What to Pin When?

My students in my membership (Pinterest Strategy Academy) were confused about what to pin when.  Pinterest has trends of when things are really popular via search. 

I put those things together into one document to be able to help you at a glance know what to work on when.  I decided to provide it as a FREE download for everyone.  Enjoy!


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Creating a personality-packed website to turn casual visitors into raving fans with Katelyn Dekle

Creating a personality-packed website to turn casual visitors into raving fans with Katelyn Dekle

Are you ready to transform your online presence into a magnetic force? In this episode, we dive into the vibrant world of bold, sassy, and uniquely designed websites. We’re here to answer the question: How can a personality-packed website be the secret sauce to turning casual visitors into raving fans? I’m Jen Vazquez, your host, and today, I am thrilled to be joined by Katelyn Dekle, the CEO of Launch The Damn Thing. Katelyn is a Squarespace web designer and educator known for cranking out personality-driven designs. Her passion lies in helping people find success in the online space by sharing the tools and expertise she’s gained since she started side hustling in 2015.

what to pin when by jen vazquez marketing strategist
what to pin when by jen vazquez marketing strategist
what to pin when by jen vazquez marketing strategist
what to pin when by jen vazquez marketing strategist
what to pin when by jen vazquez marketing strategist