Conversion Copywriting Tips: Boost Your Business with Persuasive Copy with Suzanne Reilley

Conversion Copywriting Tips Boost Your Business with Persuasive Copy MSA blo

Conversion Copywriting Tips: Boost Your Business with Persuasive Copy with Suzanne Reilley

Hey there, fabulous entrepreneurs! Are you ready to unlock the secrets to writing copy that doesn’t just grab attention but also converts leads into loyal customers? Yep, me too! Today, we’re diving into the world of conversion copywriting with the incredible Suzanne Reilley. So, grab your favorite cup of drink, get comfy, and let’s get started!

If this is your first time here, I’m Jen Vazquez. I support hyper-busy female service providers to use Pinterest to book more clients and increase their income and impact. I host expert interviews on all things marketing—anything that helps you grow your business. So, if marketing is your jam, make sure to subscribe to this blog or our YouTube channel for weekly tips and insights.

Meet the Expert: Suzanne Reilley

I’m thrilled to introduce Suzanne Reilley, a business coach, marketing strategist, and copy advisor for professional service businesses and online course creators. Suzanne is passionate about helping others, and she has worked with hundreds of repeat clients. Her expertise has been featured in major publications like The Washington Post and Voyage LA. Truly, she’s a powerhouse in the field!

A Journey from Personal Trainer to Copywriting Strategist

Suzanne’s journey into the world of copywriting is both inspiring and relatable. She started as a personal trainer, with no clue she’d have to find her own clients. She quickly discovered that marketing and sales didn’t have to be aggressive or manipulative. Instead, they could be about connecting with people and genuinely helping them—a philosophy she carries into her copywriting work today.

Like a lot of us, Suzanne initially felt marketing had to be about pushing hard and making the big sell. But through trial and error and learning the ropes of digital marketing, she found her unique, kinder way to persuasive writing.

What is Conversion Copywriting?

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is conversion copywriting? Simply put, it’s a specialized form of copywriting focused on converting readers into customers. While all copywriting aims to engage and tell a story, conversion copywriting is all about leading your audience to take specific actions—whether that’s booking a consultation, signing up for a membership, or something else you desire.

Essential Elements of Conversion Copywriting

1. Understanding Your Ideal Client:

Conversion copywriting starts with a deep understanding of your ideal client. It’s about using language and messaging that resonates with their needs, problems, and aspirations. This ensures your copy feels personalized and compelling.

2. Voice of Customer Research:

Suzanne emphasizes the importance of “Voice of Customer” research. This means listening to your audience, understanding their language, and capturing their hopes, dreams, and fears. By doing this, your copy becomes a direct response to what your audience is already thinking and feeling.

3. Structured Approach:

Conversion copy isn’t just about throwing words on a page. It’s about following a structured approach, layering your messages based on what’s most important to your audience first and then guiding them down a path.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Hey, we all make mistakes, but here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

1. Guessing What Your Audience Wants

Avoid trying to guess at what your audience wants. Instead, engage in active listening and research. Use reviews on Amazon for related books, or comments on your social media posts to gather authentic insights.

2. Making It About You

While it’s great to share your passion, always focus on your client’s perspective. Position your message in a way that speaks to their needs first.

Quick Tips to Boost Your Conversion Rates

1. Do Your Research

Delve into the voice of customer research. Look at Amazon book reviews, social media comments, and even forums like Reddit to understand what your potential customers are talking about.

2. Engage with Stories

Weave in elements of storytelling to make your copy engaging. But remember, each line should lead to the next with a clear call to action in mind.

3. Stay Human

Always write like you’re talking to a friend. Be clear, be helpful, and avoid jargon. Simplicity often converts better than complication.

Tools and Resources

You don’t have to do it all alone. Here are some fantastic resources Suzanne recommends:

Three Game-Changers for Growing Your Business

Before we wrap up, here are three actionable pieces of advice from Suzanne that have truly helped her grow her business:

1. Mental Health and Mindset

Take care of your mental health and understand your triggers. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace the ups and downs.

2. Continual Learning

Dive deep into learning how to craft persuasive copy. This is a valuable skill that pays off massively in business growth.

3. Practice Makes Perfect

Keep practicing. Use every opportunity to refine your skills, whether through blog posts, emails, or landing pages.

Final Thoughts

Thank you so much for sticking around and absorbing these valuable insights. Remember, effective copywriting can transform your business, helping you connect better with your audience and drive more sales. Don’t forget to check out Suzanne’s special gift just for you, and make sure to leave a review if you found these tips helpful.

Go out there, take action, and do something amazing for your business today!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: Ditch the Sales Pitch & Build Real Connections (Like a Boss!)

Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach.  by Jen Vazquez Media

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: Ditch the Sales Pitch & Build Real Connections (Like a Boss!)

Hey, friend! Jumping into the world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest can be like stepping into a fabulous online party. So much pretty, so much potential! But hold up a sec, let’s chat about the technical side of affiliate links on Pinterest, and an even bigger deal: how to totally change your strategy to make those links actually work.

Forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing. If you’re all about pinning a million links and hoping for the best, honey, it’s time for a glow-up.

Get Real with Pinterest’s Amazing Audience

Unlike those other platforms, Pinterest users aren’t just scrolling for fun (well, maybe a little fun). They’re searching for inspiration, solutions, and products that make their lives better. And guess what? The most successful affiliate marketers on Pinterest get that. They’re not pushy salespeople; they’re your trusted BFF, sharing the good stuff. Ready to become that BFF for your audience? Let’s dive in!

Show Your Value, Girl! That’s the Secret Sauce

Here’s the truth bomb: People click on your affiliate links when they see the value you bring to their life. So, ditch the product dumps and let’s get creative:

  • Lifestyle Content: Don’t just talk about it, show it! Promoting a spring coat? Share killer outfit ideas, where you’d wear it, and how it makes you feel amazing. Real-life use is where the magic happens.
  • Tutorials: Be the guru your audience adores! A quick video recipe using that new kitchen gadget? A makeup tutorial featuring an affiliate product? Leave them wanting more and eager to visit your site (and shop!).
  • Honest Reviews: Become the queen of unbiased product comparisons. Authenticity builds trust faster than a double espresso, especially in those personal areas like wellness.
  • Trend Spotting: Pinterest is all about what’s hot right now. Use those trend predictions to showcase your awesome affiliate finds. Your audience will love you for being their go-to trendsetter!

Tagging Like a Pro: The Technical Stuff

Alright, let’s get a little techy (but don’t worry, we’ll keep it simple). Tagging works a bit differently on mobile and desktop. Mobile lets you tag while you upload, but on desktop, you’ll need to edit after uploading. Keep your pins clean and relevant, with no more than five tags per pin, to keep things valuable and engaging. Remember, too many tags just scream ‘spam.’ Stick to your top 5 relevant keywords per Pin, and you’re golden!

Grow with Grace: It Takes Time, Babe!

Here’s the real talk: growth isn’t instant. There are no magic numbers. Instead, celebrate every new follower, every genuine question… those are the little wins that lead to major success.

Connection: The Heart of Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

In Pinterest’s most popular niches (think food, fashion, beauty), connection is EVERYTHING. This isn’t about a quick buck; it’s about showing your audience you get them, and that the products you promote will truly make their lives better.

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Ethics & the Long Game

In a world that’s all about instant gratification, successful affiliate marketing takes a different approach. Always put value first, be upfront about your affiliate relationships, and stay true to your brand’s awesome message.

The Bottom Line

Pinterest affiliate marketing is a goldmine, but only for those who are willing to build genuine connections. Be a guide, not a billboard. Provide real value, be honest about those affiliate links, and focus on building trust. That’s how you create lasting success (and maybe even make a few new friends along the way!).

Ready to Rock Pinterest & Grow Your Business?

Jen Vazquez Media is your go-to gal for all things Pinterest. Let’s chat about how we can take your affiliate marketing to the next level!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget To Pin It!

Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media
Today, we're jumping into the fabulous world of affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, it's time to forget what you think you know about affiliate marketing and embrace a fresh, more genuine approach. by Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5: Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Welcome to the fifth and final part of our Marketing Planning Series! So far, we’ve explored data-driven marketing, content planning, leveraging social media, and creating engaging social media posts. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the art of repurposing old content that ranks. By maximizing the value of your existing content, you can breathe new life into it, boost your SEO efforts, and engage your audience. Let’s dive into the world of content repurposing.

Maximizing the Value of Existing Content

Your content library is a goldmine of opportunities waiting to be explored. Repurposing old content that has already proven its worth not only saves time but also extends its lifespan and reach. Here’s how to get started.

Identifying Evergreen and High-Performing Content

To begin your content repurposing journey, identify which pieces of your existing content are evergreen and high-performing. Evergreen content remains relevant over time and can be repurposed for different audiences and platforms.

Repurposing Strategies: From Blogs to Videos, Infographics, and More

Repurposing doesn’t mean duplication; it’s about presenting the same information in various formats to cater to different preferences. Here are some repurposing strategies to consider:

  • Blog to Video: Transform a popular blog post into a video presentation or tutorial. Share it on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • Blog to Podcast: Convert written content into an audio format for podcast episodes. This opens up a new audience segment.
  • Blog to Infographic: Condense key points and statistics from your blog into an engaging infographic. Infographics are highly shareable on social media.
  • Long-Form to Short-Form: Extract key takeaways from long-form content and create shorter, easily digestible versions for quick consumption.
  • Webinar to Blog Series: Transcribe a successful webinar or presentation into a blog series, allowing you to delve deeper into each topic.

Updating and Refreshing Outdated Content

While repurposing, take the opportunity to update and refresh outdated content. This ensures accuracy and relevance, especially for evergreen topics. Make sure to:

  • Update statistics and data.
  • Remove outdated references and broken links.
  • Incorporate the latest industry trends and insights.

Unlock Your FREE Pinterest Marketing Resources

Dive into the Pinterest Marketing Resources Vault, packed with over 10 game-changing tools, 6 exclusive masterclasses, and exciting challenges. This free vault is your golden ticket to supercharging your marketing strategies on Pinterest. Get instant access to templates and assets designed to transform your marketing game.

Ready to work smarter, not harder? Sign up now and unleash your full potential!

SEO Best Practices for Repurposed Content

Optimizing repurposed content for search engines is crucial to ensure it continues to rank well. Follow these SEO best practices:

  • Use relevant keywords and phrases strategically.
  • Optimize meta titles and descriptions.
  • Ensure proper internal and external linking.
  • Implement schema markup for rich snippets where applicable.

Promoting Repurposed Content Effectively

Promotion is key to getting your repurposed content in front of your target audience. Utilize the following promotion strategies:

  • Share repurposed content on your social media platforms.
  • Email your subscribers with updates on repurposed blog posts, podcasts, or videos.
  • Collaborate with influencers or other content creators to promote your content.
  • Include repurposed content in your newsletter or email marketing campaigns.

Monitoring the Impact on Rankings and Engagement

Finally, keep a close eye on the impact of your repurposed content on both search rankings and audience engagement. Track key metrics such as:

  • Changes in search engine rankings.
  • Traffic and engagement metrics (page views, time on page, bounce rate).
  • Social media shares, likes, and comments.

Use this data to assess the success of your repurposing efforts and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy.

Content Repurposing Madlib Prompts

Choose Your Content Piece:

  • Title of Old Content: [Insert the title of the content you want to repurpose]
  • Original Format: [Specify the original format – blog, video, podcast, etc.]

Select New Format for Repurposing:

  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Podcast Episode
  • Short-Form Content (e.g., social media post)
  • Blog Series
  • Webinar

Key Elements to Extract:

  • Main Topic: [What is the core subject of the content?]
  • Key Points: [List 3-5 main points or takeaways from the original content]
  • Statistics/Data: [Mention any important data or statistics to highlight]
  • Quotes/Insights: [Select any memorable quotes or unique insights]

Updating and Refreshing:

  • Update Data: [List any statistics or data that need updating]
  • Modernize References: [Note any references that need to be modernized]
  • Add Trends: [Mention any recent industry trends or insights to include]

SEO Optimization (for written content):

  • New Keywords: [List relevant keywords for the repurposed content]
  • Meta Description: [Write a brief meta description for SEO purposes]

Promotion Strategy:

  • Social Media Platforms: [List the platforms where you will share the repurposed content]
  • Email Marketing: [Describe how you will use email to promote the content]
  • Collaboration: [Note any potential collaborations for promoting the content]

Monitoring and Metrics:

  • SEO Metrics: [What SEO metrics will you track?]
  • Engagement Metrics: [Which engagement metrics are most relevant?]
  • Adjustments: [What adjustments might you consider based on these metrics?]


And that’s a wrap on our “Content Marketing Planning Series”! With this fifth and final part, “Repurposing Old Content That Ranks,” we’ve come full circle in our journey to supercharge your content marketing efforts.

From the initial stages of data-driven marketing to the strategic use of social media, and now to the art of repurposing content, we’ve covered a comprehensive roadmap for your content strategy. And what better way to conclude than with our Madlib-style prompt, tailored to breathe new life into your existing content?

This creative tool is perfect for transforming old content into fresh, engaging formats while maintaining its relevance and search ranking power. By utilizing these repurposing strategies, along with the practicality of our Madlib prompt, you’re equipped to maximize the value of every content piece.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3: Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3: Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It

Welcome back to our journey into crafting a content strategy that truly shines! In this third installment of our series, we’re focusing on how to pick the perfect core content for your brand and how AI, specifically ChatGPT, can be a game-changer in your content creation process.

Let’s get those creative gears turning and explore how these tools can be harnessed to elevate your brand to new heights!

Choosing Your Core Content Type (Weekly Blog Posts, Videos, or Podcasts)

The heart of your content strategy lies in choosing the right type of core content. Whether it’s insightful blog posts, captivating videos, or engaging podcasts, the key is to select a medium that best showcases your expertise and resonates with your audience. Your commitment to producing one pieces of core content each week is not just about consistency; it’s about building a connection with your audience and providing them with value they can’t find anywhere else. Here’s how you can ace each format:

  • Blog Posts: 12 well-researched, informative blog articles that enlighten and engage your readers.
    Videos: 12 visually appealing videos, ranging from tutorials to product demos, that capture and hold your audience’s attention.
    Podcasts: 12 deep-dive podcast episodes that explore topics your audience is passionate about.

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Leveraging ChatGPT for Core Content

Now, let’s talk about the exciting part – using AI to supercharge your content creation! ChatGPT is more than just a tool; it’s your creative partner in this content journey. Imagine harnessing its power to generate ideas, outlines, or even draft content for your blogs, videos, and podcasts.

It can provide you with fresh perspectives, help overcome writer’s block, and even assist in scripting or structuring your content. With ChatGPT, you’re not just keeping up with the content demands; you’re staying ahead of the curve!


Title: [Descriptive Title that includes Main Keyword]

[Open with a question or a surprising fact]
[State the problem or challenge related to your industry]
[Promise a solution by the end of the blog]

Main Body:
[Heading 1: Key Topic or Solution 1]
[2-3 sentences explaining this topic or solution]
[An example or a case study to illustrate this point]

[Heading 2: Key Topic or Solution 2]
[2-3 sentences explaining this topic or solution]
[A quick tip or a practical step related to this point]

[Heading 3: Key Topic or Solution 3]
[2-3 sentences explaining this topic or solution]
[A fun fact or statistic to engage readers]

[Summarize the key points made]
[End with a call-to-action (CTA) – e.g., sign up, contact, read more]

[CTA: Create a call to action to encourage comments and engagement]


[Start with a catchy greeting]
[Introduce yourself and your business]
[Tease the main topic of the video]

Segment 1: Introduction to the Topic
[Present the topic and why it’s important]
[Share a personal anecdote or a relevant example]

Segment 2: Main Content
[Point 1 – Describe with visuals or demonstrations]
[Point 2 – Elaborate with examples or guest input]
[Point 3 – Discuss implications or benefits for the viewer]

Segment 3: Practical Tips or Steps
[Provide actionable advice or steps related to the topic]
[Include visuals or on-screen text to enhance understanding]

[Summarize the key points]
[Encourage viewers to like, share, and subscribe]
[End with a CTA, like visiting your website or signing up for a newsletter]


[Welcome listeners to the episode]
[Quick introduction of yourself and your podcast theme]
[Mention the episode number and title]

Main Segment:
[Topic Overview – Briefly introduce the episode’s main topic]
[Deep Dive 1 – Discuss the first aspect of the topic, include a story or an interview]
[Deep Dive 2 – Explore the second aspect, possibly include listener questions or comments]

Guest Segment: (if applicable)
[Introduce the guest and their relevance to the topic]
[Key questions to ask the guest]
[Discuss how the guest’s insights apply to your listeners]

[Sum up the episode’s main takeaways]
[Tease the next episode or upcoming content]
[CTA – Remind listeners to subscribe, leave a review, or visit your website]
[Thank the listeners for tuning in]


Embracing the power of both the right content type and cutting-edge AI tools like ChatGPT sets you up for a content-rich quarter. This approach not only boosts your content quality and quantity but also ensures that every piece of content aligns perfectly with your brand’s voice and your audience’s needs.

So, are you ready to make this quarter the most impactful yet? Let’s make it happen!



More Tips For You!

Don’t forget to pin it!

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media

Unleash Your Business’s Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know

Unleash Your Business's Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know

Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Should Know

Hey there, it’s Jen Vazquez here, Founder of Jen Vazquez Media specializing in Pinterest Marketing, and I wanted to share with you about marketing strategies for female business owners who offer services. As a service-based business owner myself, I know that marketing can be a daunting and overwhelming task. With so many different marketing channels and strategies out there, it can be hard to know where to start.

But the truth is, marketing is a crucial component of any successful business. It’s what helps you get your name out there, attract new clients, and ultimately grow your business. The key is to find marketing strategies that work for you and your unique business.

One important thing to consider is your own energy level and work style. Some marketing strategies require a lot of energy and effort, while others are more low-key and hands-off. It’s important to choose a strategy that aligns with your energy and work preferences, so you can stay consistent and see results.

Another important factor to consider is your target audience. Depending on your niche, some marketing strategies may be more effective than others. For example, if you’re targeting busy moms, social media and email marketing might be your best bet. If you’re targeting high-level executives, networking, and influencer marketing might be more effective.

Ultimately, the key is to experiment and find what works best for you and your business. It may take some trial and error, but with a little persistence and determination, you can find the marketing strategies that will help you unleash your business’s full potential. So let’s dive in and explore some of the most effective marketing strategies for female service-based business owners!

Word-of-mouth marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal. People trust the opinions of their friends and family more than any other form of advertising, so getting your satisfied clients to spread the word about your services is key.

To get started, make sure you’re providing exceptional service to your clients. Focus on going above and beyond their expectations, and always aim to exceed their needs. When your clients are thrilled with your service, they’ll be more likely to recommend you to others.

Another way to encourage word-of-mouth marketing is to incentivize your clients. Consider offering referral bonuses or other rewards to clients who refer new business your way. This can be a win-win situation, as your clients will feel valued and appreciated, and you’ll get new business as a result.

Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals, either. When you’ve completed a project for a satisfied client, let them know that you would love to work with other people like them. Encourage them to share your contact information with anyone they think could benefit from your services.

Finally, make it easy for people to recommend you. Make sure your website has a clear and prominent “refer a friend” button, and include share buttons on all of your social media content. The easier you make it for people to refer you, the more likely they’ll be to do so.

Remember, word-of-mouth marketing is all about building trust and providing exceptional service to your clients. Focus on creating an outstanding experience for each and every one of your clients, and word will spread about your business in no time.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful way to stay in touch with your existing clients and nurture new leads. With email marketing, you can create a more personal and direct connection with your audience, and provide them with valuable information and updates about your services.

To get started with email marketing, you’ll need to build an email list. You can do this by adding a sign-up form to your website or blog, offering a free resource or incentive for signing up, or collecting email addresses from clients and prospects directly.

Once you have your email list, it’s important to focus on creating valuable and engaging content. Your emails should be informative, helpful, and relevant to your target audience. Consider sharing your expertise, providing tips and advice, or showcasing success stories from your clients.

One important thing to keep in mind is the frequency of your emails. You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too many emails, but you also don’t want to go too long without contacting them. Finding the right balance will depend on your audience and your specific business, so be sure to experiment and see what works best.

When it comes to email marketing, personalization is key. Make sure your emails are addressed to your recipient by name and consider segmenting your email list so you can send more targeted messages. You might also consider adding personal touches, like including a personal anecdote or story in your emails.

Finally, be sure to track your results and adjust your strategy as needed. Look at metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to see how your emails are performing. Use this information to refine your email content and optimize your campaigns over time.

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for nurturing leads and building relationships with your audience. By providing valuable content and a personal touch, you can turn your email list into a valuable asset for your business.

Content marketing

Content marketing can be a fun and effective way to attract new clients and showcase your expertise. With content marketing, you can create valuable and entertaining content that your target audience will love, while also establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

But let’s be real, creating content can be tough. It’s not easy to come up with new and engaging ideas all the time. That’s why it’s important to find a content format that works for you and your unique style.

Maybe you love writing blog posts and providing helpful tips and advice to your audience. Or maybe you’re more of a podcast person, and you love sharing your expertise in a conversational format. Whatever your preference, make sure you’re choosing a format that feels authentic to you and your brand.

When it comes to content, it’s also important to be consistent. Don’t post a flurry of content all at once and then disappear for months at a time. Instead, set a schedule and stick to it. Whether it’s once a week, twice a month, or once a quarter, make sure you’re consistently providing valuable content to your audience.

One way to make content creation more fun is to involve your team (whether that’s your VA, your husband, or your dog supporting you hehe😜).  Maybe you could create a series of hilarious videos or infographics that showcase your brand’s personality. The more you can inject your own unique brand of humor and creativity into your content, the more likely you are to attract and engage your audience.

So, get creative, have fun, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats and styles. With a little bit of humor and a lot of passion, you can create content that will help you stand out in your industry and attract new clients to your service-based business.

Social Media

Ah, social media. It’s the great equalizer. Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a one-person operation, social media gives you the power to connect with your audience and showcase your brand in a fun and engaging way.

But let’s be real: social media can be overwhelming. There are so many platforms to choose from, and each one has its own set of rules and best practices. So where do you even start?

I OF COURSE think you should use Pinterest as it’s more effective at driving traffic to your website, it’s super low energy, unlike something like Instagram, and it’s a search engine rather than social media in nature.  But I digress, let’s get back to the overall look.

First of all, it’s important to know your audience. Which platforms do they use the most? Are they more likely to engage with you on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or TikTok? Once you know where your audience hangs out, you can focus your efforts on those platforms.

One important thing to keep in mind is that social media is all about building relationships. It’s not just about promoting your business – it’s about engaging with your audience and providing value to them.

So, how do you do that? Start by sharing engaging and entertaining content that your audience will love. Maybe it’s a behind-the-scenes look at your business, a funny meme that’s relevant to your industry, or an inspirational quote that will resonate with your audience.

You should also be engaging with your audience directly. Respond to comments and messages in a timely manner, and try to initiate conversations with your followers. The more you can create a sense of community around your brand, the more likely your audience is to engage with you and become loyal customers.

Note: don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content and formats. Maybe you want to try your hand at Instagram Reels, or go live on Facebook and answer questions from your audience, or use trending audio on TikTok. The more you can mix things up and keep things fresh, the more likely you are to stand out and attract new followers (as well as not get bored!).

Final Tip: REPURPOSE!! If you have a video on any platform, save it before publishing (so there aren’t any watermark logos).  Then turn around and use them on all the platforms you are on.  Here are the places I share when I create a short-form video:  Pinterest Idea Pin, Pinterest Video Pin, Youtube short, TikTok, Linkedin video, Facebook Video, and Instagram Reel.  I feel like I might be forgetting one but you get the point.

Bonus tip:  Don’t forget the algorithm tips for all platforms ——- wait for it


type keywords that someone would type to find your contact as the title (text on the screen or text overlay).  That text section is a SEARCHABLE area!!

So go forth, my social media-loving friends, and have fun. With a little bit of creativity and a lot of personalities, you can use social media to grow your service-based business and connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

Creative Marketing Summit

Transform your service-based business with valuable insights and actionable strategies on how to find, attract, and book your ideal clients at our marketing summit.


Events And Webinars/Masterclasses

Events and webinars can be a powerful way to connect with your audience and showcase your expertise. Whether you’re hosting an in-person event or a virtual webinar, you have the opportunity to provide valuable information and build strong relationships with your attendees.

I’ve done a ton of webinars and masterclasses, and just completed my first event Creative Marketing Summit.  You can still get the replays for the 22 amazing speakers who are marketing experts.

But let’s be real: events and webinars can be a lot of work. From planning and promoting to delivering a great presentation, there’s a lot to think about. But with a little bit of planning and a lot of enthusiasm, you can make your events and webinars a success.

When it comes to events, it’s important to think about your target audience and what kind of event they would enjoy. Maybe you host a happy hour for local business owners, or maybe you put on a full-day workshop that dives deep into your area of expertise. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that will provide value to your attendees and help you establish your authority in your industry.

Webinars, on the other hand, can be a great way to connect with a wider audience and share your expertise with people all over the world. When planning a webinar, start by choosing a topic that’s relevant to your target audience and that showcases your expertise. From there, you’ll need to think about the logistics of hosting a successful webinar, including promoting the event, choosing the right platform, and delivering a great presentation.

One important thing to keep in mind with both events and webinars is that it’s all about engagement. You don’t want to just talk at your audience – you want to get them involved and make the experience fun and interactive. Maybe you host a Q&A session, or maybe you incorporate games and activities into your presentation. The more you can engage your audience and make them feel like they’re part of the experience, the more successful your event or webinar will be.

So, let’s get out there and plan some amazing events and webinars, my friends! With a little bit of planning and a lot of enthusiasm, you can connect with your audience and grow your service-based business like a pro.

Paid Advertising

Ah, paid advertising. It’s the holy grail of marketing, the key to unlocking a flood of new business and skyrocketing your success. Or is it?

Okay, let’s be real – paid advertising isn’t a silver bullet. It’s not going to magically transform your business overnight. But it can be a powerful way to reach new audiences and attract new clients.

When it comes to paid advertising, the first step is to figure out which platforms are the best fit for your business. Google AdWords is a popular option for businesses that want to target people who are actively searching for their services. Facebook Ads are great for businesses that want to target specific demographics and interests.

Once you’ve chosen a platform, it’s important to focus on creating engaging and effective ads. You only have a few seconds to capture your audience’s attention, so make sure your ads are eye-catching and informative. Maybe you use bright colors and bold fonts to stand out, or maybe you use a catchy tagline that will stick in your audience’s mind.

It’s also important to set a budget and track your results. Don’t just throw money at ads and hope for the best – be strategic about where you’re spending your money, and adjust your strategy as needed.

Finally, don’t forget to experiment with different ad formats and targeting options. Maybe you want to try a video ad instead of a static image, or maybe you want to target a new demographic to see if it drives better results. The more you can experiment and refine your strategy over time, the more likely you are to see success with paid advertising.

Paid advertising isn’t for everyone, but if you’re willing to put in the time and effort to create effective ads, it can be a powerful tool for growing your service-based business. So go forth, my advertising-loving friends, and create ads that will make your audience say “wow!” (and hopefully not “meh”).

Unleash Your Business's Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know

Influencer Marketing

Alright, my influencer-loving friends, it’s time to talk about the power of the ‘gram. That’s right, I’m talking about influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing can be a great way to reach new audiences and build credibility for your brand. By partnering with influencers in your industry, you can leverage their reach and reputation to get your name out there and attract new clients.

But before you go sending DMs to every influencer under the sun, it’s important to do your research. Not all influencers are created equal, and not all of them will be a good fit for your brand.

Start by looking for influencers who align with your values and your target audience. Maybe you’re a sustainable fashion brand, and you want to partner with influencers who share your passion for eco-friendly fashion. Or maybe you’re a business coach, and you want to partner with influencers who target the same demographic as your ideal client.

Once you’ve found a few influencers you’re interested in working with, it’s important to engage with them in a genuine and authentic way. Don’t just send a cold pitch asking them to promote your brand – take the time to build a relationship and establish trust.

One way to do this is to follow them on social media, engage with their posts, and share their content with your own audience. This can help you establish a connection and show them that you’re genuinely interested in their work.

When it comes time to actually partner with an influencer, be sure to set clear expectations and goals for the campaign. What do you want them to promote? What kind of content do you want them to create? And what metrics will you be tracking to measure the success of the campaign?

Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative with your influencer marketing. Maybe you want to create a fun challenge or hashtag that your influencer can help promote. Or maybe you want to offer an exclusive discount or free trial to their followers. The more you can make the campaign fun and engaging, the more likely you are to attract new clients and build buzz for your brand.

Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for growing your service-based business, but it’s important to approach it in a strategic and authentic way. So go forth, my influencer-loving friends, and let’s take the ‘gram by storm!


Ah, networking. The necessary evil of every business owner. But it doesn’t have to be a snooze-fest, my friends. In fact, with a little bit of creativity and a lot of personalities, networking can be downright fun.

So where do you even start with networking? Well, the first step is to figure out where your ideal clients hang out. Are they at industry conferences and events? Or are they more likely to attend local meetups and networking groups?

Once you know where your ideal clients are, it’s time to get out there and start mingling. But don’t just show up and hand out business cards like a robot. Instead, focus on building real relationships with the people you meet.

One way to do this is to inject some of your own unique personality into the conversation. Maybe you crack a joke, or maybe you share a personal anecdote that helps you connect with the other person on a deeper level.

Another way to make networking more fun is to collaborate with other business owners in your industry. Maybe you co-host a workshop or event, or maybe you team up to offer a joint service or product. The more you can work together and support each other, the more successful you’ll all be.

Finally, don’t forget to follow up with the people you meet. Whether it’s sending a quick email or connecting on LinkedIn, taking the time to follow up and stay in touch can help you build strong and lasting relationships.

So, my networking-loving friends, let’s embrace the awkward handshakes and sweaty palms and make networking fun. With a little bit of humor and a lot of charm, you can connect with new clients and grow your service-based business like a pro.


Well, my fellow service-based business owners, I hope you’re feeling inspired and empowered after reading this post! We’ve covered a lot of ground today, from networking and events to social media and paid advertising.

But here’s the thing: marketing your business doesn’t have to be a chore. It doesn’t have to be something you dread or something you’re not good at. With a little bit of creativity and a lot of enthusiasm, you can find marketing strategies that work for you and that help you connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

Whether you’re a social media guru, a content marketing maven, or an event-planning extraordinaire, there’s a marketing strategy out there that’s perfect for you and your unique style. So don’t be afraid to experiment, try new things, and inject your own personality and humor into your marketing efforts.

At the end of the day, marketing your service-based business is all about building relationships and providing value to your audience. It’s not about spamming people with ads or pushing a hard sell. It’s about connecting with people on a deeper level and showing them why your services are the best fit for their needs.

So go forth, my friends, and market your service-based businesses with passion and purpose. With a little bit of optimism, a workflow that flows for you, and a whole lot of determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Here’s more information that may be helpful!

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Unleash Your Business's Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know
Unleash Your Business's Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know
Unleash Your Business's Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know
Unleash Your Business's Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know
Unleash Your Business's Potential: Marketing Strategies Every Female Service Business Owner Needs to Know