Marketing Workflow Tips for Female Service Providers

Marketing Workflow Tips for Female Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media - tap to Learn How

Marketing Workflow Tips for Female Service Providers

As a female service provider, I know the marketing struggle is real! Between managing clients, running a business, and trying to have a life, finding time for marketing can feel like an uphill battle. But here’s the good news—you don’t need a massive marketing team or 40 hours a week to get great results. With smart workflows, you can create a system that works for you, saves time, and drives leads. Let’s dive into actionable tips that will help you streamline your marketing efforts.

Batch Content Creation

Batching content is a game changer. Instead of trying to create posts on the fly, dedicate a specific day or block of time each week (or month) to focus solely on content creation. Whether it’s blog posts, social media updates, or Pinterest pins, getting into the creative zone and knocking out several pieces at once will help you stay consistent and save time.

Action Step:

Schedule 2-3 hours each week or a full day each month for content creation. Focus on creating a month’s worth of content in one go.

Repurpose Your Content

One of the easiest ways to save time is by repurposing content across multiple platforms. If you’ve written a blog post, turn that into Pinterest pins, social media captions, email newsletters, and even short-form videos. Don’t reinvent the wheel—just tweak what you’ve already got!

Action Step:

Take your top-performing content from one platform and repurpose it for at least two others. For example, turn a blog post into 3-5 Pinterest pins or a YouTube video into an Instagram carousel.

Automate Where You Can

Automation is your best friend when it comes to marketing. From scheduling social media posts to automating email sequences, the more you can automate, the more time you can save for other important tasks (like focusing on clients). Tools like Later, Hootsuite, or Planoly for social media and ActiveCampaign or ConvertKit for email marketing will make your life easier.

Action Step:

Set up automated workflows for your email marketing. Start with a simple welcome sequence for new subscribers and schedule at least one week’s worth of social media posts in advance.

Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar helps you stay organized and keeps your marketing efforts on track. Knowing exactly what you’re posting and when (across all your platforms) can reduce stress and make the process feel more manageable. Plus, it’s a great way to ensure you’re delivering value consistently to your audience.

Action Step:

Use tools like Trello, Asana, or Google Sheets to create a content calendar. Plan at least two weeks’ worth of content ahead of time, noting important dates, promotions, or themes.

Focus on High-Impact Platforms

It’s easy to feel like you need to be everywhere—Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook… you name it. But the truth is, not all platforms are created equal for your business. Instead of spreading yourself thin, focus on the one or two platforms that bring in the most leads and engagement for your services.

Action Step:

Analyze your analytics (Google Analytics, Pinterest insights, or Instagram metrics) to see which platform is driving the most traffic or conversions. Double down on those and scale back the rest.

Delegate/Outsource What You Can

You don’t have to do it all yourself. Hiring help, whether it’s a VA to manage your Pinterest boards or a short-form video editor for social media, can free up your time for high-level tasks. Even if it’s just a few hours a week, outsourcing certain aspects of your marketing can make a huge difference.

Action Step:

Identify one task you struggle with or dread the most and consider outsourcing it. It could be scheduling social posts, writing blog content, or creating graphics.

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Track Your Results

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Keeping an eye on your marketing performance helps you see what’s working (so you can do more of that) and what’s not (so you can adjust). Tracking key metrics like website traffic, email open rates, and conversion rates can guide your marketing strategy and help you make smarter decisions.

Action Step:

Set up Google Analytics to track website performance or use built-in tools like Instagram Insights or Pinterest Analytics to track engagement. Check your metrics bi-weekly and make adjustments as needed.

Use Templates to Save Time

Don’t start from scratch every time. Whether it’s email newsletters, Pinterest pins, or social media posts, creating and using templates can cut down your production time dramatically. Plus, having a consistent visual brand across all platforms builds recognition and trust with your audience.

Action Step:

Create templates for common marketing tasks, like Instagram posts, blog outlines, or Pinterest pins, using tools like Canva or Google Docs. This way, you’ll just plug in the new content and be good to go.

Batch Your Marketing Tasks

Not only should you batch your content creation, but it also helps to batch other marketing tasks. Spend one block of time brainstorming ideas, another time creating graphics, and another time writing captions. By focusing on one type of task at a time, you’ll get into the flow and be more productive.

Action Step:

Break down your marketing tasks into chunks: idea generation, graphic creation, writing, and scheduling. Assign each task its own dedicated time block during your week.

Take Breaks and Set Boundaries

Running a service-based business often means long hours, but your well-being matters. Set boundaries around your work hours, and give yourself the time you need to recharge. You’ll show up more refreshed, focused, and productive when you take care of yourself.

Action Step:

Block off time on your calendar for breaks, meals, and self-care. Stick to your working hours as much as possible and give yourself permission to log off.

Final Thoughts

Marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By setting up smart workflows and using tools to your advantage, you can make the most out of your time and see amazing results without feeling like marketing is taking over your life. These tips are meant to help you get more organized, feel less stressed, and build a consistent and scalable marketing system that works for you.

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Smart Marketing Workflows for Female Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media - Learn How by tapping the pin!
Build a Marketing System That Drives Leads and Saves Time by Jen Vazquez Media - Learn How by tapping the pin!
Batch and Repurpose Content to Simplify Marketing by Jen Vazquez Media - Learn How by tapping the pin!
Automate and Organize Your Marketing Efforts by Jen Vazquez Media - Learn How by tapping the pin!
Save Time and Grow Your Business with These Marketing Tips by Jen Vazquez Media - Learn How by tapping the pin!

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Pinterest Presents 2024: What You Need to Know for Your Business

Pinterest Presents 2024_ What You Need to Know for Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media

Pinterest Presents 2024: What You Need to Know for Your Business

Pinterest Presents 2024 is here, and it’s bringing exciting updates and insights that business owners need to leverage. Whether you’re already a seasoned Pinterest user or just starting, this annual event highlights the newest tools, features, and strategies that can boost your brand’s visibility, engagement, and sales. In this blog, we’ll dive into the key takeaways from Pinterest Presents 2024 and how they can help you streamline your marketing efforts and drive results.

What is Pinterest Presents?

Pinterest Presents is an annual event where Pinterest unveils its latest innovations, trends, and insights for businesses and creators alike. It’s all about helping brands and marketers stay ahead of the curve in a world that’s constantly evolving. Whether you’re using Pinterest for content creation, e-commerce, or lead generation, this event showcases the features that can take your marketing strategy to the next level.

Key Highlights from Pinterest Presents 2024

Shopping Made Easier

One of the big reveals at Pinterest Presents 2024 is an expanded focus on shopping capabilities. Pinterest continues to innovate ways for businesses to connect with shoppers. New updates to shopping features, like more personalized recommendations and easier in-app purchasing options, are aimed at making it seamless for users to go from pinning to purchasing.   

What this means for your business:  With a focus on creating a smoother shopping experience, your business can benefit from new ways to showcase products. Make sure you’re taking full advantage of shoppable pins and leveraging these updates to create a more engaging, easy-to-navigate shopping journey for your customers.

The Power of AI and Personalization

Pinterest is doubling down on AI-powered tools and personalization. Using advanced AI, Pinterest now offers better personalized content recommendations and trend insights that allow you to tailor your marketing efforts to exactly what your target audience is looking for. Expect smarter algorithms that will help surface your content to the right people at the right time.

How to use this in your strategy: Utilize Pinterest’s AI-driven trend insights and tools to discover what your audience is searching for and engage them with relevant content. This allows you to stay ahead of trends and tap into conversations that matter to your audience.

New Creative Tools for Marketers

Pinterest Presents 2024 showcased a range of creative tools that make it easier for brands to design compelling content. From updated video creation features to enhanced design templates, Pinterest is making it simpler to produce high-quality, visually appealing content that captures attention.

Your next steps: Start experimenting with these new creative tools to elevate your content game. Video is already a powerhouse on Pinterest, so now’s the time to explore different formats and create engaging pins that stand out in your audience’s feed.

FREE Pinterest Marketing Tools

Get Instant Access to 15+ Tools and 8 Masterclasses for FREE!

Are you ready to effectively use Pinterest marketing to grow your business? Look no further! We’ve curated a collection of over 15 essential Pinterest marketing tools and 8 expert-led masterclasses and challenges, all designed to help you succeed on this dynamic platform.

The Rise of Collaborative Shopping

Collaborative shopping is one of the most exciting trends coming out of Pinterest Presents 2024. This feature allows users to share boards and shop together in real-time, making the shopping experience more social and interactive.

How your brand can benefit:  If your business sells products, start encouraging your audience to collaborate on Pinterest boards. This is a fun way for users to discover new items and feel more engaged with your brand. You can even create shared boards that showcase customer picks or influencers’ favorite items to spark more interaction.

Analytics and Insights Are More Robust

Pinterest is stepping up its game with better analytics and insights to help marketers track their performance. With enhanced reporting tools, businesses can now gain more clarity about what’s working, what’s not, and where opportunities for growth lie.

Make data-driven decisions: Regularly check your Pinterest analytics and use these enhanced tools to optimize your strategy. If certain pins or products are performing well, use those insights to guide your future content and promotions. Data-driven marketing is the key to staying ahead in 2024.

Why Pinterest Presents 2024 Matters to Your Business

Pinterest is not just a social platform; it’s a discovery engine. The updates presented at Pinterest Presents 2024 are designed to make it even easier for users to find, save, and shop for the things they love. For businesses, this means more opportunities to be discovered, engage with potential customers, and drive sales.

By embracing these new features, businesses can build stronger connections with their audience, simplify their content creation processes, and ultimately, grow their brand’s presence on Pinterest.

How to Implement These Changes Today

Here are a few actionable steps you can take after Pinterest Presents 2024:

  • Update your strategy: Review your current Pinterest marketing strategy and align it with these new features. Integrate more shopping elements and tap into Pinterest’s AI-driven insights to better target your content.
  • Experiment with creative tools: Start using the new creative tools to produce eye-catching pins that engage your audience. Mix video, product pins, and collaborative boards to keep your content fresh and exciting.
  • Use insights for optimization: Monitor your Pinterest analytics to see how your pins perform and adjust your strategy based on the data. Focus on what’s resonating with your audience and lean into those strengths.

Final Thoughts

Pinterest Presents 2024 proves that Pinterest is continuing to evolve as a powerful platform for businesses of all sizes. By integrating these new tools and trends into your marketing efforts, you can stay ahead of the competition and create meaningful connections with your audience. Start making the most of Pinterest today and see how these updates can help drive your business forward!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Top Pinterest Features for Business Owners from Pinterest Presents 2024 by Jen Vazquez Media
Pinterest Presents 2024_ Elevate Your Brand with New Marketing Tools by Jen Vazquez Media
Key Marketing Takeaways for Your Brand by Jen Vazquez Media
Boost Your Business with Pinterest Presents 2024 Insights by Jen Vazquez Media
Harness the Power of Pinterest’s New AI Tools for Business Success by Jen Vazquez Media

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5 Easy Pinterest Strategies for Service-Based Businesses to Skyrocket Traffic in 30 Minutes Weekly

5 Easy Pinterest Strategies for Service-Based Businesses by Jen Vazquez Media

5 Easy Pinterest Strategies for Service-Based Businesses to Skyrocket Traffic in 30 Minutes Weekly

Hey there, service-based business owners! I get it—your time is precious, and marketing can sometimes feel like just another overwhelming task on that never-ending to-do list. But here’s the good news: You don’t need hours of effort to see results. What if I told you that by dedicating just 30 minutes a week to Pinterest, you could significantly boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your website? Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not. And I’m here to show you how.

In this guide, we’re diving into five quick and easy Pinterest strategies that will help you maximize your results in minimal time. Whether you’re new to Pinterest or looking to streamline your efforts, these tips are designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. Ready to skyrocket your traffic without the stress? Let’s get into it!

1. Consistency is Key: Schedule Your Pins

Consistency is the magic sauce on Pinterest. It loves seeing fresh content, and so do your potential clients. Instead of spending hours pinning away, use a scheduling tool like Tailwind (yep, I’ll drop a link below) or Pinterest’s own scheduler to spread out your content over the week.

Give this just 10 minutes each week to schedule your pins for the upcoming days. Keep that profile active, and you’ll stay top of mind effortlessly.

Quick Tip

Aim to pin at least 5-10 times a day, mixing your content with other valuable resources your audience will love.

2. Leverage Pinterest Trends for Maximum Impact

Pinterest Trends is an underutilized goldmine. Spend five minutes exploring what’s trending in your industry and create pins that fit those hot topics. When you tap into what’s buzzing, your content is more likely to get noticed and shared.

Quick Tip

Include trending keywords in your pin titles and descriptions to increase visibility in search results.

3. Optimize Your Pin Descriptions for SEO

Pinterest is not just a social media site; it’s a search engine! Spend five minutes optimizing your pin descriptions with the right keywords. Think about what your ideal client is searching for and weave those terms naturally into your descriptions.

Let AI help if you to make this process fast and also to create different titles and descriptions that are different for every pin you create for your blog or other content.  You can use this prompt: “Please act like an SEO strategist and create 5 Pinterest pin titles and descriptions (475-500 characters and no hashtags) for this blog <insert the whole blog>.”

Quick Tip

Focus on long-tail keywords and make sure your descriptions are clear, engaging, and action-oriented.

4. Create Eye-Catching Pin Designs

No need to be a graphic designer to create stunning pins. Tools like Canva or Tailwind Create make it super easy. Set aside 10 minutes to design a few eye-catching pins that reflect your brand’s personality and message.

High-quality visuals attract clicks, so make sure your pins stand out.

Quick Tip

Stick to a consistent color palette and font style across all your pins to build brand recognition.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is the secret sauce that most people overlook. Pinterest isn’t just about pinning and forgetting. Spend the last five minutes of your weekly Pinterest routine engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, follow relevant accounts, and repin content that aligns with your brand.

Quick Tip

Engage with content that inspires you and reflects your business values to attract like-minded followers.

Conclusion: Make Pinterest Work for You!

By dedicating just 30 minutes a week to these five quick wins, you’ll see more traffic flowing to your website and more eyes on your content. The best part? You’ll be doing it without feeling overwhelmed. So, let’s get this Pinterest party started!

Bonus: Want to keep the momentum going? Download my Free Pinterest resources to stay on track and make the most out of your Pinterest efforts!


Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Skyrocket Your Website Traffic with 5 Easy Pinterest Tips by Jen Vazquez Media
Quick Pinterest Wins for Service-Based Businesses_ Grow Traffic in 30 Minutes by Jen Vazquez Media
Grow Your Business_ 5 Pinterest Tips for Service-Based Entrepreneurs by Jen Vazquez Media
5 Pinterest Strategies to Boost Traffic for Service-Based Businesses by Jen Vazquez Media
5 Time-Saving Pinterest Strategies for Busy Service Providers by Jen Vazquez Media

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Pinterest Trends Weekly: Happy Days Ahead

Pinterest Trends Weekly_ Happy Days Ahead by Jen Vazquez Media

Pinterest Trends Weekly: Happy Days Ahead

I’m back with the latest Pinterest trends, and this week, it’s all about spreading pure happiness. From fun outfit inspirations to quick home refreshes that’ll bring style and color to your days, Pinterest is buzzing with positivity. Let’s dive into these exciting trends!

Key Trends This Week

BEFORE I jump into the trend details for this week

I’ve got something super exciting to share with you today!  If you’ve been struggling to get traction with your marketing or wondering how to make Pinterest work for you instead of against you, then you won’t want to miss this.

I’m hosting a FREE masterclass where I’m diving deep into the Pinterest Trends you need to know for the upcoming year! Let’s crush your Pinterest goals!

Trending Now: Spark Happiness

People are searching for little ways to spark happiness, from picking up new hobbies to creating menus that bring smiles. Here’s what’s trending:

  • 9x increase in dopamine menus: Uplifting meal ideas are trending.
  • 22x increase in fridge scaping: Organize your fridge beautifully.
  • 8x increase in coffee bouquets: Yes, coffee can look stunning!
  • 8x increase in fruitful fashion: Bright and fruity fashion trends.
  • 2x increase in crochet fall items: Cozy crochet projects for fall.

Take It Up a Notch: Seasonal Trends

Pinterest users are looking to take the classic up a notch with seasonal flavors, stylish hairdos, and even temporary decor.

Parenting Trends:

  • 8x increase in hairstyles for kindergartners
  • 8x increase in grandparents day gifts
  • 5x increase in September crafts for kids
  • 45% increase in smart parenting search

Food and Beverage Trends:

  • 31x increase in lentil soup recipes
  • 6x increase in pumpkin cream cold foam
  • 4x increase in fall margarita recipes
  • 3x increase in football-themed food

Home Trends:

  • 13x increase in bookshelf ideas
  • 9x increase in renter hacks
  • 8x increase in rental-friendly upgrades
  • 3x increase in 70s home decor: Vintage vibes are back!

Oh So Cozy: Gen Z and Millennial Trends

Across Gen Z and millennial generations, there’s a cozy theme. Gen Z is looking for warm nooks and outfits, while millennials are hunting for gift baskets and care packages.

Gen Z Trends:

2x increase in bedroom inspo cozy
130% increase in fall party ideas
35% increase in cozy reading nooks
25% increase in layering outfits

Millennial Trends:

2x increase in party planning
2x increase in cozy patio ideas
155% increase in fall gift basket ideas
135% increase in college care packages

Moment Spotlight: Homecoming

The big game and the big dance are finally here, and Pinterest searches are spiking around nail, hair, and outfit inspiration for everyone.

  • 5x increase in homecoming nails
  • 4x increase in homecoming court dresses
  • 3x increase in hairstyles for homecoming
  • 2.5x increase in homecoming outfits for guys
  • 2x increase in homecoming makeup
  • 175% increase in modest homecoming dresses
Fall Routine Reset Pinterest Board by Jen Vazquez Media

Featured Pinterest Board: Fall Routine Reset

Set the perfect tone for your evening with plush pillows, soothing scents, and comfy bedding. These tips will make any evening feel special, helping you drift off into a perfect night’s rest. Check out the Cozy Night at Home board and all the homecoming essentials on the Featured Board.

Hope to see you at our masterclass!  Until next time, keep pinning and stay positive! 🌟


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Pinterest Trends_ A Game-Changer for Marketing by Jen Vazquez Media
Maximize Engagement with Pinterest Trends by Jen Vazquez Media
Market Like a Pro with Pinterest Trends by Jen Vazquez Media
Leverage Pinterest Trends for Business Growth by Jen Vazquez Media
Turn Pinterest Trends Into Business Success by Jen Vazquez Media

When and How to Hire an Online Business Manager (OBM) with Christi Johnson

When and How to Hire an Online Business Manager (OBM) with Christi Johnson Marketing Strategy Academy Podcast #216

When and How to Hire an Online Business Manager (OBM) with Christi Johnson

Today, we’re diving into a gem of a conversation with Christi Johnson from Christy Johnson Creative. If you’ve ever wondered whether you need an Online Business Manager (OBM) and how they could drastically improve your business, you’re in for a treat. So, grab your coffee, sit back, and let’s get into it!

Why Consider an Online Business Manager?

Are you struggling to keep your marketing efforts aligned with your business goals? Maybe it’s time to consider hiring an online business manager! You might be thinking, “How do I know when it’s the right time, and where do I start?” Well, you’re not alone, and guess what? Christi Johnson has all the answers.

Who is Christi Johnson?

Christi is an integrator, an online business manager, and a consultant for creative and neurodivergent entrepreneurs. She’s the CEO of a branding and backend business agency, working alongside four of her family members. With 15 years of small business experience, she’s got the know-how to help you scale your service-based business with ease. Oh, and she’s also a fellow podcast host, so she understands the ins and outs of consistent content creation.

The Difference Between an OBM and a VA

Christi explains it perfectly: An OBM helps you manage the day-to-day operations of your business. They’re your go-to for creating SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and ensuring your projects are on track. In contrast, a Virtual Assistant (VA) focuses more on specific tasks that you delegate to them. Think of an OBM as your strategic partner who helps you see the big picture, while a VA handles the detailed tasks within it.

Signs You’re Ready for an OBM

Wondering if you should hire an OBM? Here are a few signs highlighted by Christi:

  • Consistent Income: You need to be making steady income to afford an OBM.
  • Staying on Task: If you find it hard to stay focused or organized, an OBM can help keep you on track.
  • Delegating Tasks: Difficulty in managing your VA or other team members is a strong indicator.
  • Overwhelmed Operations: If daily operations leave you feeling swamped, an OBM can streamline things.

FREE Pinterest Marketing Tools

Get Instant Access to 15+ Tools and 8 Masterclasses for FREE!

Are you ready to effectively use Pinterest marketing to grow your business? Look no further! We’ve curated a collection of over 15 essential Pinterest marketing tools and 8 expert-led masterclasses and challenges, all designed to help you succeed on this dynamic platform.

Finding the Right OBM

Finding the perfect OBM isn’t just about scrolling through Instagram hashtags. Get clear on your goals and why you need an OBM. Jump on a call with potential candidates and ensure they match your vibe. Let’s be real—it’s crucial to have someone you genuinely enjoy working with, especially since you’ll be spending a lot of time together.

Enhancing Your Marketing Strategy with an OBM

An OBM doesn’t create your marketing plan, but they’re genius at implementing it. They help ensure you’re meeting your deadlines and streamline other areas of your business, giving you more time to focus on creating content. An OBM helps align your marketing strategies with your overall business operations, making everything flow seamlessly.

Setting Expectations and Overcoming Challenges

Remember, while an OBM can make your life significantly easier, they aren’t miracle workers. Keep realistic expectations about what they can accomplish. Set clear roles and ensure everyone on your team knows their responsibilities. Communication is key to avoiding overlaps and misunderstandings.

The Top Three Things That Have Helped Christi Grow Her Business

  • Relationship Building: Networking and genuine engagement on platforms like Instagram.
  • Growth Mindset: Embracing failure and continuous learning.
  • Hiring a Coach: Having guidance to set and achieve financial goals.

Christi also emphasizes the importance of choosing the right coach—someone who understands your unique situation.

Services Christi Offers

Feeling like you could use Christi’s expertise? She offers website design, branding, copywriting, branding photos, and a comprehensive course called the Dream Biz Kickstart to help you launch your business in just eight weeks! Plus, her OBM services are perfect for ongoing support, whether you’re launching a new offer or need operational help.

Bottom Line

So, there you have it! If you found some ideas and tips that you can implement in your business, we would love for you to leave a review and tell everyone how amazing Christi is. Go out there and do something good for your business, like snagging Christi’s gift and taking action!

Where to Find Chrisi + Her Gift

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