Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business

Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media

Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business

Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to actually market your business? Trust me, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day tasks, leaving you feeling unproductive and overwhelmed. Stay tuned as I share techniques to save time and become more consistent with marketing. 

There are always a few times a year when I experience a “busy season” where it all feels overwhelming like there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  I have over the years dropped marketing activities and found 2-5 months later that I don’t have as many leads for my business. 

Every time I see fewer leads, I can trace it back to letting my foot off the gas, with regard to marketing.  Therefore, I got smart and created a system or what I call a marketing workflow that ensures this doesn’t happen no matter how busy I get!

What if I told you that YOU can do the same and save hours in your marketing workflow in surprisingly simple ways? By implementing a few key techniques, you can streamline your marketing process and finally achieve the level of productivity and leads you crave. 

But before we dive into some surprisingly effective time-saving tips that will help you get more done in less time, I need to NOTE: This means not just hearing this information but taking action!

So, if you’re ready to reduce stress, and procrastination, and market your business no matter how busy you are (keep your foot on that marketing gas), keep reading.

Time Blocking

This one may not surprise you! Time blocking is a super effective way to save time in your marketing workflow. This technique involves scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks and activities. By breaking up your day into focused time periods, you can increase your productivity, reduce distractions, and actually spend less time overall. 

For example, you might schedule an hour or two on a day and time you are most creative to write your weekly blog.  Then on another day/time work on creating all graphics from the blog header image, to Pinterest pins, to social media graphics.

By sticking to a schedule, you’ll be less likely to get sidetracked by other tasks or allow interruptions.

Time blocking can be especially effective when you pair it with habit stacking, which we’ll cover in the next section. But even on its own, time blocking can help ensure you have dedicated time each week to marketing your business. It also allows you to create a more balanced workday, with dedicated time for both marketing and client work type of tasks.

To get started with time blocking, take a look at your current schedule and identify blocks of time that you can carve out each week for specific activities. This might involve shifting some tasks to different times of the day or delegating certain responsibilities to team members. Once you’ve created your schedule, stick to it as much as possible. With practice, you’ll find that time blocking becomes an essential part of your workflow, helping you achieve more in less time and also ensuring you are marketing your business each week!

Habit Stacking

In addition to time blocking, another tactic that can maximize productivity is habit stacking. Habit stacking involves pairing a new habit with an already established one, leveraging the power of routine to form a new beneficial habit. For example, if you’re trying to establish a habit of daily posting to social media, you can pair it with your morning coffee ritual by posting a story before your “reward” of that morning cup of joe. 

For me, I love to habit stack writing my blog (and my email list summary of the blog, social media posts, and Pinterest pin descriptions at the bottom of my blog in google docs – basically all the writing) on Sunday afternoons.  I am the most rested and relaxed on Sundays and I love a good reality tv binge or rom-com movie to end my weekend so I do all my writing on Sundays and as a reward, I get that Bravo Housewives’ time. 

If you don’t want to work weekends, consider when you are most engaged, alert, and productive.  For some that’s mornings, for others that’s after putting the kids to bed and for others that may be mid-day. Find your day/time and create a reward to habit-stack this marketing writing work.

Habit stacking not only helps you establish new habits more effectively but can also work in conjunction with time blocking. By adding new habits to your designated time blocks, you can optimize your productivity while also developing healthy habits outside of work hours. As we’ll explore in the following section, this approach can help you balance left and right brain work.

Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media

Left-Brain and Right-Brain Work

Habit stacking and time blocking are practical strategies that can optimize your marketing workflow, but they may not address the issue of balancing left-brain and right-brain work. Creativity and analytical thinking are both critical components of marketing workflows, and it’s essential to ensure that they are given equal attention. Fortunately, habit stacking can help you cultivate both, as you can pair your routine tasks with creative ones to improve your balance. For instance, if you have a habit of writing blog posts every day, you can add a 30-minute slot for creating graphics for the blog, pins, and social media. This way, you can develop your creative side without neglecting the analytical aspects of your work.

Pairing routine work with creative tasks, or vice versa, can be gratifying, leading to a sense of accomplishment while keeping you motivated. It’s also a good way to unlock your creativity and generate new ideas, providing a fresh perspective on your marketing projects. With habit stacking, you can create a balanced workflow that caters to both the analytical and creative sides of your brain.

Some of my clients find doing left brain work with a break in between than right brain work is easier. So don’t force yourself to do them back to back if it feels better to do them one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon or even on different days.  I personally find this approach more effective for me too.  

While I write the blog on Sundays because for me that hard work that I like to do when I’m most relaxed and rested, working on graphics I love to do so I have a time block on Mondays to do all graphics for the week from the blog header image to Pinterest pins, and social media graphics or stories all in one sitting.  

Then I publish the blog and post to social media on different days as that’s a different mindset than creating the graphics. And by the way, posting on social media is so much easier when I already wrote the words on Sundays and the graphics on Mondays. It feels easier which means it gets done.

I mentioned it a ton above, so let’s cover it in more detail in the next section and explore how you can incorporate daily, weekly, and monthly marketing to-dos into your workflow.

Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Marketing To-Dos

Using everything above, incorporating daily, weekly, and monthly to-dos into your marketing workflow can help you save hours, be more productive in the long run, and help you be consistent.  We all know that consistency is queen when it comes to marketing!  It’s the secret sauce to getting consistent leads and growing your business. 

These marketing tasks can range from social media updates to more complex activities such as content creation, SEO optimization, and analytics tracking.

Daily tasks are the bread and butter of your workflow. They are the small, routine tasks that keep your projects moving forward. Examples of daily tasks include checking your email inbox, responding to customer inquiries, updating your social media accounts, and reviewing your to-do list for the day. These tasks may seem unimportant, but they contribute to the overall success of your marketing efforts.

Weekly tasks are the meat of your workflow. They are the bigger tasks that require more time and attention. Examples of weekly tasks include creating and writing blog posts, scheduling social media content, writing your email newsletter, creating graphics, and conducting research. These tasks require more planning, coordination, and execution but are essential for achieving your marketing goals.

Monthly tasks are the dessert of your workflow. They are the big-picture tasks that help you track and measure your progress. Examples of monthly tasks include analyzing your website analytics, reviewing your marketing plan, assessing your ROI, and setting new marketing goals for the month or quarter. These tasks provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and help you make data-driven decisions.

By incorporating daily, weekly, and monthly tasks into your workflow, you can maintain a balanced, productive, and consistent routine. You can also ensure that you are making progress toward your long-term marketing goals while keeping up with your daily tasks. So, take some time to brainstorm and create a list of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks that align with your marketing goals and start incorporating them into your workflow today.

_“Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.” quote by ~Beth Comstock former CMO + Vice Chair of GE - Jen Vazquez Media


To summarize, in today’s world, time is precious and finite. It’s easy to get bogged down in the daily grind and feel like you’re never making headway. However, by incorporating the counter-intuitive approaches of time blocking, habit stacking, utilizing both the left and right brain, and setting daily, weekly, and monthly to-dos, you can increase your productivity and save time while actually consistently marketing your business. 

These time-saving techniques will help you reduce stress and overwhelm, and help you feel more accomplished and productive while achieving your goals faster. 

So why not take the chance and implement one of these techniques today? As Beth Comstock former CMO + Vice Chair of GE said “Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.”

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media
Surprising Ways to Save Time Marketing Your Business by Jen Vazquez Media

Search Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing: Which is More Effective?

search vs social media marketing by Jen Vazquez Media

Search Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing: Which is More Effective?

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly searching for ways to increase their online presence and reach their target audience effectively. With a myriad of marketing strategies available, choosing which one to prioritize can be a daunting task. Two popular options are search marketing and social media marketing, both of which offer unique benefits. But which strategy will yield the greatest return on investment (ROI)? In this article, we’ll compare the effectiveness of search marketing and social media marketing, and offer advice on which one to prioritize. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of how to maximize your online presence and reach your target audience with a holistic approach to digital marketing.

Defining Search Marketing and Social Media Marketing

To begin, it’s important to define search marketing and social media marketing. Search marketing involves optimizing your website and marketing on highly searchable platforms that have search engine results pages (SERPs) such as Google, Youtube, and Pinterest. This can involve various tactics such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. 

On the other hand, social media marketing such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to engage with your audience and drive traffic back to your website.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of search marketing. One of the main advantages is that it can attract highly targeted traffic to your website. By optimizing your content for specific keywords, you can ensure that your website appears for relevant search queries. This means that people who are actively searching for help and tips for what you offer your clients are more likely to find your content. Additionally, search marketing can lead to long-term benefits as your content continuously ranks even after you stop actively promoting it.

Overall, both search marketing and social media marketing have their own unique benefits and a holistic approach to digital marketing. By prioritizing both strategies and tailoring them to your specific audience and goals, you can maximize your online presence and grow your business.

Search Marketing vs Social Media Marketing graphic by Jen Vazquez Media

The Benefits of Search Marketing

One of the key benefits of search marketing is the ability to attract highly targeted traffic to your website. By optimizing your content for specific keywords, you can ensure that your website appears in search results for relevant queries. This means that potential customers actively searching for your products or services are more likely to find your website.

Another advantage of search marketing is that it can lead to long-term benefits. Once your content begins to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs) or Pinterest and Youtube, it can continue to attract traffic even after you stop actively promoting it. This is because your content becomes a valuable resource for those searching for specific information on your industry or niche.

In addition, search marketing offers a measurable return on investment (ROI). With the use of analytics tools, you can easily track the success of your search marketing campaigns and adjust your strategies accordingly to improve your results.

Ultimately, a holistic approach to digital marketing is often the most effective. By combining search marketing with social media marketing and other digital strategies, you can maximize your online presence and reach your target audience through multiple channels. In the next section, we’ll explore the benefits of social media marketing and how it can complement your search marketing efforts.

Search vs. Social Marketing Masterclass


We’ll dive into everything from the definition to benefits and which one is right for your service-based business


The Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is an effective way to create brand awareness, engage with your target audience, and ultimately drive conversions. One of the main benefits of social media marketing is that it allows you to reach a large and diverse audience without the need for a large advertising budget. Through social media platforms, you can engage with your audience through various media formats such as video, images, and written content. Furthermore, social media allows you to target your audience based on various demographics, interests, and behaviors. This allows you to tailor your content to specific groups of people, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

Social media marketing also offers the opportunity for user-generated content, which can help build brand loyalty and trust. By encouraging your audience to share their experiences with your brand, you can create a community around your products or services, further increasing engagement and conversions.

In addition, social media marketing can complement your search marketing efforts by increasing your online presence and driving more traffic to your website. By sharing links to your website on social media, you can increase your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Overall, social media marketing is a valuable tool for any digital marketing strategy. When used in conjunction with search marketing and other digital tactics, it can help maximize your online presence and ultimately drive more conversions. In the next section, we will explore which strategy to prioritize based on your business goals.

Which Strategy Should You Prioritize?

That’s really a trick question because in my opinion (and experience working with clients and for my own content) both search marketing and social media marketing have their unique benefits and are effective.

So, select 1 search marketing platform like Pinterest and 1 social media marketing platform like Instagram.  You can select more than one but at least one of each to get the benefits of both platforms.  

The client journey these days is a person is looking for help and searches Google, Youtube, or Pinterest.  They see your information, go to your content and think it’s good.  Then they find you on a social media platform like Instagram to learn more about you and how you educate.  This builds that know like and trust and over time, they will reach out to you to connect.  

But, this can often lead to businesses thinking that Instagram is responsible for driving traffic when they actually found you on Pinterest, youtube, or your blog but when you ask them how they found you, they say Instagram because that’s the place when they finally decided to connect.  

The solve this problem and really know where they found you, ask a clarifying question or two. My favorite is “Did you get referred to me or did you use a hashtag to find my content?” This is great because you want to thank people that refer you and knowing which hashtags people are searching helps you to better use them on social media.  

Oftentimes (for me it’s 80% of the time), people will pause and think and say, “Oh – actually I found you from Google or Pinterest”. Asking clarifying questions enables us to not give so much credit to Instagram when it was your search marketing efforts that hooked them in to find out more.

A holistic approach that combines both search marketing and social media marketing can help maximize your ROI. By leveraging the strengths of each strategy and using them in conjunction with other digital tactics such as email marketing and content marketing, you can create a comprehensive and effective digital marketing plan. In the next section, we’ll dive into the details of how to execute a holistic approach to drive the best results for your business.

search vs social media marketing by Jen Vazquez Media

Maximizing ROI with a Holistic Approach

To truly maximize your ROI, it’s important to take a holistic approach that combines search marketing and social media marketing. These two strategies can work together to create a comprehensive digital marketing plan that leverages the strengths of each.

One way to do this is to use search marketing to inform your social media strategy. By identifying the keywords that your target audience is searching for, you can create content that speaks directly to their needs and interests. This can help you build a loyal following on social media and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

Combining social media to enable people to find out more about you as a brand, what you believe in, and how you educate, will encourage or entice them to engage with your content and get a conversation going and encourage them to convert to leads and even clients.

To really make the most of a holistic digital marketing approach, it’s also important to incorporate other tactics such as email marketing and blogs to keep that know, like, and trust growing and ultimately book more clients. 

quote content is fire, social media is gasoline. jay baer -- for search vs social marketing by Jen Vazquez Media


In conclusion, there is no debate! It takes a combination of search marketing and social media marketing to grow your business. While search marketing offers benefits like increased visibility and conversions, social media marketing provides a more personalized and engaging approach to building brand awareness. 

The key to maximizing your ROI is by adopting a holistic approach that incorporates both strategies, alongside other digital marketing tactics. As you navigate the world of digital marketing, keep in mind this quote by marketing expert Jay Baer: “Content is fire, social media is gasoline.” By creating great content and then leveraging social media and search engines to amplify it, you can effectively reach and engage your target audience. Don’t forget to track your progress and continually refine your strategy to achieve even greater success.

Here is more information that may be helpful!

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search marketing vs social media marketing by Jen Vazquez Media
search marketing vs social media marketing by Jen Vazquez Media
search marketing vs social media marketing by Jen Vazquez Media
search marketing vs social media marketing by Jen Vazquez Media