Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: Ditch the Sales Pitch & Build Real Connections (Like a Boss!)

Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach.  by Jen Vazquez Media

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: Ditch the Sales Pitch & Build Real Connections (Like a Boss!)

Hey, friend! Jumping into the world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest can be like stepping into a fabulous online party. So much pretty, so much potential! But hold up a sec, let’s chat about the technical side of affiliate links on Pinterest, and an even bigger deal: how to totally change your strategy to make those links actually work.

Forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing. If you’re all about pinning a million links and hoping for the best, honey, it’s time for a glow-up.

Get Real with Pinterest’s Amazing Audience

Unlike those other platforms, Pinterest users aren’t just scrolling for fun (well, maybe a little fun). They’re searching for inspiration, solutions, and products that make their lives better. And guess what? The most successful affiliate marketers on Pinterest get that. They’re not pushy salespeople; they’re your trusted BFF, sharing the good stuff. Ready to become that BFF for your audience? Let’s dive in!

Show Your Value, Girl! That’s the Secret Sauce

Here’s the truth bomb: People click on your affiliate links when they see the value you bring to their life. So, ditch the product dumps and let’s get creative:

  • Lifestyle Content: Don’t just talk about it, show it! Promoting a spring coat? Share killer outfit ideas, where you’d wear it, and how it makes you feel amazing. Real-life use is where the magic happens.
  • Tutorials: Be the guru your audience adores! A quick video recipe using that new kitchen gadget? A makeup tutorial featuring an affiliate product? Leave them wanting more and eager to visit your site (and shop!).
  • Honest Reviews: Become the queen of unbiased product comparisons. Authenticity builds trust faster than a double espresso, especially in those personal areas like wellness.
  • Trend Spotting: Pinterest is all about what’s hot right now. Use those trend predictions to showcase your awesome affiliate finds. Your audience will love you for being their go-to trendsetter!

Tagging Like a Pro: The Technical Stuff

Alright, let’s get a little techy (but don’t worry, we’ll keep it simple). Tagging works a bit differently on mobile and desktop. Mobile lets you tag while you upload, but on desktop, you’ll need to edit after uploading. Keep your pins clean and relevant, with no more than five tags per pin, to keep things valuable and engaging. Remember, too many tags just scream ‘spam.’ Stick to your top 5 relevant keywords per Pin, and you’re golden!

Grow with Grace: It Takes Time, Babe!

Here’s the real talk: growth isn’t instant. There are no magic numbers. Instead, celebrate every new follower, every genuine question… those are the little wins that lead to major success.

Connection: The Heart of Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

In Pinterest’s most popular niches (think food, fashion, beauty), connection is EVERYTHING. This isn’t about a quick buck; it’s about showing your audience you get them, and that the products you promote will truly make their lives better.

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Ethics & the Long Game

In a world that’s all about instant gratification, successful affiliate marketing takes a different approach. Always put value first, be upfront about your affiliate relationships, and stay true to your brand’s awesome message.

The Bottom Line

Pinterest affiliate marketing is a goldmine, but only for those who are willing to build genuine connections. Be a guide, not a billboard. Provide real value, be honest about those affiliate links, and focus on building trust. That’s how you create lasting success (and maybe even make a few new friends along the way!).

Ready to Rock Pinterest & Grow Your Business?

Jen Vazquez Media is your go-to gal for all things Pinterest. Let’s chat about how we can take your affiliate marketing to the next level!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget To Pin It!

Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media

Get Ahead with 2024 Travel Trends On Pinterest For Travel + Wellness Businesses

Pink background with white writing saying Pinterest Analytics Is Your Secret Weapon for Explosive Growth

Pinterest Analytics: Your Secret Weapon for Explosive Growth (and How to Use It Like a Pro!)

Ready to unleash the full potential of your Pinterest marketing? We’re diving deep into Pinterest analytics – your golden ticket to understanding what makes your audience tick.

Forget the “just post pretty pictures and hope for the best” approach. We’re talking about strategic moves that’ll turn your Pinterest into a lead-generating machine.

Why Pinterest Analytics Matter (Like, Really Matter)

Think of Pinterest analytics as your crystal ball. They show you:

  • Who’s vibing with your brand: Discover the demographics, interests, and even the devices your ideal clients use.
  • What content makes them swoon: Uncover the pins and topics that are sparking the most engagement.
  • How they’re interacting with your pins: Are they clicking through to your website? Are they saving your pins for later?

Armed with this intel, you can tailor your Pinterest strategy to perfection, serving up content that resonates like a love song.

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Your Pinterest Analytics Cheat Sheet

Don’t get overwhelmed by the data overload! Here are the most important metrics for service-based businesses like yours:


How many times your pins have appeared in feeds, searches, and category pages.

Pin Clicks

How often people click on your pins to get a closer look.

Outbound Clicks

The holy grail! This is how many people click through to your website from your pins.

Total Sessions from Pinterest (Google Analytics)

How many website visits you’re getting from Pinterest traffic.

Pin Clicks vs. Outbound Clicks: Your Dynamic Duo

Think of Pin Clicks as the initial spark – someone’s intrigued! Outbound Clicks are where the magic happens – they’re the people who are genuinely interested in your services and are taking that next step to learn more.

By tracking these two metrics, you can pinpoint the content that’s not only catching eyes but also driving real, potential-client traffic to your site.

How to Use Your Pinterest Data Like a Boss

  1. Spot the Winners: Which pins are getting the most clicks and driving traffic? Make more of that kind of content!
  2. Ditch the Duds: If a pin isn’t performing, don’t be afraid to give it a refresh or try a different approach.
  3. Plan Ahead with Pinterest Trends: See what’s trending and create content that aligns with those hot topics.
  4. Refine and Repeat: Pinterest is always evolving. Keep checking your analytics regularly to adjust your strategy and stay ahead of the game.

The Bottom Line

Remember, Pinterest isn’t just about pretty pictures – it’s about connecting with your dream clients and growing your business. Let’s make Pinterest magic happen! ✨

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget To Pin It!

Women in gold shimmery dress holding a cell phone and writing saying how to Turn Pinterest Analytics into Your Marketing BFF
Desk with beige cell phone holder, keyboard, ear budgs and writing saying Pinterest Analytics Cheat Sheet
Desk in pale pink with keyboard, glasses and cell phone with writing saying Using Pinterest Analytics to Drive Real Results
white desk with light orange coffee cup with writing saying how to Use Pinterest Analytics Like a boss

Get More Leads, Grow Your Biz: Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers

orange pinterest in with the word, "Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers Pin by Jen Vazquez Media" on it

Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers

Remember the days when Pinterest was just a pretty board of dream vacations and delicious cakes? Well, wake up and smell the espresso, porque amigas, things have gotten SERIOUSLY exciting over there! Pinterest is a goldmine for savvy business owners like you, a land of endless leads and loyal fans just waiting to be discovered.

But hold on a sec, you say. Organic Pinterest growth? Isn’t that like, climbing Mount Insta in flip-flops? Not to worry, my marketing queens, because Jen Vazquez Media is here to be your sherpa (with a killer outfit and a wicked sense of humor, of course).

Ready to unleash your inner Pinspiration queen and watch your business boom? Buckle up, it’s time for some glitter-powered organic Pinterest tips:

1. Video Vixen: Slay with Captivating Clips

Forget static images, chicas! Video Pins are the Beyoncé of the Pinterest world, strutting their stuff and stealing all the clicks. Whip up short, sassy videos that showcase your expertise, offer juicy tutorials, or just ooze your brand personality. Think cooking demos with a side of sass, behind-the-scenes peeks at your creative process, or inspirational quotes delivered with your signature wink. Remember, it’s all about grabbing attention and making your viewers say, “OMG, I need more of this!”

2. Keyword Queens: Craft Titles that Magnetize

Keywords are your secret weapon, honey. Sprinkle your pin titles and descriptions with search terms your ideal clients are craving. But ditch the robot talk, keep it natural and intriguing. Think headlines that pique curiosity and promise a world of value. Think “From Pinterest Zero to Hero in 7 Easy Steps” or “Unlock Your Inner Instagram Goddess with These Genius Reels Hacks.” You get the picture, boo.

      • Hack 4: Social Butterfly: Do a quick montage of sharing your pins on other social media platforms.
      • Hack 5: Data Decoder: Use a screen recording to show yourself analyzing your Pinterest insights and making adjustments based on the data.
  • Call to Action:
    • End with a strong call to action. Encourage viewers to visit your blog post for more detailed tips and free resources. You could say, “Ready to pin your way to success? Head to the link in bio for my full organic Pinterest guide and freebies! Let’s make your business boom!”

Additional Tips:

  • Use catchy music and upbeat transitions to keep the Reel engaging.
  • Add text overlays to highlight key points from your blog post.
  • Use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.
  • Post the Reel to your Instagram and Facebook Reels as well.


  • You could even create a series of Reels, diving deeper into each individual hack from your blog post.

I hope this gives you a good starting point for your Reel! Remember to tailor it to your specific brand voice and style to make it truly your own.

3. Social Butterfly: Spread Your Wings Across Platforms

Pinterest isn’t your only stage, darlings! Share your visual gems on your other social media haunts. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – let them all sing your Pinspiration praises. Cross-promotion amplifies your reach and brings fresh faces to your Pinterest haven. Think of it like throwing a fabulous party and inviting everyone – the more the merrier (and the more leads, natürlich)!

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

4. Data Decoder: Analyze Your Path to Pinning Perfection

Knowledge is power, and Pinterest analytics are your secret weapon. Dive into data insights to see which pins reign supreme and which need a makeover. Optimize your strategy based on what resonates with your audience. Learn the language of your pin performance and watch your click-through rates soar like a disco ball on overdrive. Remember, data is your BFF, not your frenemy. Embrace it, understand it, and use it to conquer the Pinterest universe!

Bonus Tip: Freebie Fiesta!

Speaking of conquering, did I mention my EPIC Pinterest Resources freebie library? Over at, you’ll find checklists, templates, and guides galore to take your Pinterest game from zero to hero.

So, there you have it, queens! With these organic Pinterest tips and a healthy dose of your fabulous energy, you’re ready to turn your pinboards into lead-generating empires. Remember, it’s about being strategic, creative, and having a blast while you do it. So put on your best business crowns, grab your virtual megaphones, and let’s paint the Pinterest world with your unique magic!

And don’t forget, your friendly neighborhood marketing cheerleader is always here to cheer you on. Go get ’em, queens!

P.S. Follow me on Pinterest for more tips!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

pinterest pin with a women in purpule looking at a tablet with pinterest pins on it and the words, "Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers Pin by Jen Vazquez Media"
a women holding a cell phone with Pinterest on it n front of a computer and the words, "Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers Pin by Jen Vazquez Media"
pinterest pin with the words on it, "Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers Pin by Jen Vazquez Media"
photo of a cell phone with pinterest on it and the words, "Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers Pin by Jen Vazquez Media"
Image of a desk with a laptop and a women's hands on it plus the words, "Authentic Pinterest Growth Hacks for Female Service Providers Pin by Jen Vazquez Media"

What Are People Searching for On Pinterest: A+ essentials

a variety of images all around school being in session 9-5 what are people searching for on pinterest by jen vazquez media template blog header image

What Are People Searching for On Pinterest: A+ essentials

I’m back with the latest Pinterest trends and this week Pinterest collected insights around the theme: A+ essentials. People on Pinterest are getting ready for a new school year in creative and mindful ways 📚.

Key trends

  • 3x increase in “back to school photo booth

  • 2.5x increase in “emergency kit for school

  • 2.5x increase in “school clothes organization

  • 185% increase in “healthy school lunches

  • 115% increase in “college backpack essentials

Behind the trends

Pinterest is a place to look forward. In fact, more than 463 million* people use Pinterest to find tomorrow’s ideas. By observing current trends on Pinterest, we can glean valuable insights into what may trend elsewhere in the near future.

Each week, Pinterest Predicts Weekly highlights actionable search trends among Pinterest users across categories, regions, and demographic groups. All search queries link to where you can discover insights and create campaigns around popular search queries.

Check out Pinterest’s report to see their report.

*Pinterest, Global analysis, Q1 2023.

Audience spotlight: Prepped for Pep!

Pinterest searches are on the rise for back-to-class planning and preparations. Growing searches by Gen Z in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:

  • 2.5x increase in “emergency kit for school”
  • 2x increase in “back to school nails acrylic”
  • 115% increase in “college backpack essentials”
  • 70% increase in “pink school supplies”

FREE Pinterest Challenge

Sign up to learn how to work smarter not harder on Pinterest to grow your business.  You’ll learn:

—> Strategy, Workflow, and Analytics That Matter
—> What Type of Content Grows Your Business
—> What Pins Work Best To Grow Your Business (not just like you)
—> Strategy, Workflow, and Analytics (oh my) That Matter

Category Trend: Academic aesthetic

People on Pinterest are gearing up for a vibe-worthy learning mode.


In the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:


In the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:


In the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:

Growing Trend: Grading with gratitude

On Pinterest, people are finding ways to show appreciation for learning. Growing search terms in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:

Other growing search terms in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:

  • 3x increase in “first day of school gifts for teachers”
  • 3x increase in “back to school gifts for kids”
  • 2.5x increase in “back to school cookies”
  • 2x increase in “new teacher gift ideas”

Moment Spotlight: First Day of Class

From desk to decor, everyone’s creating their own school spirit.

  • 4x increase in “back to school bulletin boards preschool”
  • 2.5x increase in “school clothes organization”
  • 140% increase in “school nurse office decorations”
  • 130% increase in “teacher desk decorations”
  • 100% increase in “school planner”
  • 55% increase in “school backpack essentials”

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

What Are People Searching For On Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media
What Are People Searching For On Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media
What Are People Searching For On Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media
What Are People Searching For On Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media

Supercharge Your Service Business on Pinterest: Must-Have Boards!

Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider! Pins for blog by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Marketing Strategist

Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider!

Are you a service provider looking to boost your online presence and attract more clients? Pinterest has got your back! I know it can feel a bit overwhelming at first, but fear not, my friend. I’m here to help you navigate the exciting world of Pinterest boards. The burning question on your mind is probably, “What Pinterest boards should I have?” Well, let’s dive in and find out together!

Understanding Pinterest Boards

Picture this: Pinterest boards are like virtual treasure chests filled with ideas from all over the internet. You can save images, articles, and more from any website out there (unless the website owner puts up a “no pinning” sign, like a digital bouncer). There are three main types of Pinterest boards:

  1. Public boards: These boards are open for everyone to see. Show off your expertise and let your content shine!
  2. Secret boards: Need to keep things hush-hush? Secret boards are your go-to. Only you and your trusted contributors can access them. All your personal Pinterest pinning should be done on secret boards. You can still pin to these boards.
  3. Archived boards: For your eyes only! These boards are purely personal, perfect for gathering inspiration or saving private gems.  You can’t pin to them but they aren’t lost.

Why Pinterest Boards Matter for Service Providers

Using my proven Pinterest Marketing Method, I help hyper-busy, female service providers create one marketing workflow to book more clients and increase their income and impact… in about an hour a week

Now, here’s where the magic happens. Each time you add a pin to a board, it gets exposed to your followers and the followers of that specific board. Imagine that—targeted exposure without spending a dime! But hold your horses, we need to set up strong and relevant boards right from the start to make the most of this golden opportunity.

Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider! Pins for blog by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Marketing Strategist

Step 1: Evaluate Your Service Categories

Let’s start by identifying the core categories of your service business. Think about the services you offer and the expertise you bring to the table. We’re talking broad categories here, so you can cast a wide net. For example, if you’re a social media consultant, your categories might include:

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Content Strategy
  3. Branding
  4. Digital Advertising
  5. Analytics

Feel free to jot down your categories on a digital spreadsheet or a good old-fashioned piece of paper.

Step 2: Crafting the Perfect Pinterest Boards

Now, let’s get creative and strategize our board setup. The key here is to maximize visibility and reach. Aim to save each pin to at least five relevant public boards. More boards mean more chances for your content to go viral!

For each category, you’ll want a minimum of five boards. Remember, you can have up to 500 boards on your Pinterest account, but we’ll start with the essentials. Don’t go overboard all at once—pace yourself like a Pinterest pro.

Step 3: Board Naming with a Dash of Keywords

Here’s where we sprinkle some Pinterest magic dust on our boards. We want them to be relevant and search engine-friendly. To choose the perfect board titles, let’s tap into what Pinterest users are searching for.

Start by typing your first category into the Pinterest search bar. You’ll see a dropdown list of popular keywords related to your category. These suggestions are pure gold! Select the ones that best align with your content. 

Remember, you can rearrange the keywords to make them sound natural while still being search-friendly. Let your creativity run wild!

Find ideas for boards by using your blog categories or business categories. Search on Pinterest and see the drop down menu for more keywords. by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager

Step 4: Optimize Your Boards with Pinterest SEO

Time to give your boards some SEO love! Add a board description using related keywords to boost.  This means that you have to go back into the boards you create to add a description.  Use as many keywords as you can while still making it “readable” by humans to win the SEO game!


Pinterest is a powerful tool that can supercharge your service business and help you attract more clients. By strategically creating and organizing your Pinterest boards, you can showcase your expertise, increase your online visibility, and reach a wider audience.

Remember to evaluate your service categories, craft relevant boards, and optimize them with keywords on a regular basis to enhance their searchability. With a little creativity and consistent effort, you can harness the potential of Pinterest to grow your service business and stand out in a competitive market.

So, don’t wait any longer—start creating those irresistible Pinterest boards and watch your business soar to new heights!

If you don’t think you’ll have the time but want the benefit of Pinterest, consider hiring a Pinterest manager to allow you to work in your zone of genius.  Find out more or schedule a free consultation below!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider! Pins for blog by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Marketing Strategist
Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider! Pins for blog by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Marketing Strategist
Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider! Pins for blog by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Marketing Strategist
Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider! Pins for blog by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Marketing Strategist
Must-Have Boards for Pinterest as a Service Provider! Pins for blog by Jen Vazquez Media Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Marketing Strategist