Remember That Big Pinterest Update? Tailwind’s Got Your Back

maroon color background with white text saying Hey Pinners! Remember That Big Pinterest Update? Tailwind's Got Your Back by Jen Vazquez Media

Remember That Big Pinterest Update? Tailwind’s Got Your Back

Let’s be real, Pinterest gave us a little shake-up last year with that whole Simplified Pin thing. You remember they call all pins that aren’t ads Organic Pins.  That means pins can be graphics, videos, or a combination of both.

“Standard or Idea…hmm, decisions, decisions!” Well, that’s so yesterday’s news. Simplified Pins or Organic Pins (both names are used) are streamlined to make things so much easier.  There is ONE organic pin that gives us the ability to create pins however we want.

And… links are on all pins and you can add all kinds of goodies.  are here to stay, and Tailwind’s swooping in to make them work even harder for you.

Tailwind: Your Pinning Sidekick

Tailwind’s new tool is like having a Pinterest wizard on speed dial! They streamline the whole Simplified Pin process, giving your content that extra bit of magic to catch the eye of potential clients.

Even if Pinterest updates feel a bit overwhelming, Tailwind’s got you covered – they keep things fresh and easy so you can focus on showcasing your amazing services.

Get Free Pinterest and Marketing Tools!

I have a Vault of free tools to help you grow your business.  From masterclasses, to tools, and more! Check them out!

But Why Simplified Pins, Anyway?

Simplify your Pinterest game! With Simplified Pins, there’s just one amazing format to master. That means less time scratching your head and more time getting those creative juices flowing. Pinterest took all the best Pin features and rolled them into one powerhouse package – it’s a win-win for your content strategy.

Not selling products? No worries! Think of Simplified Pins as a way to showcase your expertise, share testimonials, or highlight the amazing results you get for clients. Turn those “ooh, I need that!” moments into leads and bookings.

What This Means for You, My Fabulous Pinner:

Remember when Pinterest streamlined things with Simplified Pins? Tailwind’s making the whole process even smoother with their new tool. Forget fussing over formats – now you can channel all that creative energy into awesome content. Tailwind’s got the techy stuff handled, so you can focus on designing Pins that really stand out and get your services noticed.

With Tailwind’s Simplified Pin tool, pinning becomes a breeze. Unleash your creativity, rock those ideas, and amplify your potential. Those new tools are like a secret weapon, helping you create Pins that seriously pop!


So, fire up Tailwind, unleash your inner Pinning superstar, and get ready to rock those Simplified Pins! ✨. Get your Tailwind forever free plan here!

Questions? I’m all ears! 👂 Join my private community for free education on all things Pinterest, Marketing, Repurposing, and SEO!


Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget To Pin It!

flowers and computer with pink with text saying Hey Pinners! Remember That Big Pinterest Update? Tailwind's Got Your Back by Jen Vazquez Media
women on her cell phone in blue jeans and notepad with text saying Hey Pinners! Remember That Big Pinterest Update? Tailwind's Got Your Back by Jen Vazquez Media
women holding a phone at a table with text saying Hey Pinners! Remember That Big Pinterest Update? Tailwind's Got Your Back by Jen Vazquez Media
flowers, cell phone, notepad and coffee with text saying Hey Pinners! Remember That Big Pinterest Update? Tailwind's Got Your Back by Jen Vazquez Media

The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Quadruple Your Content Output

The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Quadruple Your Content Output by Jen Vazquez Media

The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Quadruple Your Content Output

Hey there content creator! Feeling the pressure to keep up with that crazy content demand? Don’t sweat it! I’ve got the secret sauce to transform how you create. This post spills the beans on a totally unique strategy that’ll blast your content output into orbit. Get ready to say goodbye to endless content creation and hello to more time and epic results!

Hi, I’m Jen Vazquez, Pinterest marketing expert for busy service providers. If you’re tired of the Pinterest grind and want to attract more dream clients effortlessly, you’re in the right place!  Whether you need done-for-you Pinterest management to free up your time OR want to learn my proven strategies to grow your own business, I’ve got you covered. Just schedule a Discovery call to see how I can help you with Pinterest.

The Struggle is Real: Understanding Your Content Challenges

Picture this: You’re in a constant battle to crank out fresh, awesome stuff. Blog posts, social updates, videos… the to-do list is out of control! It’s like juggling a gazillion flaming chainsaws. Yikes! Plus, the content world changes faster than you can say “viral video.” It’s exhausting trying to keep up!

But that’s not all! You gotta make your content stand out in a sea of online noise. It takes major creativity and effort to get heard! Oh, and don’t forget about keeping that brand voice strong. With teams spread out, things can get messy, and your message gets lost.

Now take a deep breath ’cause here comes the good part… REPURPOSING! It’s the secret weapon that’ll save you time, boost productivity, and quadruple your output. Boom!

The Power of Repurposing: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Repurposing is like giving your content a costume change! Instead of starting from scratch every time, remix your awesome stuff into new formats. Here’s how:

  • Blog to Boom: Turn that killer post into a snazzy infographic or a podcast episode.
  • Social Snackables: Snip your content into bite-sized social media gold.
  • Consistency King/Queen: Repurposing keeps your message clear across all platforms.

Repurposing extends your content’s lifespan too. It’s like the best content party ever!

User-Generated Content: Your Community is Content Gold

Wanna tap into a content wonderland? Your community is the key! Testimonials, reviews, those hilarious blog comments… they’re all content treasure. Here’s how to make it happen:

  • Feedback Frenzy: Ask for opinions and show your followers that you care.
  • Testimonial Time: Feature customer wins on your website or social media.
  • Community Love: Respond to comments, share ideas, and give those shout-outs!

By using your community’s voice, your content becomes mega authentic and builds crazy trust.

Have a Question for Jen?

Brand New Offer

Get Lifetime Pinterest coaching with Jen Vazquez of a one-time fee of $197

Yo, want some kickass marketing coaching for LIFE?

Yeah, you heard that right! I’m giving you lifetime access to my brain, my Pinterest secrets, marketing workflows, and a whole community of rockstars – all for a one-time fee of just $197. 🤯

*Limited Time Offer

Streamline Your Workflow: Tools to the Rescue!

Time to level up your content game with some sweet tools and tactics:

  • The Content Calendar: Your new BFF for organization and planning power.
  • Repurposing Remix: It’s content makeover time!
  • Teamwork FTW: Collab tools like Google Docs keep everyone in sync.
  • Automate It: Social schedulers and email tools work magic while you sleep.

These tools are like giving your content creation superpowers!

Quality over Quantity: Content that Rocks

Now, let’s make that content shine! It’s not about volume; it’s about creating stuff that connects:

  • Know Your Tribe: Their problems, their dreams – that’s your content fuel.
  • Storytelling Superstar: Share those wins, fails, and everything in between.
  • Visuals FTW: Images, infographics, and videos make your content pop.
  • Call-to-Action Champ: Tell your readers what to do next with exciting CTAs.

Take Action for Awesome Results!

Ready to quadruple your output? Heck yeah! Download this checklist and unleash those content superpowers:

Remember, rockstar content isn’t about quantity, it’s about quality. Embrace these strategies and watch your content crush it!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget To Pin It!

The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Quadruple Your Content Output by Jen Vazquez Media
The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Quadruple Your Content Output by Jen Vazquez Media
The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Quadruple Your Content Output by Jen Vazquez Media
The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Quadruple Your Content Output by Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5: Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Welcome to the fifth and final part of our Marketing Planning Series! So far, we’ve explored data-driven marketing, content planning, leveraging social media, and creating engaging social media posts. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the art of repurposing old content that ranks. By maximizing the value of your existing content, you can breathe new life into it, boost your SEO efforts, and engage your audience. Let’s dive into the world of content repurposing.

Maximizing the Value of Existing Content

Your content library is a goldmine of opportunities waiting to be explored. Repurposing old content that has already proven its worth not only saves time but also extends its lifespan and reach. Here’s how to get started.

Identifying Evergreen and High-Performing Content

To begin your content repurposing journey, identify which pieces of your existing content are evergreen and high-performing. Evergreen content remains relevant over time and can be repurposed for different audiences and platforms.

Repurposing Strategies: From Blogs to Videos, Infographics, and More

Repurposing doesn’t mean duplication; it’s about presenting the same information in various formats to cater to different preferences. Here are some repurposing strategies to consider:

  • Blog to Video: Transform a popular blog post into a video presentation or tutorial. Share it on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • Blog to Podcast: Convert written content into an audio format for podcast episodes. This opens up a new audience segment.
  • Blog to Infographic: Condense key points and statistics from your blog into an engaging infographic. Infographics are highly shareable on social media.
  • Long-Form to Short-Form: Extract key takeaways from long-form content and create shorter, easily digestible versions for quick consumption.
  • Webinar to Blog Series: Transcribe a successful webinar or presentation into a blog series, allowing you to delve deeper into each topic.

Updating and Refreshing Outdated Content

While repurposing, take the opportunity to update and refresh outdated content. This ensures accuracy and relevance, especially for evergreen topics. Make sure to:

  • Update statistics and data.
  • Remove outdated references and broken links.
  • Incorporate the latest industry trends and insights.

Unlock Your FREE Pinterest Marketing Resources

Dive into the Pinterest Marketing Resources Vault, packed with over 10 game-changing tools, 6 exclusive masterclasses, and exciting challenges. This free vault is your golden ticket to supercharging your marketing strategies on Pinterest. Get instant access to templates and assets designed to transform your marketing game.

Ready to work smarter, not harder? Sign up now and unleash your full potential!

SEO Best Practices for Repurposed Content

Optimizing repurposed content for search engines is crucial to ensure it continues to rank well. Follow these SEO best practices:

  • Use relevant keywords and phrases strategically.
  • Optimize meta titles and descriptions.
  • Ensure proper internal and external linking.
  • Implement schema markup for rich snippets where applicable.

Promoting Repurposed Content Effectively

Promotion is key to getting your repurposed content in front of your target audience. Utilize the following promotion strategies:

  • Share repurposed content on your social media platforms.
  • Email your subscribers with updates on repurposed blog posts, podcasts, or videos.
  • Collaborate with influencers or other content creators to promote your content.
  • Include repurposed content in your newsletter or email marketing campaigns.

Monitoring the Impact on Rankings and Engagement

Finally, keep a close eye on the impact of your repurposed content on both search rankings and audience engagement. Track key metrics such as:

  • Changes in search engine rankings.
  • Traffic and engagement metrics (page views, time on page, bounce rate).
  • Social media shares, likes, and comments.

Use this data to assess the success of your repurposing efforts and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy.

Content Repurposing Madlib Prompts

Choose Your Content Piece:

  • Title of Old Content: [Insert the title of the content you want to repurpose]
  • Original Format: [Specify the original format – blog, video, podcast, etc.]

Select New Format for Repurposing:

  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Podcast Episode
  • Short-Form Content (e.g., social media post)
  • Blog Series
  • Webinar

Key Elements to Extract:

  • Main Topic: [What is the core subject of the content?]
  • Key Points: [List 3-5 main points or takeaways from the original content]
  • Statistics/Data: [Mention any important data or statistics to highlight]
  • Quotes/Insights: [Select any memorable quotes or unique insights]

Updating and Refreshing:

  • Update Data: [List any statistics or data that need updating]
  • Modernize References: [Note any references that need to be modernized]
  • Add Trends: [Mention any recent industry trends or insights to include]

SEO Optimization (for written content):

  • New Keywords: [List relevant keywords for the repurposed content]
  • Meta Description: [Write a brief meta description for SEO purposes]

Promotion Strategy:

  • Social Media Platforms: [List the platforms where you will share the repurposed content]
  • Email Marketing: [Describe how you will use email to promote the content]
  • Collaboration: [Note any potential collaborations for promoting the content]

Monitoring and Metrics:

  • SEO Metrics: [What SEO metrics will you track?]
  • Engagement Metrics: [Which engagement metrics are most relevant?]
  • Adjustments: [What adjustments might you consider based on these metrics?]


And that’s a wrap on our “Content Marketing Planning Series”! With this fifth and final part, “Repurposing Old Content That Ranks,” we’ve come full circle in our journey to supercharge your content marketing efforts.

From the initial stages of data-driven marketing to the strategic use of social media, and now to the art of repurposing content, we’ve covered a comprehensive roadmap for your content strategy. And what better way to conclude than with our Madlib-style prompt, tailored to breathe new life into your existing content?

This creative tool is perfect for transforming old content into fresh, engaging formats while maintaining its relevance and search ranking power. By utilizing these repurposing strategies, along with the practicality of our Madlib prompt, you’re equipped to maximize the value of every content piece.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 1: Reviewing Last Year’s Content Performance on Google Search Console

Marketing Planning Series Part 1: Reviewing Last Year's Content Performance on Google Search Console - A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing: by Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 1

Reviewing Last Year’s Content Performance on Google Search Console: A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing:

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, data-driven marketing has become more critical than ever. Marketers need accurate insights into their content’s performance to make informed decisions and optimize their strategies continually.

One invaluable tool for gaining these insights is Google Search Console. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of data-driven marketing, why Google Search Console matters, and the steps to access and analyze key metrics.

We’ll also delve into identifying your top-performing content and extracting actionable insights to drive your marketing efforts forward.

The Importance of Data-Driven Marketing

In the world of marketing, the phrase “knowledge is power” couldn’t be more accurate. Data-driven marketing involves using data analytics, metrics, and performance indicators to inform decision-making. Instead of relying on hunches or guesswork, marketers harness the power of data to understand their audience better, evaluate campaign effectiveness, and refine their strategies.

Data-driven marketing offers several key advantages:


  • Informed Decision-Making: Data provides concrete evidence to support marketing decisions, reducing the risk of costly missteps.
  • Audience Understanding: By analyzing data, marketers gain deeper insights into their audience’s preferences, behavior, and needs.
  • Optimized Campaigns: Data-driven insights enable marketers to continually optimize campaigns for better results.
  • Improved ROI: Through data analysis, marketing efforts become more efficient and cost-effective.

Why Google Search Console Matters

Google Search Console is a free web service offered by Google that helps website owners monitor and optimize their site’s presence in Google Search results. It provides a wealth of information about how your website performs in Google searches, making it an invaluable resource for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and content optimization.

Here’s why Google Search Console matters:

  • Search Visibility: It allows you to see how often your website appears in Google searches and the specific keywords triggering these impressions.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): You can analyze how many users clicked on your search result, giving you insights into the effectiveness of your titles and meta descriptions.
  • Index Coverage: Google Search Console alerts you to any indexing issues on your site, helping you ensure that your content is properly crawled and indexed.
  • Performance Trends: You can track performance trends over time to identify opportunities and areas that require improvement.

Steps to Access Google Search Console Data

To harness the power of Google Search Console, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up Google Search Console: If you haven’t already, set up your website on Google Search Console by verifying ownership.
  2. Access the Dashboard: Once verified, log in to Google Search Console and access your website’s dashboard.
  3. Navigate to the Performance Report: Click on the “Performance” tab in the left-hand sidebar. Here, you’ll find valuable data on your site’s performance in Google searches.

Pinterest Management


As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably exhausted trying to keep up with all the changes and don’t have time to do #allthethings, so you are ready to outsource your Pinterest management and marketing to someone else so you can get more leads and traffic to your website and grow your business or blog to the next level and you can work in your zone of genius!

Analyzing Key Metrics: Clicks, Impressions, CTR, and Average Position

Within the Google Search Console Performance Report, you’ll encounter several key metrics:

  • Clicks: This metric represents the number of times users clicked through to your website from Google Search results.
  • Impressions: Impressions indicate how many times your website appeared in Google Search results for various queries.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions, giving you insight into how compelling your search result snippets are.
  • Average Position: This metric shows the average position of your site in search results for a specific query.

Identifying Top-Performing Content

One of the most valuable aspects of Google Search Console is its ability to highlight your top-performing content. To identify this content:

  • Access the “Pages” tab in the Performance Report.
  • Sort the data by clicks or CTR to find the pages that receive the most traffic and engagement.

Takeaways and Actionable Insights

As you review your content’s performance on Google Search Console, take note of the following:

  • Identify high-performing keywords and queries.
  • Assess the impact of meta titles and descriptions on CTR.
  • Discover opportunities to improve underperforming pages.
  • Optimize content based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Set measurable goals for content improvement.


In conclusion, data-driven marketing is essential for modern businesses seeking to maximize their online presence and impact. Google Search Console provides a treasure trove of data and insights to help you refine your content strategy, improve your SEO efforts, and ultimately drive better results.

By regularly reviewing your content’s performance and taking action based on the data, you can stay ahead of the competition and keep your audience engaged.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t forget to pin it!

Marketing Planning Series Part 1: Reviewing Last Year's Content Performance on Google Search Console - A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing: by Jen Vazquez Media
Marketing Planning Series Part 1: Reviewing Last Year's Content Performance on Google Search Console - A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing: by Jen Vazquez Media
Marketing Planning Series Part 1: Reviewing Last Year's Content Performance on Google Search Console - A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing: by Jen Vazquez Media
Marketing Planning Series Part 1: Reviewing Last Year's Content Performance on Google Search Console - A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing: by Jen Vazquez Media
Marketing Planning Series Part 1: Reviewing Last Year's Content Performance on Google Search Console - A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing: by Jen Vazquez Media

Wedding Pros: 8 Marketing Hacks To Do Today To Thrive In Engagement Season

8 Ways to Thrive in Engagement Season as a Wedding Pro by Jen Vazquez media

Wedding Pros: 8 Marketing Hacks To Do Today To Thrive In Engagement Season

Hey there, fellow wedding pros! Even though I’m a Pinterest expert, I’m also a wedding photographer.  Engagement season is upon us, and it’s time to shine and make the most of this joyous time when couples are saying “I do” to forever love. I’m sharing 8 marketing tips to help you not only survive but thrive during this bustling season. Doing all this work now will lay the groundwork for leads in the future.

1. Update Your Pinterest Profile

Optimize your Pinterest profile to showcase your expertise. Create boards that highlight your work, such as “Stunning Engagement Photo Ideas”, “Dreamy Wedding Venues in XYZ city or area” or “Wedding Planning Tips/Advice”.  Pin your best content and share tips and advice that resonate with engaged couples.  Also, put text over the gorgeous images so that it explains why they should click through to your content.

2. Refresh Old Educational Blogs

Take a look at your old educational blogs. Are there any outdated information or images that need a refresh? Keep your blog content current and relevant. Update your past posts with new insights, recent success stories, and trending wedding ideas.

3. Write New Educational Blogs

This is the ideal moment to create fresh educational content centered on the initial stages of wedding planning. Cover topics like ‘Selecting the Ideal Wedding Date,’ ‘Choosing the Perfect Venue,’ and ‘Picking Your Wedding Photographer and Planner,’ are tailored with area-specific keywords to resonate with your ideal local couples.


Ready to take your marketing to the next level?

Jen Vazquez Media would love to help! Whether it’s DIY, Done With You, or Don’t For You, we have multiple services to help with marketing, Pinterest, workflow, and Content Creation + repurposing.  Let’s chat!

4. Share Reviews + Photos

Share reviews and photos from couples you’ve worked with across all platforms! These stories help potential clients connect with your work personally. Showcase how you brought their visions to life. Be sure to tag the couples, venues, and fellow wedding pros in your blogs, social media, and Pinterest posts. When they engage with it, your work spreads even further.

5. Offer Engaging Content on Social Media

Utilize your social media channels to create engaging content. Share tips, fun facts, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your work. The more engaging and interactive you are, the more couples will be drawn to your brand.  Also don’t forget to tag couples and wedding vendors and include location tags.

6. Collaborate with Wedding Vendors

Reach out to wedding vendors who align with your brand values and how you work.  Collaborations can help you tap into their audience and gain more visibility during engagement season.  Focus on building real relationships and not just marketing to them.  Truly focus on how you can help them and what goes around will come around.

7. Connect with Past Clients

Reach out to past clients through email, informing them that you’re open for bookings and offering discounted portrait sessions (maternity, family, etc.). Encourage them to share this with their engaged friends. An effective strategy I’ve used is to annually post a photo from their wedding, extend anniversary wishes, and tag the couple and vendors, rekindling connections for potential referrals.

8. Be a Responsive and Supportive Expert

As always, be responsive and supportive when dealing with inquiries. Show that you are not just an expert but a caring professional, ready to support couples as they embark on their wedding planning journey.


Embrace engagement season with these eight actionable strategies to thrive as a wedding pro. From optimizing your Pinterest profile to connecting with past clients and everything in between, these tips are your secret recipe for success. 

Now is the perfect time to shine, making the most of the joyous moments when couples say ‘I do’ to forever love. By following these insights, you’ll not only survive but thrive during this bustling season, building meaningful connections and creating magical moments for your clients.

With these tips, you can make this engagement season truly magical and productive!

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t forget to pin it!

8 Ways to Thrive in Engagement Season as a Wedding Pro by Jen Vazquez media
8 Ways to Thrive in Engagement Season as a Wedding Pro by Jen Vazquez media
Get Ready for engagement Season with these 8 Tips as a Wedding Pro by Jen Vazquez media
Get Ready for engagement Season with these 8 Tips as a Wedding Pro by Jen Vazquez media
Get Ready for engagement Season with these 8 Tips as a Wedding Pro by Jen Vazquez media