Turn One Piece of Content into 14: A Guide for Busy Female Service Providers

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Turn One Piece of Content into 14: A Guide for Busy Female Service Providers

Welcome to another exciting exploration of savvy marketing strategies! Today, we’re diving into the magic of content repurposing – an absolute game-changer for busy female service providers. Imagine turning a single piece of content into 15 different pieces! Sounds like a dream? Well, it’s TOTALLY doable, and I’m here to show you how!

Welcome or welcome back

Hey! I’m Jen, your marketing bestie with a twist. I specialize in Pinterest Management, Marketing Education, and Brand Photography/Videography to boost your brand online. My aim? To help you engage your audience with stunning visuals and master Pinterest, making your business shine brighter.  Think of it as giving your brand a supercharge with strategies that save you time and skyrocket your leads. If you’re a busy female entrepreneur looking to grow without the overwhelm, I’ve got your back. Let’s unlock the power of Pinterest together and make your business irresistible, one pin at a time.

The Power of One

Why Repurpose?

Repurposing content isn’t just about saving time (though it’s a huge perk!). It’s about extending your reach, reinforcing your message, and making the most of your creative efforts. Let’s say you’ve created a fabulous blog post or a captivating video. That’s not the end – it’s just the beginning!

Breaking Down the Content

Choosing Your Star Content

Start with something informative, engaging, and versatile. Think of a piece that resonates with your audience – maybe it’s a blog post, a podcast episode, or a video interview.

Marketing Accelerator

UPLEVEL YOUR MARKETING WORKFLOW ON YOUR TERMS!  Often times what it takes to uplevel an area of your business like marketing is expert advice from a person who learns about your business, your ideal client, and your business goals.

The Repurposing Process

Your Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Social Media Snippets: Create punchy posts for Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  2. Pinterest Pins: Design several pins, each highlighting a different angle of your content.
  3. Email Newsletter: Give a sneak peek or summary in your weekly emails.
  4. Infographics: Visualize data or tips from your content.
  5. Short Video Clips: Chop up a video for TikTok or Instagram Reels.
  6. Podcast Episode: Delve deeper into the topic in a podcast.
  7. Webinar Material: Use the content as a basis for an informative webinar.
  8. E-book: Expand your content into an e-book.
  9. Interactive Content: Create quizzes or polls.
  10. Guest Posts: Adapt for guest blogging.
  11. Case Studies/Testimonials: Incorporate real-life examples.
  12. Slide Deck: For presentations or LinkedIn SlideShare.
  13. FAQs: Address common questions.
  14. Forum Contributions: Share your expertise in online communities.
  15. Live Q&A Sessions: Use the content as a foundation for a live Q&A session on social media or a webinar platform, inviting your audience to engage directly with you and the material.

Tips for Effective Repurposing

Quality and Consistency

Every piece you repurpose should reflect your brand’s quality and voice. Consistency is key in building trust and recognition.

SEO Matters

Optimize your content for search engines, so your pearls of wisdom are easily found by those who need them!

Wrapping It Up

You’ve Got This!

Remember, your content is a treasure trove of opportunities. Each repurposed piece is a chance to shine in a new light and reach someone new. I can’t wait to see how you creatively expand your content universe!

Let’s Chat!

Drop me a message if you’re looking for more personalized guidance. Let’s turn your content into a powerhouse of engagement and opportunity!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Keep It Fresh Welcome back to this week's Pinterest Trends Weekly! This week, Pinterest has gathered insights around the theme "Keep it Fresh." We'll dive into all the trending topics, but first, let's look at the key trends: 20x increase in...

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Pinterest pin with the text: Turn One Piece of Content into 14: A Guide for Busy Female Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media
pinterest pin with the text: Turn One Piece of Content into 14: A Guide for Busy Female Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media
Pinterest pin with text: Turn One Piece of Content into 14: A Guide for Busy Female Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media
Pinterest pin with the text: Turn One Piece of Content into 14: A Guide for Busy Female Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media
Pinterest pin with the text: Turn One Piece of Content into 14: A Guide for Busy Female Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media

Blog My Simple Core Content System and How To Repurpose It!

Core content is simple. It’s content that aligns with your audience’s interests while simultaneously generating demand for your product or service.

An example, I’m a wedding photographer. So my core content in that business is education or sharing my service which helps my ideal client find me on Google or social media. 

It may be a blog of a wedding I did, featuring the city and venue (keywords) so google serves it up to couples searching for wedding vendors or venues. 

It may be wedding planning advice (how to find the best photographer, you’re engaged now what, how to pick a venue for the best images, etc).

Your core content can be a blog, Youtube video, or Podcast.  Let’s use a blog as an example.  

So after you create the blog, research the title to use the best keywords, you’ll want to repurpose to YouTube or podcast, or Instagram live. 

Then here is how you’ll repurpose. 

Here are just some ways that I repurpose for you to get the gist.  Here they are:


  • Start with a blog about your expertise 
  • create a YouTube of slideshow images
  • create a reel of behind the scenes
  • it becomes a video on Pinterest
  • video on LinkedIn
  • video on tik tok
  • video on YouTube 
  • add a video to blog
  • create an idea pin featuring the venue 
  • turn that info another reel 
  • create a IG carousel post tagging all vendors
  • create a venue guide by adding all images for that venue
  • create a carousel on bouquets and include one of the images from this wedding
  • google my business. Add a review of the venue saying how you love photographing there and add your images
  • share any of the above from time to time on stories 
  • share stories from the past (tag all vendors)
  • write a spotlight venue blog with the images from any wedding there
  • top 10 or 20 wedding of the year blog
  • anniversary IG post

That’s just a few ideas.  If you do this for each wedding and educational blog, you’ll never have to worry about creating more content.  Creating a core piece of content each week is the best to really drive traffic. And all of that content will help to get you found.

In addition, don’t forget that each piece of core content can create around 5-7 IG posts, reels, or other social media content.


If you need help with Pinterest, shoot me an email HERE.

Don’t forget to pin it!

My Simple Core Content System and How To Repurpose It!
My Simple Core Content System and How To Repurpose It!
My Simple Core Content System and How To Repurpose It!
My Simple Core Content System and How To Repurpose It!
My Simple Core Content System and How To Repurpose It!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy

10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy

Step 1

Create a blog/video/podcast that teaches something or has an action step.  It’s helpful if you create content weekly.  Some people write a blog post and use that, while others write a blog post and create a video.  Creating a blog post is important for SEO on Google and to get your business out there. Then, you can use it for all of the repuposing steps below.

Step 2

Create 3-5 social media posts from the content.  If your blog post is about 10 tips to X,Y,Z, you can make a social media post about the top tip, then make three more with 3 tips each over the weeks ahead.  

Step 3

Create an idea pin for Pinterest.  To learn how to do that, you can watch my live mastermind on the subject here.

Step 4

Use the slides from idea pin as carousel on IG.  Use Canva pro to resize your idea pin to make Pinterest square sized carousel slides and upload them to instagram.  

Step 5

Create a video from the idea pin to pin to Pinterest.  In Canva take all the slides and use 2-3 seconds in the automate section and save as an MP4 video.  Upload the video to Pinterest and also everywhere it it makes sense (youtube, IGTV, etc.).

Step 6

Use the video as a reel.  Ensuring that you keep each of the slides to 2-3 seconds so that it’s a short reel, which tends to do better.

Step 7

Use the video for Tik-Tok making sure you use a trending audio for the best traction.

Step 8

Create 2-3 IG stories from the blog (link in bio to read more)

Step 9

Share all of the different repurposing items you created above and post them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.  Videos tend to do better on all social media platforms, but you can post the carousels too.

Step 10

Send an email to your email list with key points about the blog post.  Include a button for people to read the full blog also.  If you have a video or podcast also, you can include that in the blog post and on this email.


Search insights on IG for reels, IGTV’s and Posts and the ones that deliver good educational or actionable content and share directly to Pinterest from Instagram on your cell and my clients have seen more traffic to their IG especially for older content that did so well.

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10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy
10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy
10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy
10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy