Master the Art of Content Creation with the SPARK Method for SEO-Driven Marketing!

Master the Art of Content Creation with the SPARK Method for SEO-Driven Marketing!  by Jen Vazquez Media

Content Creation with the SPARK Method

Welcome, dear readers, to a world of enchantment and creativity in the realm of content marketing and Pinterest! Today, we are talking about transforming content creation with the SPARK Method.

Let’s Get Connected 

Before we delve into the mystical world of content creation, allow me to introduce myself, I am Jen, your Pinterest Queen and Marketing Strategist. I am the mastermind behind Jen Vazquez Media, I help hyper-busy female service providers the secrets of my proven Pinterest Marketing Method that can help hyper-busy female service providers create a streamlined marketing workflow, book more clients, and increase their income and impact—all in just about an hour a week. If you’re curious to learn more about me, you can find out <<here>>.

Dive into Our Realm 

Our kingdom (our website) is divided into different regions, each offering its own wonders and treasures:

Today, we set our course for the realm of content creation, an area where many of my clients face challenges and have countless questions.

Unveiling the SPARK Method 

Are you ready to unlock the secrets to crafting captivating content that converts? Allow me to introduce you to the SPARK method—a blueprint designed to simplify your content journey and elevate your results. Get ready to let your creativity ignite like never before!

S is for “Set the Stage”  

In this first step, we lay the groundwork by focusing on a single content domain. Whether it’s written, video, or audio, let this be the cornerstone of your enchanted realm. Setting the stage is about defining your niche and understanding the essence of your content.

In the realm of content creation, setting the stage is akin to laying the foundation for a grand performance. It’s the critical first step where you define your niche, your unique perspective, and the core theme that will govern your content kingdom. Let’s delve deeper into what this entails:

Niche Identification: 

The first task in setting the stage is identifying your niche. What specific topic or subject matter will your content revolve around? Think of this as your kingdom’s territory—a distinct area that you’ll reign over with your expertise.

Audience Understanding: 

To set a captivating stage, you must intimately know your audience. Who are the people you’re creating content for? What are their pain points, desires, and aspirations? The more you understand your audience, the better you can tailor your content to their needs.

Content Format: 

Decide which content format suits your niche and your audience’s preferences. Will your kingdom thrive on written articles, engaging videos, informative podcasts, or a combination of these? The chosen format should align with your strengths and the way your audience consumes content.

Defining Your Voice: 

Every content creator has a unique voice—a distinctive way of conveying information and connecting with their audience. Whether it’s a friendly tone, a professional demeanor, or a humorous approach, your voice sets the mood for your content kingdom.

Content Goals: 

What do you aim to achieve with your content? Is it to educate, entertain, inspire, or persuade? Setting clear goals for each piece of content will guide your creative process and ensure your content resonates with your audience.

Content Calendar: 

Creating a content calendar is like mapping out the schedule for your content performances. It helps you stay organized and consistent in delivering valuable content to your audience. Plan your content in advance, outlining when and where each piece will be published.

Research and Inspiration: 

Part of setting the stage involves researching your niche thoroughly. Stay updated with the latest trends, read relevant books and articles, and draw inspiration from other successful creators in your domain. This will help you stay informed and innovative.

Branding Elements: 

Consider the visual and branding elements that will make your content recognizable. This might include a distinct color scheme, logo, or a specific style of graphics that align with your content’s theme.

Keyword Research: 

If your content has an online presence, keyword research is essential. Identify the keywords and phrases relevant to your niche that your target audience is searching for. This will optimize your content for search engines and increase its discoverability.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): 

What sets you apart from other creators in your niche? Your USP is the magical element that makes your content stand out. It could be your unique perspective, your storytelling ability, or your deep expertise in a specific sub-niche.

In essence, “S for Set the Stage” is about crafting a solid framework for your content kingdom. It’s the moment where you define your territory, your audience, your content format, and your unique voice. By carefully setting the stage, you ensure that the rest of your content journey flows seamlessly, captivating your audience and leading them deeper into your realm of enchantment. 

P is for “Pull Them In”

Once you’ve laid the foundation by setting the stage for your content kingdom, the next magical step is “P” for “Pull Them In.” This stage is all about creating a magnetic and irresistible allure that draws your audience into your content universe. Think of it as the enchanting gateway to your digital haven. Here’s how to master the art of pulling them in:

Compelling Titles and Headlines:

Your content’s title or headline is often the first thing your audience sees. Make it captivating, intriguing, and directly related to the content’s value. Use action words, curiosity, or even a touch of humor to pique interest.

Eye-Catching Visuals:

In today’s visually-driven digital landscape, the power of visuals cannot be overstated. Whether it’s an enticing thumbnail for a video, a striking featured image for a blog post, or a compelling cover image for a podcast episode, visuals should be designed to enthrall and inform.

Hooking Introductions:

The beginning of your content should be a hook that immediately grabs your audience’s attention. Tell a story, ask a thought-provoking question, or present a surprising fact. The goal is to make your audience feel like they can’t resist delving deeper into your content.

Clear Value Proposition:

Right from the start, communicate the value your content offers. What will your audience gain by consuming your content? Whether it’s knowledge, entertainment, inspiration, or a solution to their problem, make it crystal clear.

Use of Keywords:

Incorporate relevant keywords in your titles, headlines, and introductions. This not only helps with search engine optimization (SEO) but also ensures that your content aligns with what your audience is searching for.

Leverage Storytelling:

Storytelling is a potent tool for captivating your audience. Share personal anecdotes, case studies, or relatable stories that connect with your audience on an emotional level. People love stories, and they make your content memorable.

Highlight Benefits:

Explain what benefits your audience will receive by engaging with your content. Will it save them time, money, or effort? Will it solve a problem or help them achieve a goal? Convey the advantages clearly.

Engaging Descriptions:

If your content is hosted on a platform like YouTube, podcasts, or social media, ensure that the descriptions are enticing. Provide a brief summary and a call to action that encourages your audience to click and explore further.

Consistent Branding:

Maintain consistency in your branding across all your content. This includes using a recognizable logo, color scheme, and tone. Consistency builds trust and makes your content instantly recognizable.

Audience-Centric Approach:

Keep your audience at the forefront of your mind. Understand their needs, interests, and pain points. Craft your allure in a way that resonates with them and addresses their specific desires.

A/B Testing:

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different titles, thumbnails, and hooks. A/B testing can help you determine what resonates most with your audience and refine your pulling power over time.

In essence, “P for Pull Them In” is the enchanting art of making a captivating first impression. It’s about crafting titles, visuals, and introductions that intrigue, engage, and compel your audience to step into your content world. By mastering this magical step, you’ll ensure that your audience eagerly ventures further into your digital kingdom, hungry for the valuable content you have to offer.

Master the Art of Content Creation with the Spark Method by Jen Vazquez Media

A is for “Amplify Your Voice”

Now that you’ve set the stage and successfully pulled your audience into your content universe, it’s time to let your unique voice shine through in the “A” of the SPARK Method: “Amplify Your Voice.” This step is all about embracing your authenticity, banishing doubts, and becoming a guiding star for your audience. Here’s how to amplify your voice effectively:

Authenticity is Key: 

Your audience is drawn to you not just for your content but also for your authenticity. Be yourself. Don’t try to mimic someone else’s style or tone. Your unique perspective and personality are what make you stand out in the vast digital landscape.


Transparency builds trust. Share your experiences, both successes and failures. When you open up about your journey, your audience can relate to you on a deeper level. It humanizes you and makes your content more compelling.

Consistency in Tone: 

Maintain a consistent tone in your content. Whether it’s a friendly, conversational tone or a more formal and professional one, ensure that it aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience.

Engage with Your Audience: 

Encourage interaction and engagement with your audience. Respond to comments, questions, and feedback. This not only shows that you value your audience but also helps you understand their needs better.

Share Your Expertise: 

As a content creator, you’re an expert in your field. Share your knowledge generously. Address common questions and challenges your audience faces. Position yourself as a trusted source of information and guidance.

Tell Your Story: 

Personal anecdotes and stories are powerful tools for amplifying your voice. Share relevant stories that illustrate your points or convey important messages. Stories make your content more relatable and memorable.

Address Audience Pain Points: 

Identify the pain points and challenges your audience is experiencing, and address them in your content. Offering solutions and practical advice will establish you as a valuable resource.


Show empathy towards your audience’s concerns and struggles. Let them know that you understand what they’re going through, and you’re here to help. This emotional connection strengthens your influence.

Be Passionate: 

Let your passion for your subject matter shine through in your content. Passion is contagious, and it can ignite enthusiasm in your audience. When you genuinely care about your topic, it shows.

Be Vulnerable: 

Don’t be afraid to share your vulnerabilities and insecurities. It’s okay to admit when you don’t have all the answers. Your willingness to be vulnerable can make you more relatable and authentic.

Stay True to Your Values: 

Your values and principles should guide your content creation. Don’t compromise your integrity for views or likes. Staying true to your values builds a loyal and trusting audience.

Evolve and Grow: 

Your voice and style may evolve over time, and that’s perfectly normal. Embrace growth and change as you learn and adapt to your audience’s needs and preferences.

In essence, “A for Amplify Your Voice” is about becoming the guiding star your audience looks up to in your content kingdom. It’s about being true to yourself, sharing your expertise, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. By amplifying your voice authentically, you’ll not only capture your audience’s attention but also inspire them to embark on this magical content journey with you.

R is for “Reveal the Secrets”

As we continue our magical journey through the SPARK Method for content marketing, we arrive at the enchanting “R,” which stands for “Reveal the Secrets.” In this step, we delve into the treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom that will illuminate your content kingdom. Let’s uncover the secrets to crafting content that resonates with your audience:

Audience Research: 

To reveal the secrets your audience seeks, you must embark on a quest for knowledge. Start by conducting thorough research into your target audience’s interests, pain points, and questions. Dive into forums like Reddit, communities on Facebook, and discussions on other platforms to unearth the topics that matter most to your audience.

Keyword Exploration: 

Keyword research is your compass in the vast digital landscape. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover the keywords and phrases related to your niche. These keywords will guide you towards the topics and questions that are in high demand.

Content Gap Analysis: 

Analyze your competitors and industry leaders to identify gaps in their content. Look for areas where your unique perspective or expertise can shine. By addressing topics that others have overlooked, you can offer fresh insights and value to your audience.

Survey Your Audience: 

Engage directly with your audience by conducting surveys or polls. Ask them about their most burning questions, challenges, and preferences. Their responses can provide valuable insights into the type of content they crave.

Explore Trending Topics: 

Stay up-to-date with industry trends and current events. Explore trending topics on social media, news outlets, and industry publications. By aligning your content with what’s currently hot, you can attract a broader audience.

Leverage User-Generated Content: 

Encourage your audience to generate content for you. User-generated content, such as reviews, testimonials, or submissions, can provide a wealth of authentic insights and questions that can inspire your content.

Guest Contributors: 

Collaborate with guest contributors who are experts in your field. They can offer fresh perspectives and insights that your audience may find valuable. Additionally, their contributions can expand your content horizons.

Explore Different Mediums: 

Don’t limit yourself to a single content medium. Explore written articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, and more. Different mediums can help you reveal secrets in unique and engaging ways.

Content Curation: 

Curate content from reputable sources within your niche. Share valuable insights, research findings, or industry news with your audience. Curation adds depth to your content and positions you as an industry authority.

Frequent Monitoring: 

Keep a watchful eye on your content’s performance. Analyze which topics resonate most with your audience and which ones need improvement. Regularly revisiting your content strategy ensures you stay aligned with your audience’s evolving interests.

Content Calendar Updates: 

Adapt your content calendar based on your discoveries. Make room for new topics and questions that arise during your research. Flexibility is key to staying relevant and responsive to your audience.

Evergreen and Trending Content: 

Balance your content strategy by including evergreen content (timeless topics) and trending content (current and relevant topics). This ensures that your content remains valuable in the long run while also capturing immediate interest.

In summary, “R for Reveal the Secrets” is about tapping into the wealth of knowledge and insights that will captivate your audience. By addressing their questions and needs, you become a trusted source of information and guidance in your content kingdom. So, embark on your quest for secrets, and let your content shine brighter than ever before.

Marketing Accelerator

UPLEVEL YOUR MARKETING WORKFLOW ON YOUR TERMS!  Often times what it takes to uplevel an area of your business like marketing is expert advice from a person who learns about your business, your ideal client, and your business goals.

K is for “Kindle the Flame”

As we journey further into the enchanting realm of the SPARK Method for content marketing, we arrive at the thrilling “K,” which stands for “Kindle the Flame.” In this final step, you’ll ignite your expertise, creativity, and passion to create the ultimate masterpiece of content. Here’s how to kindle the flame and craft content that leaves a lasting impact:

Thorough Research: 

Before you begin crafting your content, gather all the research, data, and insights you need. Dive deep into your chosen topic, drawing from reputable sources and your own expertise. This solid foundation will ensure your content is well-informed and authoritative.

Unique Angle: 

Find a unique angle or perspective that sets your content apart. What can you bring to the table that others haven’t explored? Your unique voice and insights should shine through, making your content stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Compelling Storytelling: 

Weave engaging and relatable stories into your content. Stories captivate your audience’s attention and make complex ideas more digestible. Whether it’s a personal anecdote, a case study, or a fictional narrative, stories enhance the impact of your message.

Visual Appeal: 

Enhance your content with eye-catching visuals. Incorporate images, infographics, charts, and diagrams to illustrate key points and break up text. Visual elements make your content more engaging and easier to understand.

Clear Structure: 

Organize your content with a clear and logical structure. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make it scannable. A well-structured piece of content is more accessible and user-friendly.

Actionable Takeaways: 

Ensure your content provides actionable takeaways or valuable insights. Your audience should finish consuming your content with a sense of empowerment or newfound knowledge. Encourage them to apply what they’ve learned.

Engage with Multimedia: 

Incorporate multimedia elements, such as videos, podcasts, or interactive features, when appropriate. These can add depth and interactivity to your content, making it more engaging and memorable.

Incorporate Social Proof: 

Use testimonials, case studies, or data to reinforce your points. Social proof adds credibility to your content and helps build trust with your audience.

Cite Sources:

If you’re referencing external data or information, be sure to cite your sources properly. This not only adds credibility but also shows respect for intellectual property.

Optimize for SEO: 

Implement SEO best practices to improve your content’s discoverability. Use relevant keywords, optimize meta tags, and ensure your content loads quickly on all devices.

Edit and Proofread: 

Take the time to edit and proofread your content carefully. Typos and grammatical errors can detract from the quality of your message. A polished piece of content reflects professionalism and attention to detail.

Call to Action (CTA): 

End your content with a clear and compelling call to action. Guide your audience on the next steps they should take, whether it’s subscribing, sharing, commenting, or making a purchase.

Promotion Strategy: 

Develop a promotion strategy to ensure your content reaches the right audience. Share it on social media, email newsletters, and relevant online communities. Engage with your audience’s comments and feedback to foster a sense of community.

Measure and Learn: 

After your content is live, monitor its performance using analytics tools. Pay attention to metrics like engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. Use this data to refine your future content strategy.

In essence, “K for Kindle the Flame” is the culmination of your content creation journey. It’s about infusing your content with passion, expertise, and creativity to create a masterpiece that resonates with your audience. By kindling the flame within, you’ll craft content that not only captivates but also leaves a lasting impact in your digital kingdom. So, let your expertise shine and set your content ablaze with the SPARK Method’s enchantment.

A is for “Amplify Your Voice”

Now that you’ve set the stage and successfully pulled your audience into your content universe, it’s time to let your unique voice shine through in the “A” of the SPARK Method: “Amplify Your Voice.” This step is all about embracing your authenticity, banishing doubts, and becoming a guiding star for your audience. Here’s how to amplify your voice effectively:

Authenticity is Key: 

Your audience is drawn to you not just for your content but also for your authenticity. Be yourself. Don’t try to mimic someone else’s style or tone. Your unique perspective and personality are what make you stand out in the vast digital landscape.


Transparency builds trust. Share your experiences, both successes and failures. When you open up about your journey, your audience can relate to you on a deeper level. It humanizes you and makes your content more compelling.

Consistency in Tone: 

Maintain a consistent tone in your content. Whether it’s a friendly, conversational tone or a more formal and professional one, ensure that it aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience.

Engage with Your Audience: 

Encourage interaction and engagement with your audience. Respond to comments, questions, and feedback. This not only shows that you value your audience but also helps you understand their needs better.

Share Your Expertise: 

As a content creator, you’re an expert in your field. Share your knowledge generously. Address common questions and challenges your audience faces. Position yourself as a trusted source of information and guidance.

Tell Your Story: 

Personal anecdotes and stories are powerful tools for amplifying your voice. Share relevant stories that illustrate your points or convey important messages. Stories make your content more relatable and memorable.

Address Audience Pain Points: 

Identify the pain points and challenges your audience is experiencing, and address them in your content. Offering solutions and practical advice will establish you as a valuable resource.


Show empathy towards your audience’s concerns and struggles. Let them know that you understand what they’re going through, and you’re here to help. This emotional connection strengthens your influence.

Be Passionate: 

Let your passion for your subject matter shine through in your content. Passion is contagious, and it can ignite enthusiasm in your audience. When you genuinely care about your topic, it shows.

Be Vulnerable: 

Don’t be afraid to share your vulnerabilities and insecurities. It’s okay to admit when you don’t have all the answers. Your willingness to be vulnerable can make you more relatable and authentic.

Stay True to Your Values: 

Your values and principles should guide your content creation. Don’t compromise your integrity for views or likes. Staying true to your values builds a loyal and trusting audience.

Evolve and Grow: 

Your voice and style may evolve over time, and that’s perfectly normal. Embrace growth and change as you learn and adapt to your audience’s needs and preferences.

In essence, “A for Amplify Your Voice” is about becoming the guiding star your audience looks up to in your content kingdom. It’s about being true to yourself, sharing your expertise, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. By amplifying your voice authentically, you’ll not only capture your audience’s attention but also inspire them to embark on this magical content journey with you.

The Grand Finale: 

Remember, dear traveler, content creation is a wondrous adventure—a journey of creativity and connection. Together, we’ll create magic that resonates far and wide in the digital realm. With the SPARK method as your guide, you have the power to craft captivating content that not only mesmerizes your audience but also drives results.

Let your content shine like never before and work with me to help shorten your workflow and save time and stress on creating content with the Marketing Accelerator.

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Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode Hey there! I'm Jen, your go-to marketing bestie and cheerleader. I'm here to help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to marketing. Every week, I'm diving into the hottest Pinterest trends so you can get ahead of the...

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Master the Art of Content Creation with the SPARK Method for SEO-Driven Marketing! by Jen Vazquez Media
Master the Art of Content Creation with the SPARK Method for SEO-Driven Marketing! by Jen Vazquez Media
Master the Art of Content Creation with the SPARK Method for SEO-Driven Marketing! by Jen Vazquez Media
Master the Art of Content Creation with the SPARK Method for SEO-Driven Marketing! by Jen Vazquez Media
Master the Art of Content Creation with the SPARK Method for SEO-Driven Marketing! by Jen Vazquez Media

What Are People Searching For On Pinterest: It’s a Party!

Image with summer, food, drink, deserts, and party type images talking about what people are searching for on Pinterest this week.

What Are People Searching For On Pinterest

I’m back with the latest Pinterest trends and this week Pinterest collected insights around the theme: It’s a Party. It is party time on Pinterest this week! People on Pinterest are finding fun ways to party 🎉.

As you know by now, Pinterest is a place to look forward. In fact, more than 463 million* people use Pinterest to find tomorrow’s ideas. By observing current trends on Pinterest, we can glean valuable insights into what may trend elsewhere in the near future.

Behind the trends

Each week, Pinterest Predicts Weekly highlights actionable search trends among Pinterest users across categories, regions and demographic groups. All search queries link to where you can discover insights and create campaigns around popular search queries.

Check out Pinterest’s report to find out what’s trending for Pinterest users this week.

*Pinterest, Global analysis, Q1 2023.

Moment spotlight: Birthdays

Searches are up for celebrating summer birthdays with parties and gifts:

  • 145% increase in men’s birthday party ideas
  • 120% increase in “pink adult birthday party”
  • 85% increase in “mermaid birthday party food ideas”
  • 75% increase in minimalist birthday cake”
  • 50% increase in birthday gift for husband”
What are people searching for on Pinterest - Pinterest Trends by Jen Vazquez Media

Regional trend: Feeding a Crowd

Across every region, party foods are trending.


In the Midwest, people are getting together with their favorite snacks What can I bring? Overindexing searches by Pinterest users in the Midwest vs. the rest of the US over the last three weeks:

  • 2x increase in “party side dishes”
  • 2x increase in “family reunion food ideas”
  • 155% increase in “cold appetizers for party”
  • 135% increase in “pool party snacks”


In the Northeast, people are taking festive parties outside. Outdoor galore! Over-indexing searches by Pinterest users in the Northeast vs. the rest of the US over the last three weeks:

  • 170% increase in “summer charcuterie board”
  • 165% increase in “bridal shower cake”
  • 155% increase in “summer desserts for a crowd”
  • 125% increase in “luau party food”


People out West are trying new recipes from global cuisines. Celebrating cuisines. Over-indexing searches by Pinterest users in the West vs. the rest of the US over the last three weeks:

  • 145% increase in “bbq side dishes for a crowd”
  • 130% increase in “mexican appetizers”
  • 130% increase in “italian dinner party”
  • 120% increase in “birthday dinner party”


In the Southeast, finger foods and fun cakes are trending. Grab a slice!  Over-indexing searches by Pinterest users in the Southeast vs. the rest of the US over the last three weeks:

  • 145% increase in “preppy birthday cake”
  • 140% increase in “party finger foods”
  • 125% increase in “pool party cake”
  • 120% increase in “strawberry birthday cake”

FREE Pinterest Challenge

Sign up to learn how to work smarter not harder on Pinterest to grow your business.  You’ll learn:

—> Strategy, Workflow, and Analytics That Matter
—> What Type of Content Grows Your Business
—> What Pins Work Best To Grow Your Business (not just like you)
—> Strategy, Workflow, and Analytics (oh my) That Matter

Pinterest Predicts Trend: YOLO Years

We called it! Playing off our YOLO Years Pinterest Predicts annual trend, searches are up for decadespecific celebrations. In the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:


Growing Trend: A Theme for the Occasion

On Pinterest, people are searching for ways to turn trends into parties. Growing search terms in the last three weeks compared to the previous three weeks:
155% increase in “shark week party”
40% increase in “1st birthday party themes”
30% increase in “western theme party food”
30# increase in “candy theme birthday party”
25% increase in “2000s themed party outfit”
Images showing Pinterest's Featured Board saying, "Throw the Perfect Outdoor Party"

Their featured board this week: Outdoor party

Get inspired for a summer soirée of your own: Throw the Perfect Outdoor Party.  

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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What are people searching for on Pinterest - Pinterest Trends by Jen Vazquez Media
What are people searching for on Pinterest - Pinterest Trends by Jen Vazquez Media
What are people searching for on Pinterest - Pinterest Trends by Jen Vazquez Media
What are people searching for on Pinterest - Pinterest Trends by Jen Vazquez Media

What the heck is going on with Pinterest Analytics: 2 Reasons Your Stats May Be Down

 2 Reasons Why Your Pinterest Analytics Are Down in 2023 by Jen Vazquez Media

Pinterest Analytics Down? This is Why

You may be wondering, What the heck is going on with Pinterest analytics?

So, let’s jump right in!  There are a few things going on! 

Reason number 1

In May Pinterest announced an easier way to create and inspire on Pinterest.  They boiled down all organic pins into one category.  Instead of idea pins, video pins, and standard pins, they are calling them “organic pins”.  This means that you can create an organic pin with static graphics, videos, or a combination of the two.  

They also streamlined the creative process to be much easier than how idea pins were created with slides and such.

As a bonus, they also are providing links to these organic pins.  Plus, you can use all the bells and whistles (think text overlay, stickers, tagging, and all the other fun stuff from idea pins to organic pins, meaning all pins. There are other things like emoji reactions and new analytics.  

This is all fantastic news as it will cut down the time it takes to get a pin on Pinterest (one of the complaints people had about idea pins).  

They still show idea pins when creating a pin, not sure if that look will go away or change, but all my Pinterest management clients now have links so it seems they are pushing that out quickly.

Now, one thing you’ll ALWAYS notice when Pinterest makes changes is that we see those changes via what I call analytic blips.  Meaning our analytics get wacky.

And wacky they are!  I’m part of a Pinterest Manager Mastermind of sorts where a bunch of experts meet twice a month virtually and chat about our agencies and what may be happening and most all of our clients have seen a slump in analytics.

This can be frustrating – I hear you!  But, it’s just part of utilizing Pinterest as a free marketing platform – so it’s not something to freak out about.  As long as you consistently post to Pinterest and use keywords, you’re analytics will grow over time.  So don’t use this as an excuse to give up on such an amazing search marketing platform!

Pinterest Marketing Resources

I have something special for you today (and free I might add), I have some amazing free resources (you can click the link below).  One of those resources is my Pinterest Analyzer which will have you actively track the metrics that will help you see growth for using Pinterest to grow your business not just grow your Pinterest account.  Plus you can watch the next video that Youtube recommends for you here!

Reason Number 2

Now the double whammy comes in because Q2 is typically a slump for most accounts.  Why? Well, think about it.  What are people doing during Q2? Is it popping in your head yet?  Think summertime.  People aren’t home or even on their cell as much as they are taking vacations, or having adventures outdoors.  

This is a very typical down-season on Pinterest.  You can view this month from last year and see it may also be down.

What I advise my clients to consider is to look back a year and see what was happening then.  Most people will see a slump, but what you should also consider is how much growth you’ve had over the last year!

I provide analytics for my Pinterest management clients that show percentage growth since we first started working with them, and it’s typically a tremendous amount of growth.  

The things to focus on when it comes to analytics are consistent growth over time that comes from using keywords found on Pinterest that your clients use to find your type of content and consistent daily pinning – even if it’s just one pin a day!

Need help?

Exciting News! Discover the power of Pinterest with Pinterest Strategy Academy’s exclusive group coaching membership! 

Want to effortlessly drive more traffic and book more clients? Say goodbye to trial and error and join our amazing group of smart women who are skipping the guesswork! Learn alongside industry experts in live sessions that keep you up-to-date with the latest strategies, unlike outdated courses. No more wasting time on ineffective methods!

Overwhelmed by adding one more thing to your already busy schedule? We’ve got you covered! Our supportive community and live weekly sessions provide the guidance you need, making learning a new platform super easy and enjoyable.

Worried about the cost of ads or lack of time? We understand! Our founder faced the same challenges and developed a simple system that drives consistent traffic without breaking the bank or consuming your valuable time.

Here’s what you’ll get in our all-in-one membership:

  • Weekly LIVE Q&A and Pinning Sessions for personalized guidance
  • Monthly Masterminds diving deep into key topics and skills
  • Downloads and tools like Canva templates, CTA’s, and analytics spreadsheets to make implementation a breeze

Unlock the potential of Pinterest’s 544 million monthly active users and reach your ideal clients effortlessly. Increase your traffic, bookings, and business success! 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your marketing game. Join Pinterest Strategy Academy now and say goodbye to overwhelm while spending less time and booking more clients! Check out our offer today! 

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

What the heck is going on with Pinterest Analytics: TWO REASONS WHY YOUR STATS ARE DOWN
Pinterest Analytics Down in 2023? This is Why by Jen Vazquez Media
What the heck is going on with Pinterest Analytics by Jen Vazquez Media
What the heck is going on with Pinterest Analytics by Jen Vazquez Media
What the heck is going on with Pinterest Analytics by Jen Vazquez Media

A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest

A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media

A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest

I wrote this article for the Pinterest Business Community as one of their Pinterest Pioneers.  I hope that you take this opportunity to join the community — there is so much information and help there and it’s an amazing tool!

Are you tired of feeling like a chicken with its head cut off when it comes to managing your marketing tasks? Well, fear not, because I’m here to share some tips on creating a workflow that will save you time and keep you sane.

We all know that marketing can be overwhelming, with different platforms and endless to-do lists. But with a little bit of planning and creativity, we can make it all work seamlessly. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s brainstorm some ideas that will make your marketing workflow not only effective but also enjoyable!

Your Business Goals Are First

Knowing your business goals is the absolute first step to creating a marketing workflow.  You really need to know what your goals are to be able to know the content you’ll create and then the workflow you’ll use.

Core Content

A main form of marketing content is typically a Blog, Youtube Video, or Podcast.  Core Content (also known as main content, cornerstone content, or long-form content).  Having core content enables you to focus on one piece of content a week and turn that into several pieces of social marketing content (of course including on Pinterest).

Social Marketing Versus Search Marketing

Of all the platforms out there.  They are either search marketing or social marketing. So which should you use and why? (heads up that a trick question as you should use a combo of both.)

Social marketing platforms are:

  • Tiktok
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

Social marketing is a hungry hungry hippo and needs to be fed often.  It’s bite-size info and it’s mostly (not totally) for nurturing your audience on there.

It’s also more personal and where people want to find out more about your beliefs, the way you speak, and what you say.  More importantly, it’s part of that know, like, and trust process potential clients typically go through wherever they start looking at your content.

As an example: They see a pin on Pinterest.  They click through to your blog (or other long-form content).  There is more trust there as what you shared resonated with them.  Then they go to Instagram and sometimes TikTok to get to know you to see if they want to work with you.

NOTE: I’ve had many many clients book me and they weren’t following me on social.  They just stalked me and finally reached out.  I’ve been doing research on my clients since 2021 through deep-dive conversations on their client journey so I can work smarter, not harder.

DownsideThe posts and all that hard work on short-form videos (SFV) don’t last very long.  From 24hrs to two weeks.

Search marketing platforms are:

  • Pinterest
  • Youtube
  • Google (your blog)

Search platforms are where people go to learn from you and for you to get new eyeballs on your content.  Search platforms are an amazing way to get found, and attract new potential clients, and your content lasts much longer than social platforms.

As an example: Some of my top performing pins each month are 6-7 years old on my photography Pinterest (I’ve been using Pinterest since 2009 for that business).  It’s embarrassing but I’ve booked clients from what I think are horrible images and my clients who book and get wedding photos are blown away.  Win Win in my book!

Downside:  Search marketing takes time and consistency to see growth.  Give your hard work on Pinterest 6 months and you’ll see growth if you are consistent with posting and your content is good.

My advice on social vs. search marketing

After years of creating content and running two businesses (not to mention working with my clients), I have found that the most advantageous way of marketing (that saves time but has a greater return on your time investment) is to pick at least one social and one search marketing platform.

Search will provide new eyeballs and traffic to your content and maybe even convert clients immediately, but Social provides that know, like, and trust to give confidence to your potential clients to reach out about your services.

How does your brain work?

Knowing your brain or your work style will help you so much when creating a marketing workflow.  It’s so easy to listen to educators who share how they do it.  But maybe they don’t have 4 children under 5 at home. Or they have a full-time job and a side hustle.

So let’s focus on YOU!  Do you like to start and finish a project in one sitting? Do you like to be creative (coming up with a blog post or idea pin content) in one sitting and then analytical in another (writing or recording the content and editing it)?

Once you know how your brain works and what you prefer, you will have a better idea of how to work and when to do each part of the content creation and ultimately the marketing workflow.  Don’t worry if you are new to marketing and don’t know.  Try multiple ways to find what works for you.

Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media

Simple Marketing Workflow

Having a marketing workflow will save you hours and hours. This way you are working smarter and not trying to reinvent the wheel.  To help, I have created a simple marketing workflow that includes Pinterest that you can try.

It’s best to try a workflow and tweak things around when you find a piece of the workflow that doesn’t work for you. Basically, make create your own.

I hope that this information has helped and I’d love for you to share it with a friend so we can continue to grow this amazing community.

Finally, I’m curious about what your workflow is.  Is it similar? Is it totally different?

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media
A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media
A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media
A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media
A Super Simple Marketing Workflow that Includes Pinterest by Jen Vazquez Media