Why you should use an email list in marketing and 6 ways to grow it

Why you should use an email list in marketing and 6 ways to grow it

Why you should use an email list in marketing and 6 ways to grow it

One of the most effective ways to go about getting, developing and keeping clients is an email list.  Why? Because you information is delivered directly to their personal email (with permission) vs going through an algorithm on social media.  

So, it’s a direct communication channel between you and your customers and typically those who have signed up to your list are considered warm leads.

It’s also the best way of communicating with previous clients, which can be a powerful way of scoring repeat clients or setting up a type of referrals program, as well as provide new offers.

FYI: If you’d prefer to watch a video rather than reed, scroll to the bottom of the page.

So now you know you need an email list, next is to pick an email client. I started on MailChimp as it’s free but I chose to use ConvertKit a few years ago and saw a 32% open rate when I changed over.

ConvertKit also has a free option but you’ll want the automation which has a cost on Convertkit.

Next you’ll need to consider ways to grow your list, but before we get to those tips, I want to encourage you to email your list every time you write a blog. 

Simply create a curated version of your blog post (like instead of 10 tips to XYZ, in your email list use three tips to XYZ with a button to read the remaining tips on your blog. Driving people to your website also helps your google analytics! 

One thing to note — your email marketing contact database degrades over time.  Your contacts’ email addresses change as they move from one company to another, opt-out of your email communication, or abandon an address they only used to fill out forms on websites.

As a marketer, it’s your job to make sure you’re constantly adding fresh contacts to your email lists so you can continue generating growth.

Now to the tips you came here for on growing your email list. These are proven opt-in ideas…

Tip 1 | Quizzes

The fastest and most fun way I’ve ever grown my list is by using a personality quiz. They are fun and people really love them. You know they work because you’ve probably seen one on Buzzfeed and taken it yourself. 

Just make sure that you are collecting emails. There’s a lot of systems like Interact that is free but to collect emails, you have to have a paid offer.

They are effective because they collect emails before the quiz and the answer is delivered in their email. 

It’s true some people unsubscribe right after but most don’t. Especially if it’s geared to your business. 

Tip 2 | Lead Magnet or Freebie

Another very effective way of growing your email list is the classic “lead magnet” or Freebie” strategy. 

A lead magnet can be any digital download. We’re talking PDF’s, checklists, videos, audio files, templates, mini courses, masterclasses, mockups, guides, cheat sheets, discounts, and so much more!

You create the freebie and include the code from your email client (ConvertKit) to insert on a blog or anywhere on your website. When someone opts-in to your freebie, your email client automatically sends them an email with the download link to the freebie. 

Why you should use an email list in marketing and 6 ways to grow it by Jen Vazquez Marketing + Pinterest Strategist

Tip 3 | Vault or Resource Library

One thing a few of my clients use so effectively is a resource library of all your free digital downloads.   I’m actually working on mine now.  This can be in addition to your lead magnets or instead of individual lead magnets. 

You have a sign-up page that explains a password and link to the library will be delivered to their email.  Then you have that page on your website behind password protection.  When they sign up, they get all your goodies at once and can come back anytime they want or need help. 

It helps to save time so you don’t have a landing page for each lead magnet and only one nurturing sequence to create.  A nurturing sequence is a brilliant way of using automation to consistently deliver a series of 5-8 emails that go out daily or weekly.  

Tip 4 | Challenges

Another fantastic opt-in idea to grow subscribers is to use challenges. Challenges can be extremely effective in growing your email list and provide so much value. 

They are a variety of ways to set them up, you have to see what makes sense for you. The easiest way is to run challenges via a series of emails. 

That way whenever someone starts the challenge, the get emails dripped out from their start date.  

What I’ve found about challenges versus pdf download is people are more committed and are probably your ideal client.  This brings you farther along that “know, like + trust” process and means you are closer to potentially working with them. 

Why you should use an email list in marketing and 6 ways to grow it by Jen Vazquez Marketing + Pinterest Strategist

Tip 5 |  Masterclass, Workshop, Webinar, or Virtual Event

These type of opt-in ideas require a bit more prep and energy, but often they are the best way to get one step closer to working with them as a client because they see how you educate. 

These gather signups via a registration page. Then you prepare for the scheduled pre-recorded video or live session via zoom or whatever webinar platform you use. 

Tip 6 | Pop-ups on website/blog

Building your email list on your website by installing pop-ups works really well. 

Website pop-ups can be a nuisance, and nowadays it can feel like you have to wade through an eternity of cookie notices and ads just to get to the good stuff you want to read. Still, pop-ups can be a great way to grab people’s attention if done properly.

Once a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on a specific page or when they move their cursor to exit the page, or after scrolling through a certain percentage of the page the pop-up will happen. 

I recommend the Edit Pop-up as it’s when they are leaving so it doesn’t interrupt their viewing of your blog or website.  The pop-up should be sweet and to the point (Before you leave, download my free checklist for XYZ).


So that’s it. Hopefully you learned why you should use email lists and some ideas on how to grow it!  I hope that this helped to encourage you to signup for an email client or revive your almost dead email list.  

I believe if you are running a business, you have valuable information and not sharing that information could be considered selfish 😘

I KNOW you can go it!!

What free Marketing Education?

I hope you sign up for our FREE Creative Marketing Summit.  I’m busy gathering marketing experts to help in all sorts of areas of marketing from blogs, to email lists, to social media and everything in-between!

Email Marketing for Wedding Pros

Email Marketing for Wedding Pros

Today we are going to talk about another piece of marketing besides blogs, social media and Pinterest

I know you’ve heard all about email marketing, but you may think email marketing doesn’t work for wedding pros because they are on and off the list in a year or so (sometimes even a few months these days).

While we know that email marketing strategies work to qualify and encourage sales for other businesses, why should I use it as a wedding pro?

Why Is Email Marketing An Effective Strategy For A Wedding Pro?

You’re probably using several platforms to get the word out about your business. I’m know you’re on Instagram, you’re blogging and you’re on or attempting Pinterest because you are joining our room each week., 

So why should you add it to your marketing system? 

Email Marketing Helps You Speak To Your Wedding Customers In A More Intimate Way

They’ve given you permission to show up in their email — so it lets you speak to your potential clients in a more intimate way and to them it feels like you are speaking directly to them.

Even if your content on Instagram, Pinterest and blogging speaks to your ideal clients, they know that it was written for the public to read.

Email marketing is different. A customer’s inbox is their private space and they gave you permission to enter it.  

You Can Slowly Nurture Those Wedding Leads Into bookings or raving fans

Email marketing gives you a direct line of communication with your potential clients. Email marketing lets you slowly nurture those leads into booked couples.

When you provide value info about planning wedding or whatever your speciality is, you are twice as likely to encourage them to book you.  

Email Marketing takes people quickly through the “Know/Like/Trust” journey into booked clients

The know/like/trust is SUPER important in the life cycle of marketing.  It’s mandatory to move lead along the buyer journey to securing your services for their wedding.

This is where marketing, advertising, and brand awareness comes in.

It all starts with seeing you on social media, a blog post, Pinterest, a google search, or a friend referring you.  Then they opt in for a lead magnet (or freebie) to learn more and end up on your email list where you can nurture them.

SO – how Can you Use Email Marketing As A Wedding Pro?

Because email marketing for wedding pros is a little difference as the client lifecycle is usually a lot shorter, you just need to tweak how you use email marketing as a wedding pro.

There are two levels to email marketing.  One is you can send consistent emails (Vanessa has talked about this before how they are on a cycle of engagement and getting married).

The BEST way is to include a nurture sequence after an opt-in.  You have several emails that go out and then they are on your full wedding list.

Then when they get married (you photograph their wedding) there is a “to do” to move them onto your regular client list.  This is where it comes in handy to help them as they move through their life. 

As a photographer, family photos, maternity photos, as an invitation company, maybe birthday parties and events.  For other wedding vendors, you can do events or birthdays, etc.

So now, let’s brainstorm ideas for emails that you can send to potential wedding clients?

17 Subject Lines for Emails

  1. How to choose a wedding date
  2. 5 Mistakes I See Brides Make Everyday
  3. Tips to making your bridesmaid feel the love
  4. Why you should never do this on the morning of your wedding day
  5. 7 advantages of having a wedding planner
  6. Why hire a professional XYZ instead of having a friend do it
  7. How to NOT argue with your fiance during wedding planning
  8. Don’t forget to bring these things on your wedding day
  9. 5 things to ask your wedding venue before you book
  10. Tips to wedding dress shopping
  11. 5 things bride who already got married want you to know
  12. Pros and Cons of a first look
  13. Wedding timelines that things to consider
  14. Our recent reviews don’t disappoint
  15. FAQ’s for my industry – all your questions answered (discovery calls)
  16. Engagement session locations in XYZ
  17. 10 top wedding venues in XYZ city

Hope this all helped!


If you need help with Pinterest, shoot me an email HERE.

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I dive deep into how to optimize your Pinterest and create a strategy for marketing your business using Pinterest.

Feel free to share this information with the pins below:

Email marketing for Wedding Pros
Email marketing for Wedding Pros
Email marketing for Wedding Pros by Jen Vazquez Marketing and Pinterest Strategist
Email marketing for Wedding Pros by Jen Vazquez Marketing and Pinterest Strategist
Email marketing for Wedding Pros by Jen Vazquez Marketing and Pinterest Strategist

Here is more information that may be helpful!

10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy

10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy

Step 1

Create a blog/video/podcast that teaches something or has an action step.  It’s helpful if you create content weekly.  Some people write a blog post and use that, while others write a blog post and create a video.  Creating a blog post is important for SEO on Google and to get your business out there. Then, you can use it for all of the repuposing steps below.

Step 2

Create 3-5 social media posts from the content.  If your blog post is about 10 tips to X,Y,Z, you can make a social media post about the top tip, then make three more with 3 tips each over the weeks ahead.  

Step 3

Create an idea pin for Pinterest.  To learn how to do that, you can watch my live mastermind on the subject here.

Step 4

Use the slides from idea pin as carousel on IG.  Use Canva pro to resize your idea pin to make Pinterest square sized carousel slides and upload them to instagram.  

Step 5

Create a video from the idea pin to pin to Pinterest.  In Canva take all the slides and use 2-3 seconds in the automate section and save as an MP4 video.  Upload the video to Pinterest and also everywhere it it makes sense (youtube, IGTV, etc.).

Step 6

Use the video as a reel.  Ensuring that you keep each of the slides to 2-3 seconds so that it’s a short reel, which tends to do better.

Step 7

Use the video for Tik-Tok making sure you use a trending audio for the best traction.

Step 8

Create 2-3 IG stories from the blog (link in bio to read more)

Step 9

Share all of the different repurposing items you created above and post them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.  Videos tend to do better on all social media platforms, but you can post the carousels too.

Step 10

Send an email to your email list with key points about the blog post.  Include a button for people to read the full blog also.  If you have a video or podcast also, you can include that in the blog post and on this email.


Search insights on IG for reels, IGTV’s and Posts and the ones that deliver good educational or actionable content and share directly to Pinterest from Instagram on your cell and my clients have seen more traffic to their IG especially for older content that did so well.

Free Download For You:

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10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy
10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy
10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy
10 steps to Repurposing content with this simple strategy

All About LastPass

Did you ever want to give your team access to your accounts or client’s accounts but due to confidentiality, can’t? Are you tired of long lists of passwords and usernames? Fear no more. LastPass is the answer to these!

What is LastPass you ask? It is a secure password storage service with a very easy interface! It lets you save all your usernames and passwords except for your Master Password which is your LastPass password. 

Why is it an awesome app? Well, as I mentioned above:

  1. SECURE – it allows you to share those passwords to your team without them seeing it, control their access and revoke that at any time.
  2. CONVENIENT – it auto-fills for you and you don’t have to scan through your notes/sheet to look for the username and password.
  3. SMART – it recognizes when you’re changing/changed your password because it reminds you to update it in LastPass as well. 

How awesome is that?? I use it for all my Pinterest Management client, my VIP Days, and recommend it for my group coaching membership Pinterest Strategy Academy!  

Now you may ask, how to share passwords?

Step 1: Open your vault and search for the item you want to share

All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez 101

Step 2: Click “Launch” just to check if it’s working properly before sharing it (Note! Make sure the URL associated with that item will lead you to the login page of that particular website)

All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez 102

Step 3: Click the Share button

All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez 103

Step 4: Enter the email address of the person you want to share it to and click share

All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez 104

Viola! You’re done. To confirm, you can go to “Sharing Center” on the left menu section and choose “Shared With Others”.

How To Revoke Access?

Step 1: Go to “Sharing Center” on the left menu section and choose “Shared With Others”

All about lastpass by jen vazquez 105

Step 2: Hover your mouse over the item you want to unshare and click the “X” button

All about lastpass by jen vazquez 106

Easy as 1-2-3! You’re now all set!

If you want to save this for future reference, just click on the images below to save to Pinterest:

All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez
All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez
All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez
All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez
All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez
All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez
All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez
All About LastPass by Jen Vazquez

Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget

Today we’re chatting about promoting Your Business Without A Marketing Budget.  If you’ve recently launched a new business, you probably don’t have all that much money set aside for things like marketing and branding. 

However, most business owners say that marketing is single-handedly one of their most significant expenses year after year. 

Fortunately, promoting a new business doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. 

Below, we’re exploring a few of the best ways to promote your new business without any money set aside for marketing. 


Social Media

Today, social media marketing is easily one of the best ways to promote new businesses, no matter what type of products or services you provide. 

But the best part about using social media is that it’s completely free to get started with! 

Platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram offer new business owners the possibility to connect them with billions of followers and potential customers. 

Whether you choose to post about your products or services, or you choose to share interesting knowledge and information about your industry, social media is an excellent free method for promoting your new business to the world. 

Additionally, as you continue to progress and grow your business, you’ll eventually be able to boost your posts using paid PPC advertisements. 

With PPC ads, you’ll be able to fine-tune your target audience, which means that you can display your posts specifically to the people who are most likely to interact with your brand. 

Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget

Blogging And Guest Posting

For businesses with a website, blogging is yet another excellent low-cost method for promoting your brand to the world. 

Through blogging, you have the opportunity to provide your potential customers with the knowledge and information that they’re interested in. 

In turn, this helps paint your business as an expert and thought-leader in your industry, which leads to increased consumer trust, and hopefully, increased sales and revenue for you. 

Additionally, it’s a good idea to look for guest posting opportunities on other websites or blogs that might be relevant to your industry. 

Guest posting is another great way to spread the word about your brand on other websites that likely get a significant amount of traffic. It’s also a great method for building backlinks back to your website, which should help boost your SEO rankings. 

Business Cards And Word Of Mouth Marketing

Even though we live in a digital landscape these days, sharing business cards and word-of-mouth marketing is still a great way to promote your business for free. 

People often prefer dealing with businesses that they know they can trust. This is why people are more likely to buy from brands they’ve heard of from friends or family. 

So don’t be scared to start talking about your new business. Tell your friends and family about your business, and ask them to tell their friends and family about it in turn. 

If possible, hand out business cards, attend local networking events, and simply join in as many conversations as you can that are relevant to your business and industry. 

Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget

Online Reviews And Testimonials

Online reviews and customer testimonials are a couple of other great ways to promote your brand without having a marketing budget. 

This might start slowly since you’re still a newer business that may not have had that many customers so far. 

However, over time, as you continue serving your customers and keeping them happy, you should ask them to leave you reviews on sites like Google or Yelp. 

If possible, see if you can even get some of your customers to create short testimonial videos of themselves using your products or about what they thought of your services. 

Free Ways To Promote Your New Business

For established brands, marketing and branding are often two of their most significant expenses. 

However, by leveraging the power of social media, blogging, word-of-mouth marketing, and online reviews, you can easily promote your business without spending a dime on marketing! 

If you need help with Pinterest or help you with a whole marketing strategy, shoot me an email HERE.

Found this valuable and want to save or share with Pinterest?

Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget
Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget
Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget
Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget
Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget
Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget
Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget
Promoting Your Brand New Business Without A Marketing Budget

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Social Squares is my “go to” for beautifully simple and clean images for social media, my website, and so many other areas! Zoom is another one.  Social Squares membership offers three amazing services/products:


  • Access to over 5,000K+ stunning lifestyle stock photos.
  • 30 Monthly Instagram caption templates (that are so amazing and can apply to any business.
  • Digital marketing training + exclusive community and live Power Hour Q&A sessions with experts each month.


Check out Social Squares

I absolutely love Social Squares and believe it’s one of the most important tools I use for this business.  The link is an affiliate link and I may make a tiny stipend if you choose to purchase.