Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5: Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Welcome to the fifth and final part of our Marketing Planning Series! So far, we’ve explored data-driven marketing, content planning, leveraging social media, and creating engaging social media posts. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the art of repurposing old content that ranks. By maximizing the value of your existing content, you can breathe new life into it, boost your SEO efforts, and engage your audience. Let’s dive into the world of content repurposing.

Maximizing the Value of Existing Content

Your content library is a goldmine of opportunities waiting to be explored. Repurposing old content that has already proven its worth not only saves time but also extends its lifespan and reach. Here’s how to get started.

Identifying Evergreen and High-Performing Content

To begin your content repurposing journey, identify which pieces of your existing content are evergreen and high-performing. Evergreen content remains relevant over time and can be repurposed for different audiences and platforms.

Repurposing Strategies: From Blogs to Videos, Infographics, and More

Repurposing doesn’t mean duplication; it’s about presenting the same information in various formats to cater to different preferences. Here are some repurposing strategies to consider:

  • Blog to Video: Transform a popular blog post into a video presentation or tutorial. Share it on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • Blog to Podcast: Convert written content into an audio format for podcast episodes. This opens up a new audience segment.
  • Blog to Infographic: Condense key points and statistics from your blog into an engaging infographic. Infographics are highly shareable on social media.
  • Long-Form to Short-Form: Extract key takeaways from long-form content and create shorter, easily digestible versions for quick consumption.
  • Webinar to Blog Series: Transcribe a successful webinar or presentation into a blog series, allowing you to delve deeper into each topic.

Updating and Refreshing Outdated Content

While repurposing, take the opportunity to update and refresh outdated content. This ensures accuracy and relevance, especially for evergreen topics. Make sure to:

  • Update statistics and data.
  • Remove outdated references and broken links.
  • Incorporate the latest industry trends and insights.

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SEO Best Practices for Repurposed Content

Optimizing repurposed content for search engines is crucial to ensure it continues to rank well. Follow these SEO best practices:

  • Use relevant keywords and phrases strategically.
  • Optimize meta titles and descriptions.
  • Ensure proper internal and external linking.
  • Implement schema markup for rich snippets where applicable.

Promoting Repurposed Content Effectively

Promotion is key to getting your repurposed content in front of your target audience. Utilize the following promotion strategies:

  • Share repurposed content on your social media platforms.
  • Email your subscribers with updates on repurposed blog posts, podcasts, or videos.
  • Collaborate with influencers or other content creators to promote your content.
  • Include repurposed content in your newsletter or email marketing campaigns.

Monitoring the Impact on Rankings and Engagement

Finally, keep a close eye on the impact of your repurposed content on both search rankings and audience engagement. Track key metrics such as:

  • Changes in search engine rankings.
  • Traffic and engagement metrics (page views, time on page, bounce rate).
  • Social media shares, likes, and comments.

Use this data to assess the success of your repurposing efforts and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy.

Content Repurposing Madlib Prompts

Choose Your Content Piece:

  • Title of Old Content: [Insert the title of the content you want to repurpose]
  • Original Format: [Specify the original format – blog, video, podcast, etc.]

Select New Format for Repurposing:

  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Podcast Episode
  • Short-Form Content (e.g., social media post)
  • Blog Series
  • Webinar

Key Elements to Extract:

  • Main Topic: [What is the core subject of the content?]
  • Key Points: [List 3-5 main points or takeaways from the original content]
  • Statistics/Data: [Mention any important data or statistics to highlight]
  • Quotes/Insights: [Select any memorable quotes or unique insights]

Updating and Refreshing:

  • Update Data: [List any statistics or data that need updating]
  • Modernize References: [Note any references that need to be modernized]
  • Add Trends: [Mention any recent industry trends or insights to include]

SEO Optimization (for written content):

  • New Keywords: [List relevant keywords for the repurposed content]
  • Meta Description: [Write a brief meta description for SEO purposes]

Promotion Strategy:

  • Social Media Platforms: [List the platforms where you will share the repurposed content]
  • Email Marketing: [Describe how you will use email to promote the content]
  • Collaboration: [Note any potential collaborations for promoting the content]

Monitoring and Metrics:

  • SEO Metrics: [What SEO metrics will you track?]
  • Engagement Metrics: [Which engagement metrics are most relevant?]
  • Adjustments: [What adjustments might you consider based on these metrics?]


And that’s a wrap on our “Content Marketing Planning Series”! With this fifth and final part, “Repurposing Old Content That Ranks,” we’ve come full circle in our journey to supercharge your content marketing efforts.

From the initial stages of data-driven marketing to the strategic use of social media, and now to the art of repurposing content, we’ve covered a comprehensive roadmap for your content strategy. And what better way to conclude than with our Madlib-style prompt, tailored to breathe new life into your existing content?

This creative tool is perfect for transforming old content into fresh, engaging formats while maintaining its relevance and search ranking power. By utilizing these repurposing strategies, along with the practicality of our Madlib prompt, you’re equipped to maximize the value of every content piece.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3: Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3: Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It

Welcome back to our journey into crafting a content strategy that truly shines! In this third installment of our series, we’re focusing on how to pick the perfect core content for your brand and how AI, specifically ChatGPT, can be a game-changer in your content creation process.

Let’s get those creative gears turning and explore how these tools can be harnessed to elevate your brand to new heights!

Choosing Your Core Content Type (Weekly Blog Posts, Videos, or Podcasts)

The heart of your content strategy lies in choosing the right type of core content. Whether it’s insightful blog posts, captivating videos, or engaging podcasts, the key is to select a medium that best showcases your expertise and resonates with your audience. Your commitment to producing one pieces of core content each week is not just about consistency; it’s about building a connection with your audience and providing them with value they can’t find anywhere else. Here’s how you can ace each format:

  • Blog Posts: 12 well-researched, informative blog articles that enlighten and engage your readers.
    Videos: 12 visually appealing videos, ranging from tutorials to product demos, that capture and hold your audience’s attention.
    Podcasts: 12 deep-dive podcast episodes that explore topics your audience is passionate about.

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As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Leveraging ChatGPT for Core Content

Now, let’s talk about the exciting part – using AI to supercharge your content creation! ChatGPT is more than just a tool; it’s your creative partner in this content journey. Imagine harnessing its power to generate ideas, outlines, or even draft content for your blogs, videos, and podcasts.

It can provide you with fresh perspectives, help overcome writer’s block, and even assist in scripting or structuring your content. With ChatGPT, you’re not just keeping up with the content demands; you’re staying ahead of the curve!


Title: [Descriptive Title that includes Main Keyword]

[Open with a question or a surprising fact]
[State the problem or challenge related to your industry]
[Promise a solution by the end of the blog]

Main Body:
[Heading 1: Key Topic or Solution 1]
[2-3 sentences explaining this topic or solution]
[An example or a case study to illustrate this point]

[Heading 2: Key Topic or Solution 2]
[2-3 sentences explaining this topic or solution]
[A quick tip or a practical step related to this point]

[Heading 3: Key Topic or Solution 3]
[2-3 sentences explaining this topic or solution]
[A fun fact or statistic to engage readers]

[Summarize the key points made]
[End with a call-to-action (CTA) – e.g., sign up, contact, read more]

[CTA: Create a call to action to encourage comments and engagement]


[Start with a catchy greeting]
[Introduce yourself and your business]
[Tease the main topic of the video]

Segment 1: Introduction to the Topic
[Present the topic and why it’s important]
[Share a personal anecdote or a relevant example]

Segment 2: Main Content
[Point 1 – Describe with visuals or demonstrations]
[Point 2 – Elaborate with examples or guest input]
[Point 3 – Discuss implications or benefits for the viewer]

Segment 3: Practical Tips or Steps
[Provide actionable advice or steps related to the topic]
[Include visuals or on-screen text to enhance understanding]

[Summarize the key points]
[Encourage viewers to like, share, and subscribe]
[End with a CTA, like visiting your website or signing up for a newsletter]


[Welcome listeners to the episode]
[Quick introduction of yourself and your podcast theme]
[Mention the episode number and title]

Main Segment:
[Topic Overview – Briefly introduce the episode’s main topic]
[Deep Dive 1 – Discuss the first aspect of the topic, include a story or an interview]
[Deep Dive 2 – Explore the second aspect, possibly include listener questions or comments]

Guest Segment: (if applicable)
[Introduce the guest and their relevance to the topic]
[Key questions to ask the guest]
[Discuss how the guest’s insights apply to your listeners]

[Sum up the episode’s main takeaways]
[Tease the next episode or upcoming content]
[CTA – Remind listeners to subscribe, leave a review, or visit your website]
[Thank the listeners for tuning in]


Embracing the power of both the right content type and cutting-edge AI tools like ChatGPT sets you up for a content-rich quarter. This approach not only boosts your content quality and quantity but also ensures that every piece of content aligns perfectly with your brand’s voice and your audience’s needs.

So, are you ready to make this quarter the most impactful yet? Let’s make it happen!



More Tips For You!

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Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 3:<br />
Picking Core Content and Using AI to Generate It by Jen Vazquez Media