Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan

hot pink background with white text saying Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media

Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan

Hello friends! Jen here, and today, I’ve got something super exciting to share with you, especially if you’ve ever felt like a hamster trapped on the marketing wheel. Many entrepreneurs struggle with keeping a consistent strategy—they hop from one idea to the next with no clear plan. But guess what? Finding focus and building a comprehensive marketing plan doesn’t have to be complicated. 

I’m going to walk you through a very simple strategy that I’ve used for years, helping me show up everywhere I want with the least amount of effort. If that sounds good to you, let’s dive in!

Step One: Create Core Content

First things first: start with one main piece of content each week. This could be a blog post, a video, or a podcast episode. Choose a topic that resonates with your audience and showcases your expertise. This core content will be the foundation for all your marketing efforts.

Believe me, focusing on one piece of core content saves a ton of time and ensures your message remains clear and cohesive across all channels.

Step Two: Repurpose Your Core Content

Once your core content is ready, it’s time to repurpose it into smaller pieces for different platforms. Here’s how:

  • Social Media Posts: Create three to five posts from your core content. These can be quotes, tips, or highlights. Tailor each post for the specific platform—what works for Instagram might not necessarily work for LinkedIn.
  • Infographics: Summarize key points into an eye-catching infographic. Tools like Canva make this a breeze, even if you’re not a design pro.
  • Email Newsletter: Write a brief summary of your core content for your weekly email newsletter. Include a call-to-action button directing readers to your full blog post, video, or podcast. This way, you’re using your email list to drive traffic to your core content.
  • Pinterest Pins: Create graphic or video pins linking back to your blog, video, or podcast. Pinterest is fantastic for driving traffic to your core content. The more traffic you drive, the more Google will help boost your content’s visibility.

Step Three: Drive Traffic with Consistent Calls to Action

Including a call to action (CTA) at the end of each repurposed piece of content is crucial. Direct your audience to your core content, whether it’s a blog post, video, or podcast. Make sure your CTA is clear and engaging. This creates a consistent flow of traffic and keeps your audience connected across multiple platforms.

Step Four: Measure and Adjust

Implementing the strategy is one thing, but keeping an eye on your analytics is where the magic happens. See which types of posts and platforms drive the most engaged traffic. Use this data to tweak your strategy and focus more on what works best for your audience.

Step Five: Batch Your Work

When you group similar tasks together, you get more done. For instance, if you’re creating videos, try to record two to three (or even four) at one time. This means you can potentially handle a month’s worth of content in just one session.

The same goes for writing: designate a specific block of time for writing multiple blog posts. This method is not only efficient but also helps you get better and faster with practice.

Bottom Line

Creating one core piece of content each week and repurposing it across your platforms can help you streamline your marketing, stay consistent, and save time. This approach ensures your messaging is clear and cohesive, making your marketing efforts more impactful.

Ready to take your content to the next level? Start planning your next blog post, video, or podcast, and see how easy it becomes to create a consistent and effective marketing plan.

If you’d like more personalized help with your strategy or marketing workflow, check out my Pinterest Strategy Club! We offer not just Pinterest education but also focus heavily on time management and smart workflows.

Until next time, work smarter, not harder, and let’s make your marketing plan as impactful as it can be!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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flatlay on white table with cell, wallet and drink with text: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
white marble table with bowl of lemons with orange swirly notepad and white cell pone with words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
pink table with keyboard, mouse, notebook and words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
white table with greenery, keyboard, glasses, drink and magazine and words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
flatlay on white table with cell, wallet and drink with text: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media

Unlocking the Power of Email Flows: The Key to Skyrocketing Your Sales with Amy Auble

Unlocking the Power of Email Flows: The Key to Skyrocketing Your Sales with Amy Auble marketing strategy academy podcast with jen Vazquez

Email marketing is a time-tested and effective tool for turning casual interest into loyal customers. Amy Auble, founder of Alpine Start Media, offers her invaluable experience in the industry for businesses that want to master email marketing to scale.

What are email flows?

Email flows are automated emails sent to subscribers after they join your list, providing ongoing engagement opportunities to nurture them into customers.

Top 3 email flows every business needs

  1. Welcome flow: Immediately greet new subscribers, deliver any promised freebies, and set the tone for your brand.
  2. Post-purchase flow: Follow-up with customers to provide product education and support, preventing buyer’s remorse.
  3. Abandoned cart flow: Remind those who left items in their cart to complete their purchase.

Biggest mistakes in setting up email flows

  • Easily exploited discount codes: Protect your margins by using individualized codes (available through platforms like Klaviyo).
  • Not optimizing for mobile: Design emails for the majority of users, who read on their phones. Ensure readability.
  • Not segmenting lists: Tailor emails to recipients by behavior – did they purchase multiple times? Tailor the email accordingly.

How to personalize email flows

Segment your audience: Break your list into smaller groups based on actions (opened emails recently? Clicked on links?) and send tailored content.

Tools for creating killer email flows

Klaviyo: This platform Amy recommends due to its Shopify integration, reporting, segmentation tools, and unique coupon code feature.

Design platforms: Utilize Canva for adding a custom, eye-catching design element to your emails.

Want to Learn Pinterest

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How to measure email flow success

Deliverability: Verify your domain with your email provider to ensure your emails aren’t flagged as spam. This is key!

Open rates: Aim for a 45%+ open rate. This depends on your industry, however.

Click rates: Even a 1-3% click rate is good for product-based businesses. Focus on building rapport over time to increase this.

3 things that helped Amy grow her business

  1. Networking: Connecting with fellow entrepreneurs offers support, insights, and new opportunities.
  2. Hiring help: Delegate tasks you’re not skilled at, or that you hate, to free up time to focus on your strengths.
  3. Stress management: Work-life balance is essential. Listen to your energy, make time for self-care, and prevent burnout.

The importance of sending regular emails

Stay consistent: Regularly sending emails keeps you top-of-mind and builds trust with your audience. Aim for at least one per week.

Provide value: Share educational content, promote your services, and offer insights that your subscribers find engaging.

Amy’s services

If you need help with your email marketing or social media strategy, consider visiting Amy’s agency, Alpine Start Media, which specializes in sustainable brands.  

Here’s her information and freebie: “5 Ways to Grow Your Email List”:

Let’s take action!

Don’t delay, schedule time next week to apply Amy’s advice to your email marketing – these strategies have the potential to significantly impact your business growth.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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Email Marketing for Wedding Pros

Email Marketing for Wedding Pros

Today we are going to talk about another piece of marketing besides blogs, social media and Pinterest

I know you’ve heard all about email marketing, but you may think email marketing doesn’t work for wedding pros because they are on and off the list in a year or so (sometimes even a few months these days).

While we know that email marketing strategies work to qualify and encourage sales for other businesses, why should I use it as a wedding pro?

Why Is Email Marketing An Effective Strategy For A Wedding Pro?

You’re probably using several platforms to get the word out about your business. I’m know you’re on Instagram, you’re blogging and you’re on or attempting Pinterest because you are joining our room each week., 

So why should you add it to your marketing system? 

Email Marketing Helps You Speak To Your Wedding Customers In A More Intimate Way

They’ve given you permission to show up in their email — so it lets you speak to your potential clients in a more intimate way and to them it feels like you are speaking directly to them.

Even if your content on Instagram, Pinterest and blogging speaks to your ideal clients, they know that it was written for the public to read.

Email marketing is different. A customer’s inbox is their private space and they gave you permission to enter it.  

You Can Slowly Nurture Those Wedding Leads Into bookings or raving fans

Email marketing gives you a direct line of communication with your potential clients. Email marketing lets you slowly nurture those leads into booked couples.

When you provide value info about planning wedding or whatever your speciality is, you are twice as likely to encourage them to book you.  

Email Marketing takes people quickly through the “Know/Like/Trust” journey into booked clients

The know/like/trust is SUPER important in the life cycle of marketing.  It’s mandatory to move lead along the buyer journey to securing your services for their wedding.

This is where marketing, advertising, and brand awareness comes in.

It all starts with seeing you on social media, a blog post, Pinterest, a google search, or a friend referring you.  Then they opt in for a lead magnet (or freebie) to learn more and end up on your email list where you can nurture them.

SO – how Can you Use Email Marketing As A Wedding Pro?

Because email marketing for wedding pros is a little difference as the client lifecycle is usually a lot shorter, you just need to tweak how you use email marketing as a wedding pro.

There are two levels to email marketing.  One is you can send consistent emails (Vanessa has talked about this before how they are on a cycle of engagement and getting married).

The BEST way is to include a nurture sequence after an opt-in.  You have several emails that go out and then they are on your full wedding list.

Then when they get married (you photograph their wedding) there is a “to do” to move them onto your regular client list.  This is where it comes in handy to help them as they move through their life. 

As a photographer, family photos, maternity photos, as an invitation company, maybe birthday parties and events.  For other wedding vendors, you can do events or birthdays, etc.

So now, let’s brainstorm ideas for emails that you can send to potential wedding clients?

17 Subject Lines for Emails

  1. How to choose a wedding date
  2. 5 Mistakes I See Brides Make Everyday
  3. Tips to making your bridesmaid feel the love
  4. Why you should never do this on the morning of your wedding day
  5. 7 advantages of having a wedding planner
  6. Why hire a professional XYZ instead of having a friend do it
  7. How to NOT argue with your fiance during wedding planning
  8. Don’t forget to bring these things on your wedding day
  9. 5 things to ask your wedding venue before you book
  10. Tips to wedding dress shopping
  11. 5 things bride who already got married want you to know
  12. Pros and Cons of a first look
  13. Wedding timelines that things to consider
  14. Our recent reviews don’t disappoint
  15. FAQ’s for my industry – all your questions answered (discovery calls)
  16. Engagement session locations in XYZ
  17. 10 top wedding venues in XYZ city

Hope this all helped!


If you need help with Pinterest, shoot me an email HERE.

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Email marketing for Wedding Pros
Email marketing for Wedding Pros
Email marketing for Wedding Pros by Jen Vazquez Marketing and Pinterest Strategist
Email marketing for Wedding Pros by Jen Vazquez Marketing and Pinterest Strategist
Email marketing for Wedding Pros by Jen Vazquez Marketing and Pinterest Strategist

Here is more information that may be helpful!