a workflow that is easy to follow and replicate week after week enables you to spend less time using Pinterest.  Add a system like when you create graphics for your blog post (or youtube or podcast), that is when you should create pins.  When you do the same type of work at the same time, you work quicker and more effectively.

Step Six | Research + Keywords for your Ideal Client

Ensure that you are using the correct keywords by researching what your ideal clients are typing into their keyboard to find your content.  Look at google and ask your best clients what they would type to find your type of content.

I hope that these steps will help you create an amazing strategy for Pinterest.

If you need help with Pinterest, shoot me an email HERE.

Don’t forget to Save!

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The most effective Pinterest Marketing Strategy for 2022
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The BEST Pinterest Marketing Strategy for 2022

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