Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan

hot pink background with white text saying Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media

Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan

Hello friends! Jen here, and today, I’ve got something super exciting to share with you, especially if you’ve ever felt like a hamster trapped on the marketing wheel. Many entrepreneurs struggle with keeping a consistent strategy—they hop from one idea to the next with no clear plan. But guess what? Finding focus and building a comprehensive marketing plan doesn’t have to be complicated. 

I’m going to walk you through a very simple strategy that I’ve used for years, helping me show up everywhere I want with the least amount of effort. If that sounds good to you, let’s dive in!

Step One: Create Core Content

First things first: start with one main piece of content each week. This could be a blog post, a video, or a podcast episode. Choose a topic that resonates with your audience and showcases your expertise. This core content will be the foundation for all your marketing efforts.

Believe me, focusing on one piece of core content saves a ton of time and ensures your message remains clear and cohesive across all channels.

Step Two: Repurpose Your Core Content

Once your core content is ready, it’s time to repurpose it into smaller pieces for different platforms. Here’s how:

  • Social Media Posts: Create three to five posts from your core content. These can be quotes, tips, or highlights. Tailor each post for the specific platform—what works for Instagram might not necessarily work for LinkedIn.
  • Infographics: Summarize key points into an eye-catching infographic. Tools like Canva make this a breeze, even if you’re not a design pro.
  • Email Newsletter: Write a brief summary of your core content for your weekly email newsletter. Include a call-to-action button directing readers to your full blog post, video, or podcast. This way, you’re using your email list to drive traffic to your core content.
  • Pinterest Pins: Create graphic or video pins linking back to your blog, video, or podcast. Pinterest is fantastic for driving traffic to your core content. The more traffic you drive, the more Google will help boost your content’s visibility.

Step Three: Drive Traffic with Consistent Calls to Action

Including a call to action (CTA) at the end of each repurposed piece of content is crucial. Direct your audience to your core content, whether it’s a blog post, video, or podcast. Make sure your CTA is clear and engaging. This creates a consistent flow of traffic and keeps your audience connected across multiple platforms.

Step Four: Measure and Adjust

Implementing the strategy is one thing, but keeping an eye on your analytics is where the magic happens. See which types of posts and platforms drive the most engaged traffic. Use this data to tweak your strategy and focus more on what works best for your audience.

Step Five: Batch Your Work

When you group similar tasks together, you get more done. For instance, if you’re creating videos, try to record two to three (or even four) at one time. This means you can potentially handle a month’s worth of content in just one session.

The same goes for writing: designate a specific block of time for writing multiple blog posts. This method is not only efficient but also helps you get better and faster with practice.

Bottom Line

Creating one core piece of content each week and repurposing it across your platforms can help you streamline your marketing, stay consistent, and save time. This approach ensures your messaging is clear and cohesive, making your marketing efforts more impactful.

Ready to take your content to the next level? Start planning your next blog post, video, or podcast, and see how easy it becomes to create a consistent and effective marketing plan.

If you’d like more personalized help with your strategy or marketing workflow, check out my Pinterest Strategy Club! We offer not just Pinterest education but also focus heavily on time management and smart workflows.

Until next time, work smarter, not harder, and let’s make your marketing plan as impactful as it can be!

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Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode Hey there! I'm Jen, your go-to marketing bestie and cheerleader. I'm here to help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to marketing. Every week, I'm diving into the hottest Pinterest trends so you can get ahead of the...

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flatlay on white table with cell, wallet and drink with text: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
white marble table with bowl of lemons with orange swirly notepad and white cell pone with words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
pink table with keyboard, mouse, notebook and words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
white table with greenery, keyboard, glasses, drink and magazine and words: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media
flatlay on white table with cell, wallet and drink with text: Finding Focus: A Simple Strategy to Build a Consistent Marketing Plan by Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5: Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai

Welcome to the fifth and final part of our Marketing Planning Series! So far, we’ve explored data-driven marketing, content planning, leveraging social media, and creating engaging social media posts. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the art of repurposing old content that ranks. By maximizing the value of your existing content, you can breathe new life into it, boost your SEO efforts, and engage your audience. Let’s dive into the world of content repurposing.

Maximizing the Value of Existing Content

Your content library is a goldmine of opportunities waiting to be explored. Repurposing old content that has already proven its worth not only saves time but also extends its lifespan and reach. Here’s how to get started.

Identifying Evergreen and High-Performing Content

To begin your content repurposing journey, identify which pieces of your existing content are evergreen and high-performing. Evergreen content remains relevant over time and can be repurposed for different audiences and platforms.

Repurposing Strategies: From Blogs to Videos, Infographics, and More

Repurposing doesn’t mean duplication; it’s about presenting the same information in various formats to cater to different preferences. Here are some repurposing strategies to consider:

  • Blog to Video: Transform a popular blog post into a video presentation or tutorial. Share it on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • Blog to Podcast: Convert written content into an audio format for podcast episodes. This opens up a new audience segment.
  • Blog to Infographic: Condense key points and statistics from your blog into an engaging infographic. Infographics are highly shareable on social media.
  • Long-Form to Short-Form: Extract key takeaways from long-form content and create shorter, easily digestible versions for quick consumption.
  • Webinar to Blog Series: Transcribe a successful webinar or presentation into a blog series, allowing you to delve deeper into each topic.

Updating and Refreshing Outdated Content

While repurposing, take the opportunity to update and refresh outdated content. This ensures accuracy and relevance, especially for evergreen topics. Make sure to:

  • Update statistics and data.
  • Remove outdated references and broken links.
  • Incorporate the latest industry trends and insights.

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Ready to work smarter, not harder? Sign up now and unleash your full potential!

SEO Best Practices for Repurposed Content

Optimizing repurposed content for search engines is crucial to ensure it continues to rank well. Follow these SEO best practices:

  • Use relevant keywords and phrases strategically.
  • Optimize meta titles and descriptions.
  • Ensure proper internal and external linking.
  • Implement schema markup for rich snippets where applicable.

Promoting Repurposed Content Effectively

Promotion is key to getting your repurposed content in front of your target audience. Utilize the following promotion strategies:

  • Share repurposed content on your social media platforms.
  • Email your subscribers with updates on repurposed blog posts, podcasts, or videos.
  • Collaborate with influencers or other content creators to promote your content.
  • Include repurposed content in your newsletter or email marketing campaigns.

Monitoring the Impact on Rankings and Engagement

Finally, keep a close eye on the impact of your repurposed content on both search rankings and audience engagement. Track key metrics such as:

  • Changes in search engine rankings.
  • Traffic and engagement metrics (page views, time on page, bounce rate).
  • Social media shares, likes, and comments.

Use this data to assess the success of your repurposing efforts and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy.

Content Repurposing Madlib Prompts

Choose Your Content Piece:

  • Title of Old Content: [Insert the title of the content you want to repurpose]
  • Original Format: [Specify the original format – blog, video, podcast, etc.]

Select New Format for Repurposing:

  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Podcast Episode
  • Short-Form Content (e.g., social media post)
  • Blog Series
  • Webinar

Key Elements to Extract:

  • Main Topic: [What is the core subject of the content?]
  • Key Points: [List 3-5 main points or takeaways from the original content]
  • Statistics/Data: [Mention any important data or statistics to highlight]
  • Quotes/Insights: [Select any memorable quotes or unique insights]

Updating and Refreshing:

  • Update Data: [List any statistics or data that need updating]
  • Modernize References: [Note any references that need to be modernized]
  • Add Trends: [Mention any recent industry trends or insights to include]

SEO Optimization (for written content):

  • New Keywords: [List relevant keywords for the repurposed content]
  • Meta Description: [Write a brief meta description for SEO purposes]

Promotion Strategy:

  • Social Media Platforms: [List the platforms where you will share the repurposed content]
  • Email Marketing: [Describe how you will use email to promote the content]
  • Collaboration: [Note any potential collaborations for promoting the content]

Monitoring and Metrics:

  • SEO Metrics: [What SEO metrics will you track?]
  • Engagement Metrics: [Which engagement metrics are most relevant?]
  • Adjustments: [What adjustments might you consider based on these metrics?]


And that’s a wrap on our “Content Marketing Planning Series”! With this fifth and final part, “Repurposing Old Content That Ranks,” we’ve come full circle in our journey to supercharge your content marketing efforts.

From the initial stages of data-driven marketing to the strategic use of social media, and now to the art of repurposing content, we’ve covered a comprehensive roadmap for your content strategy. And what better way to conclude than with our Madlib-style prompt, tailored to breathe new life into your existing content?

This creative tool is perfect for transforming old content into fresh, engaging formats while maintaining its relevance and search ranking power. By utilizing these repurposing strategies, along with the practicality of our Madlib prompt, you’re equipped to maximize the value of every content piece.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode Hey there! I'm Jen, your go-to marketing bestie and cheerleader. I'm here to help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to marketing. Every week, I'm diving into the hottest Pinterest trends so you can get ahead of the...

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Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 5 Repurposing Old Content That Ranks with Ai with Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 4: Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content

Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content by Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 4: Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content

Welcome to the fourth part of our Marketing Planning Series! In previous segments, we explored the importance of data-driven marketing, content planning based on data insights, and crafting a strategic content calendar. Now, it’s time to extend the reach of your content by leveraging social media effectively. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of creating engaging social media posts from your core content, utilizing ChatGPT to spark content ideas and variations, adding eye-catching visuals, scheduling posts for optimal engagement, and measuring your social media strategy’s impact. Let’s unlock the potential of social media marketing!

Expanding Your Content’s Reach

Social media has become a powerhouse for content distribution, allowing you to reach a broader audience and engage with your followers in meaningful ways. Leveraging your core content on social media not only increases visibility but also reinforces your brand’s authority and drives traffic to your website.

Selecting Core Content for the Quarter

Start by selecting the core content pieces that will be the focus of your social media strategy for the quarter. These can be blog posts, videos, podcast episodes, or any content that aligns with your goals and resonates with your audience.

Choosing Optimal Social Media Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal, and each caters to a unique audience and content style. Consider which platforms are most relevant to your target audience and content type. For example:

  • Instagram: Ideal for visual content, photos, and short videos.
  • LinkedIn: A professional network suitable for B2B content and thought leadership.
  • Facebook: Offers diverse content formats, including text, images, videos, and live streams.
  • Pinterest: Perfect for showcasing visual inspirations, creative ideas, and lifestyle content, Offers brand recognition, and good for B2B and consumers marketing.

Crafting Engaging Social Media Posts

The art of crafting engaging social media posts lies in capturing your audience’s attention and compelling them to take action. Here are some key tips:

  • Clear Messaging: Be concise and get to the point. Your message should be clear and easily understood.
  • Compelling Headlines: Use attention-grabbing headlines and hooks to pique curiosity.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Encourage your audience to take action, whether it’s liking, sharing, or clicking a link.
  • Visual Appeal: Incorporate visuals like images, infographics, or videos to make your posts more visually appealing.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand voice and posting schedule.

Madlib Template for Social Media Short-Form Videos

Under 1 minute

Video Topic: [Select a focused topic from your core content]

Introduction (0-5 seconds):

  • Greeting: [A quick, energetic hello or an engaging visual]
  • Hook: [A compelling statement or question to grab attention]

Main Content (5-20 seconds):

  • [Key Point 1: Present an intriguing fact or tip from your core content]
  • [Key Point 2: Add another relevant detail or example]
  • [Action: Demonstrate a quick how-to or a visual representation]

Engagement Feature (20-25 seconds):

  • Interaction: [Ask viewers to engage by liking, commenting, or sharing]
  • Mini-Challenge: [Include a fun, quick challenge related to the video]

Call to Action (25-30 seconds):

  • [Direct viewers to follow for more content, visit a link in bio, or check out a product/service]

Visuals and Audio:

  • Background Music: [Choose a popular or fitting song/snippet]
  • Visual Effects/Text: [Use captions, stickers, or on-screen effects to enhance engagement]
  • Hashtags: [Incorporate trending and relevant hashtags]

Conclusion (30-35 seconds):

  • Recap: [Briefly summarize the main message]
  • Final CTA: [A strong closing call to action, such as encouraging viewers to check out the next video]

5-7 seconds

Video Topic: [Pick a focused, single aspect from your core content]

Introduction (1-2 seconds):

  • Visual Hook: [Start with a striking visual or a bold on-screen text]

Main Message (2-5 seconds):

  • Core Message: [Deliver one key point or message, keep it super concise]
  • Visuals/Audio: [Use dynamic visuals or a catchy sound bite to support your message]

Call to Action (5-7 seconds):

  • Quick CTA: [A rapid, direct call to action like ‘Swipe Up’, ‘Click Link’, or ‘Follow for More’]

Adding Visuals and Scheduling Posts

Visual content tends to perform exceptionally well on social media. Enhance your posts with eye-catching visuals:

  • Images and Graphics: Use high-quality images, graphics, or illustrations that resonate with your content.
  • Short Videos and GIFs: Create short, engaging videos or GIFs to illustrate your message.

Scheduling your social media posts in advance helps maintain a consistent online presence and frees up your time for other tasks. Utilize social media management tools like Tailwind (my favorite), Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social to schedule posts at optimal times for your audience.

Measuring and Adjusting Your Social Media Strategy

Measuring the impact of your social media efforts is crucial for refining your strategy. Track key metrics such as engagement, reach, clicks, and conversions. Social media platforms often provide built-in analytics tools to help you monitor performance.

Based on your findings, adjust your strategy as needed. If certain post types or times perform better, focus on those. Experiment with different content formats and ideas to keep your audience engaged and responsive.


Leveraging ChatGPT to create engaging social media posts from your core content can significantly enhance your content marketing strategy’s reach and effectiveness. By selecting the right content pieces, choosing the optimal social media platforms, crafting engaging posts, using ChatGPT for ideas and variations, adding visuals, scheduling posts, and measuring performance, you can drive meaningful engagement and achieve your marketing goals on social media.

Stay tuned for the final part of our Marketing Planning Series, where we’ll explore how to repurpose old content that ranks and maximize its value.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content by Jen Vazquez Media
Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content by Jen Vazquez Media
Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content by Jen Vazquez Media
Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content by Jen Vazquez Media
Leveraging ChatGPT to Create Social Media Posts from Core Content by Jen Vazquez Media

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2: Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2: Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights by Jen Vazquez Media<br />

Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2

Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights:

Welcome to the second part of our Marketing Planning Series! If you didn’t read part 1, I highly recommend you check it out right here. In the previous installment, we delved into the importance of data-driven marketing and how Google Search Console can provide valuable insights into your content’s performance.

Now, armed with data, it’s time to translate these insights into a well-crafted content strategy for the upcoming quarter. In this blog post, we’ll explore the intricacies of crafting a data-driven content strategy, reviewing top-performing content, analyzing audience engagement, identifying emerging trends, and aligning your content with your business goals. Let’s dive in!

Crafting a Data-Driven Content Strategy

A data-driven content strategy is like a roadmap that guides your content creation efforts. It’s rooted in insights and objectives, ensuring that every piece of content you produce serves a purpose and contributes to your overall goals. Here’s how to craft a data-driven content strategy:

  • Define Clear Objectives: Begin by outlining specific, measurable goals for your content. What do you aim to achieve in the upcoming quarter? Examples could include increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting brand awareness.
  • Know Your Audience: Based on the data you’ve collected, build detailed audience personas. Understand your audience’s needs, preferences, pain points, and behavior to tailor your content accordingly.
  • Content Themes: Identify key themes or topics that resonate with your audience. Consider evergreen topics and those relevant to emerging trends in your industry.
  • Content Types: Determine the types of content that work best for your audience. This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, webinars, or podcasts.

Reviewing Top-Performing Content

Before diving into content planning for the quarter, it’s crucial to identify what’s already working. Review the top-performing content from the previous year using the insights gained from Google Search Console. Look for patterns, commonalities, and topics that consistently resonate with your audience.

  • Content Audit: Create a list of your highest-performing blog posts, videos, or podcasts based on metrics such as clicks, impressions, and engagement.
  • Analyze Engagement: Review user comments, social shares, and any feedback associated with these top-performing pieces. What did your audience like about them? What questions did they have?
  • Identify Patterns: Are there recurring themes, keywords, or formats that stand out in your top-performing content? These insights can guide your content planning.

Analyzing Audience Engagement and Feedback

Your audience’s engagement and feedback are invaluable sources of information. Take the time to listen to your audience through various channels, including social media, comments, surveys, and email responses.

  • Social Listening: Monitor social media conversations related to your industry or niche. What topics are trending, and what questions are people asking?
  • Feedback Surveys: Consider sending out surveys to your audience to gather direct input on their preferences and needs.
  • Engagement Metrics: Continue to track engagement metrics on your website and social platforms to gauge the sentiment around your content.

Pinterest Management


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Identifying Emerging Trends and Seasonal Opportunities

Staying ahead of emerging trends and leveraging seasonal opportunities is essential for keeping your content fresh and relevant. Here’s how to identify these opportunities:

  • Industry Research: Stay updated on industry news, reports, and studies. Look for trends and developments that could impact your content strategy.
  • Keyword Research: Conduct keyword research to uncover trending search terms and topics. Tools like Google Trends and keyword research tools can be invaluable.
  • Seasonal Calendar: Create a content calendar that incorporates seasonal events, holidays, and trends relevant to your industry.

Creating a Content Calendar for the Quarter

With a clear strategy and insights in hand, it’s time to create a content calendar for the upcoming quarter. A well-structured content calendar helps you stay organized and ensures a steady flow of content that aligns with your objectives.

  • Content Themes: Allocate specific themes or topics for each week or month, ensuring they align with your overall strategy and objectives.
  • Content Types: Determine which types of content you’ll create for each theme. Consider mixing formats to keep your audience engaged.
  • Publication Schedule: Set specific publication dates for each piece of content. Consistency is key, so maintain a regular posting schedule.

Aligning Content with Business Goals

Your content should never operate in isolation from your broader business goals. Each piece of content should serve a purpose and contribute to your overall success. Here’s how to align your content with your business goals:

  • Content Mapping: Map each piece of content to a specific stage in your customer journey. Is it meant to attract, engage, convert, or retain customers?
  • Metrics and KPIs: Define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your objectives. Track these metrics to measure your content’s impact on your goals.
  • Sales Funnel Integration: Ensure your content guides users through the sales funnel, from awareness to conversion. Provide clear calls to action (CTAs) that support your goals.

Best Practices for Content Planning

As you embark on your content planning journey, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent publishing schedule to keep your audience engaged.
  • Quality over Quantity: Focus on producing high-quality, valuable content rather than churning out numerous pieces.
  • Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to try new content formats or approaches to keep your strategy fresh.
  • Analytics and Monitoring: Continually analyze and monitor your content’s performance to make data-driven adjustments.


Quarterly content planning based on data insights is the cornerstone of an effective and results-driven content strategy. By crafting a data-driven content strategy, reviewing top-performing content, analyzing audience engagement, identifying emerging trends, and aligning your content with business goals, you’ll be well-prepared to create and deliver content that resonates with your audience and drives your marketing objectives forward.

Stay tuned for the next part of our Marketing Planning Series, where we’ll explore leveraging ChatGPT to create engaging social media posts from your core content.

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode

Pinterest Trends Weekly: In Sport Mode Hey there! I'm Jen, your go-to marketing bestie and cheerleader. I'm here to help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to marketing. Every week, I'm diving into the hottest Pinterest trends so you can get ahead of the...

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Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2: Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2: Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2: Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2: Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights by Jen Vazquez Media
Content Marketing Planning Series Part 2: Quarterly Content Planning Based on Data Insights by Jen Vazquez Media

Q3 Content Strategy: 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business

Q3 Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business by Jen Vazquez Media

5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business

Are you tired of spinning your wheels when it comes to growing your service business? Are you ready to unlock the potential of your content strategy and start seeing tangible results? Look no further – in this article, we’re going to show you five powerful techniques that will supercharge your content strategy and propel your service business forward in the third quarter. 

Imagine having a content calendar that keeps you on track, consistently creating engaging and relevant core content that resonates with your audience. Picture your business soaring to new heights as your SEO optimization boosts your visibility in search engine rankings. Envision the power of leveraging social media to repurpose and amplify your core content, reaching an even broader audience. And with the ability to measure and analyze your content’s performance, you’ll have the insights needed to fine-tune your strategy and maximize your results.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to optimize your existing efforts, these proven techniques will unleash the full potential of your content strategy and drive real, measurable results for your service business. So, buckle up and get ready to take your business to the next level – it’s time to unleash your Q3 content strategy and ignite the growth you deserve

Create a Content Calendar for Core Content

To create engaging and relevant core content, it’s essential to start by developing a content calendar that will keep you on track and ensure consistency. By mapping out your content in advance, you can strategically plan and schedule topics, ensuring that your audience is consistently provided with valuable and meaningful information.

A content calendar allows you to see the big picture of your content strategy, helping you identify any gaps or overlaps in your messaging. It provides a visual roadmap that guides your content creation process and ensures that each piece of content aligns with your overall business goals and objectives.

By having a content calendar in place, you can also optimize your SEO efforts. By researching keywords and incorporating them into your content plan, you can improve your visibility on search engine rankings, making it easier for your target audience to find you.

Additionally, a content calendar allows you to repurpose and amplify your core content through social media channels. By strategically sharing and promoting your content across platforms, you can reach a wider audience and increase your brand’s visibility.

Furthermore, a content calendar provides you with the ability to measure and analyze your content’s performance. By tracking metrics such as engagement, click-through rates, and conversions, you can gain valuable insights into what is working and what needs improvement. This data allows you to fine-tune your content strategy and make data-driven decisions to maximize your results.

Creating a content calendar for your core content is a crucial step in unleashing the full potential of your content strategy. It empowers you to plan, optimize, and measure your efforts, ultimately driving real, measurable results for your service business. So, let’s dive in and explore the techniques for creating engaging and relevant core content that will take your business to the next level.

Q3 Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business info graphic by jen vazquez media

Creating Engaging and Relevant Core Content

Creating engaging and relevant core content is key to capturing your audience’s attention and driving meaningful interactions with your service business. By crafting content that resonates with your target audience, you can establish yourself as a trusted authority and build a loyal following. But how do you create content that truly engages and connects with your audience? Let’s explore some proven techniques that will help you unlock the full potential of your core content.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand your audience inside out. Take the time to research and understand their needs, pain points, and aspirations. By gaining deep insights into what makes your audience tick, you can tailor your core content to address their specific challenges and provide valuable solutions. This will not only capture their attention but also position you as a reliable source of information.

Next, focus on storytelling. People are naturally drawn to stories that resonate with their own experiences and emotions. Incorporating storytelling elements into your core content can make it more relatable and memorable for your audience. Share real-life examples, case studies, and anecdotes that illustrate the value of your service. By grounding your content in relatable narratives, you can forge a stronger connection with your audience and keep them engaged.

Another technique for creating engaging core content is to make it visually appealing. Incorporate high-quality images, videos, infographics, and other visual elements that enhance the user experience. Visual content not only grabs attention but also helps break up text-heavy content, making it more digestible and enjoyable for your audience. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so leverage visuals to make your core content more impactful.

Additionally, consider incorporating interactive elements into your core content. Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, surveys, and calculators, encourages active engagement from your audience. By inviting them to participate and interact with your content, you can create a more immersive and personalized experience. This not only boosts engagement but also provides valuable data and insights that can inform your future content strategy.

Lastly, don’t forget the power of emotion in your core content. Content that evokes emotions, whether it’s humor, awe, empathy, or inspiration, has a greater chance of resonating with your audience. Tap into the emotional spectrum of your target audience and craft content that elicits the desired response. Emotionally-driven content is more likely to be shared, commented on, and remembered, which can generate greater visibility and engagement for your service business.

By implementing these techniques, you can create core content that captivates your audience and drives meaningful interactions with your service business. With engaging and relevant content in place, you’ll be well-positioned to optimize your SEO for maximum visibility and take your content strategy to the next level.

Optimizing SEO for Maximum Visibility

In addition to creating emotionally-driven content, it’s crucial to optimize your SEO for maximum visibility. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of improving your website’s visibility on search engine results pages. By implementing SEO strategies, you can ensure that your core content is easily discoverable by your target audience.

One key aspect of optimizing SEO is conducting thorough keyword research. By identifying the keywords and phrases that your audience is likely to search for, you can strategically incorporate them into your content. This will increase the chances of your website appearing higher in search engine rankings, making it more likely for your audience to find and engage with your content.

Furthermore, optimizing your website’s meta tags and descriptions can significantly impact your visibility. Meta tags are snippets of text that provide a brief summary of the content on a webpage. By crafting compelling and concise meta tags, you can entice users to click on your website when it appears in search engine results. Similarly, well-written meta descriptions can captivate readers and encourage them to visit your website.

Another SEO technique to consider is optimizing your website’s loading speed. Slow-loading websites can negatively impact user experience and result in higher bounce rates. Ensuring that your website loads quickly will not only enhance user experience but also improve your search engine rankings.

Additionally, creating high-quality backlinks can boost your website’s visibility in search engine results. Backlinks are links from other websites that direct users to your website. When reputable websites link back to your content, it signals to search engines that your website is credible and authoritative. By actively seeking opportunities to earn backlinks from trusted sources, you can improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

By optimizing your SEO, you can increase your website’s visibility and attract a larger audience to your core content. This enhanced visibility will set the stage for the next section, where we will explore how to leverage social media by repurposing your core content, and further expanding your reach and engagement.

Search Vs. Social Marketing Masterclass


We’ll dive into everything from the definition to benefits and which one is right for your service-based business

Leveraging Social Media by Repurposing Core Content

Another effective strategy for boosting your service business is leveraging social media through repurposing your core content. Social media platforms provide a powerful opportunity to reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers. By repackaging and repurposing your core content, you can extend its lifespan and maximize its impact on social media.

One way to repurpose your core content is by creating visually appealing graphics or infographics that summarize key points or statistics. Visual content tends to grab attention and is highly shareable on social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. By repackaging your content in this format, you can present it in a more digestible and appealing way, attracting more views and shares.

Another way to leverage social media is by creating short video clips or animations that highlight the most engaging aspects of your core content. Videos are highly engaging and have the potential to go viral, generating significant reach and engagement. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels are perfect for sharing short, attention-grabbing videos that showcase your expertise and provide value to your audience.

Furthermore, consider transforming your core content into blog posts, articles, or educational guides that can be shared across social media platforms. By repurposing your content in a written format, you can reach audiences who prefer consuming information through reading. Make sure to optimize your written content for social media by using compelling headlines, clear formatting, and relevant hashtags to increase its discoverability and engagement.

Repurposing your core content for social media not only expands your reach but also allows you to tailor your message to different platforms and audiences. By adapting your content to suit the specific requirements and preferences of each platform, you can effectively engage with your audience and drive traffic back to your website.

By leveraging social media through repurposing your core content, you can further expand your reach and engagement. This enhanced social media presence will set the stage for the next section, where we will explore how to measure and analyze your content’s performance, ensuring that your efforts are effectively driving results.

Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business by Jen Vazquez Media

Measuring and Analyzing Your Content’s Performance

Now, it’s time to dive into the next crucial step: measuring and analyzing your content’s performance. After all, understanding how your content is performing is essential for ensuring that your efforts are driving the desired results.

When it comes to measuring your content’s performance, there are several key metrics you should keep an eye on. One important metric to consider is website traffic. By monitoring the number of visitors to your website and analyzing their behavior, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your content in driving traffic.

Another essential metric is engagement. This includes metrics such as likes, comments, and shares on social media platforms. The level of engagement your content receives can give you a sense of how well it is resonating with your audience and whether it is encouraging them to take action.

Furthermore, tracking conversions is crucial for evaluating the impact of your content on your service business. Whether your goal is to capture leads, generate sales, or encourage newsletter sign-ups, monitoring conversions will help you understand the direct impact your content is having on your business objectives.

In addition to these metrics, it’s also important to analyze the demographics and characteristics of your audience. Understanding who your content is resonating with can guide your future content creation and targeting strategies.

By regularly measuring and analyzing these key metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your content and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy. In the next section, we will explore specific techniques to help you boost your service business even further based on these insights.


In the world of service businesses, a strong content strategy can make all the difference in achieving success. Throughout this article, we’ve explored five proven techniques to boost your service business in the third quarter. From creating a content calendar and building engaging core content to optimize SEO and leveraging social media, these techniques have the power to transform your visibility and generate tangible results.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll unleash the full potential of your content and position your business for growth. Don’t let your content strategy hold you back – take action today and start seeing real, measurable results. Remember, success lies in your hands and it starts by embracing these proven techniques.

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind the words of Theodore Roosevelt who said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” This quote serves as a reminder that regardless of your starting point, the potential to elevate your service business lies within you.

So, step into the third quarter with confidence and determination. Embrace the power of a strategic content plan, and watch your business thrive. Unleash your Q3 content strategy, and the results will speak for themselves. It’s time to take your service business to new heights – let your content be the driving force.

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Q3 Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Q3 Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Q3 Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Q3 Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Q3 Content Strategy 5 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Service-Based Business by Jen Vazquez Media